the Junos OS template, ipv4-template, aligns with the Paragon Insights template hb-ipfix-ipv4-template. To
view the elds used in the Junos OS templates, see Understanding Inline Acve Flow Monitoring.
NOTE: In the current ingest implementaon for NetFlow, the following eld types are not
• Fields for enterprise specic elements
• Variable length elds
NetFlow Ingest Processing
The raw ow data that Paragon Insights receives is in binary format and unreadable. In order to make
this data usable, Paragon Insights processes the incoming ow data as follows:
• Paragon Insights listens for incoming ow data on a congured port
• Since NetFlow messages don’t include a eld that idenes the sending device, Paragon Insights uses
the congured source IP address to derive a device ID
• Templates idenfy and decode incoming ow data to determine which elds it contains
The resulng decoded and normalized data is now in a readable and usable format. Here is an
example of ow data decoded using the hb-ipx-ipv4-template template:
hb-ipfix-ipv4-template, destinationIPv4Address=, destinationTransportPort=443,
icmpTypeCodeIPv4=0,ingressInterface=1113, ipClassOfService=0,protocolIdentifier=6,
bgpDestinationAsNumber=4200000000i,bgpSourceAsNumber=65000i, destinationIPv4PrefixLength=24i,
dot1qCustomerVlanId=0i,dot1qVlanId=0i,egressInterface=1041i, flowEndMilliseconds=1483484591502u,
flowEndReason=2i,flowStartMilliseconds=1483484577531u, ipNextHopIPv4Address="",
maximumTTL=120i,minimumTTL=120i,octetDeltaCount=188i, packetDeltaCount=4i,sourceIPv4PrefixLength=19i,
tcpControlBits=16i,vlanId=0i 1483484642000000000
The data shows informaon from the NetFlow messages using naming according to IPFIX
Informaon Elements. For example, desnaonIPv4Address maps to element ID 12 in the elements
• Paragon Insights then performs further tagging, normalizaon, and aggregaon as dened in the
corresponding rule by the user.
• Finally, the me-series database, TSDB receives the data. This is where things like trigger evaluaon