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2.1 General
Miggytrac 2000 is a welding carriage designed for horizontal MIG/MAG welding of
plates and beams.
The carriage is powered by an electric motor and is prepared for connection to the
remote control socket on the ESAB wire feed unit MEK 4 (23--pin Burndy).
By the connection of a special cable kit to the wire feed unit, the power supply
(42VAC), the start/stop functions of the arc and the co ntrol of voltage and current will
take place over the same cable and the same connection.
The four driving wheels together with a powerful permanent magnet integrated in the
chassis of the carriage guarantee smooth an r egular operation. The m agnet keeps
the carriage in the r ight position on the plate even in the case of welding on bent
plates, or if a long hose bundle is used.
The carriage follows the joint by means of two guide wheels, one at each end of the
carriage. T he wheels are adjusted in such a way as to make the carriage travel
diagonally towards the flange or stiffener to be welded. The permanent magnet can
be disconnected using a hand wheel on the welding carriage in case the carriage is
to be cleaned or displaced without welding. The magnet is activated with the same
hand wheel.
Miggytrac 2000 is provided with digital control electronics for the programming of
the welding speed in cm/minute. For intermittent welding the length of the beads and
the distance between them can be programmed in cm (1--99 cm).
For optimal efficiency the distance between the beads is run at transport speed (250
cm/min). If wire feed units without craterfill function are used, the so--called backfill
function can be programmed. This means that the carriage goes backwards the
selected number of mm in order to fill the crater formed at the end of the bead.