cost of external control equipment. For example these can
be used to program the frequency converter to operate
according to one control scheme in one set-up (for
example, motor 1 for horizontal movement) and another
control scheme in another set-up (for example, motor 2 for
vertical movement). Alternatively, they can be used by an
OEM machine builder to identically program all their
factory fitted frequency converters for different machine
types within a range to have the same parameters and
then during production/commissioning simply select a
specific set-up depending on which machine the frequency
converter is installed on.
The active set-up (that is, the set-up in which the
frequency converter is currently operating) can be selected
in 0-10 Active Set-up and is displayed in the LCP. By
selecting Multi set-up, it is possible to switch between set-
ups with the frequency converter running or stopped, via
digital input or serial communication commands. If it is
necessary to change set-ups while running, ensure that
parameter 0-12 Link Setups is set as required. By selecting
parameter 0-11 Programming Set-up, it is possible to edit
parameters within any of the set-ups while continuing the
frequency converter operation in its active set-up, which
can be a different set-up to that being edited. By selecting
parameter 0-51 Set-up Copy, it is possible to copy
parameter settings between the set-ups to enable quicker
commissioning if similar parameter settings are required in
different set-ups.
0-10 Active Set-up
Option: Function:
Select the set-up in which the frequency converter
is to operate. Select parameter 0-51 Set-up Copy to
copy a set-up to 1 or all set-ups. To avoid
conflicting settings of the same parameter within
2 different set-ups, link the set-ups together in
parameter 0-12 Link Setups. Stop the frequency
converter before switching between set-ups where
the parameters marked Not changeable during
operation have different values. Parameters which
are Not changeable during operation are marked
FALSE in the parameter lists in
chapter 5 Parameter Lists.
[1] * Set-up
Set-up 1 is active.
[2] Set-up
Set-up 2 is active.
[9] Multi
Is used for remote selection of set-ups using
digital inputs and the serial communication port.
This set-up uses the settings from
parameter 0-12 Link Setups.
0-11 Programming Set-up
Option: Function:
Select the set-up to be programmed during
operation; either the active set-up or the
inactive set-up. The set-up number being
edited flashes in the LCP.
[1] Set-up 1
[1] Set-up 1 to [2] Set-up 2 can be edited freely
during operation, independently of the active
[2] Set-up 2
[9] * Active
The set-up in which the frequency conveter is
operating can also be edited during operation.
0-12 Link Setups
Option: Function:
The link ensures synchronising of the Not
changeable during operation parameter values
enabling shift from 1 set-up to another during
If the set-ups are not linked, a change between
them is not possible while the motor is running.
Thus the set-up change does not occur until the
motor is coasted.
[0] Not
Leaves parameters unchanged in both set-ups
and cannot be changed while the motor runs.
[20] * Linked
Copies Not changeable during operation
parameters from 1 set-up to the other, so they
are identical in both set-ups.
0-16 Application Selection
Option: Function:
[0] * None
[1] Simple Process Closed Loop
[2] Local/Remote
[3] Speed Open Loop
[4] Simple Speed Closed Loop
[5] Multi Speed
[6] OGD Function
0-20 Display Line 1.1 Small
Option: Function:
[37] Display Text 1
[38] Display Text 2
[39] Display Text 3
[748] PCD Feed Forward
[953] Profibus Warning Word
[1501] Running Hours
[1502] kWh Counter
[1600] Control Word
[1601] Reference [Unit]
[1602] * Reference [%]
[1603] Status Word
Parameter Descriptions
AutomationDrive FC 360
18 Danfoss A/S © 11/2014 All rights reserved. MG06C502