• How to congure Kaa to use ACLs and set up SSL encrypon for said clients
What Is Kaa?
Kaa is an event-streaming plaorm that allows real-me capture of data sent from various event
sources (sensors, databases, mobile devices) in the form of event streams, as well as durable storing of
these event streams for later retrieval and manipulaon.
With Kaa it is possible to manage the event streaming end-to-end in a distributed, highly scalable,
elasc, fault-tolerant, and secure manner.
NOTE: Kaa can be congured in many dierent ways and was designed for scalability and
redundant systems. This document focuses only on how to congure it to make use of the
Streaming API feature found in Paragon Acve Assurance Control Center. For more advanced
setups we refer to the ocial Kaa documentaon: kaa.apache.org/26/documentaon.html.
•Kaa: Event-streaming plaorm.
•Kaa topic: Collecon of events.
•Kaa subscriber/consumer: Component responsible for retrieval of events stored in a Kaa topic.
•Kaa broker: Storage layer server of a Kaa cluster.
•SSL/TLS: SSL is a secure protocol developed for sending informaon securely over the Internet. TLS
is the successor of SSL, introduced in 1999.
•SASL: Framework that provides mechanisms for user authencaon, data integrity checking, and
•Streaming API subscriber: Component responsible for retrieval of events stored in topics dened in
Paragon Acve Assurance and meant for external access.
•Cercate Authority: A trusted enty that issues and revokes public key cercates.
•Cercate Authority root cercate: Public key cercate that idenes a Cercate Authority.
How the Streaming API Works
As previously menoned, the Streaming API allows external clients to retrieve informaon about metrics
from Kaa.