With increasing data trac generated by cloud-nave applicaons and emerging technologies, service
providers and enterprises need a network analycs soluon to analyze volumes of telemetry data, oer
insights into overall network health, and produce aconable intelligence. While although telemetry-
based techniques have existed for years, the growing number of protocols, data formats, and KPIs from
diverse networking devices has made data analysis complex and costly. Tradional CLI-based interfaces
require specialized skills to extract business value from telemetry data, creang a barrier to entry for
network analycs
How Paragon Insights Health Monitoring Helps
By aggregang and correlang raw telemetry data from mulple sources, the Paragon Insights Health
Monitoring component provides a muldimensional view of network health that reports current status,
as well as projected threats to the network infrastructure and its workloads.
Health status determinaon is ghtly integrated with the Paragon Insights RCA component, which can
make use of system log data received from the network and its devices. Paragon Insights Health
Monitoring provides status indicators that alert you when a network resource is currently operang
outside a user-dened performance policy. Paragon Insights Health Monitoring does a risk analysis using
historical trends and predicts whether a resource may be unhealthy in the future. Paragon Insights
Health Monitoring not only oers a fully customizable view of the current health of network elements,
but also automacally iniates remedial acons based on predened service level agreements (SLAs).
Dening the health of a network element, such as broadband network gateway (BNG), provider edge
(PE), core, and leaf-spine, is highly contextual. Each element plays a dierent role in a network, with
unique KPIs to monitor. Given that there is no single denion for network health across all use cases,
Paragon Insights provides a highly customizable framework to allow you to dene your own health
Paragon Insights Root Cause Analysis
The Challenge
For some network issues, it can be challenging for network operators to gure out what caused a
networking device to stop working properly. In such cases, an operator must call on a specialist (with
knowledge built from years of experience) to troubleshoot the problem and nd the root cause.
How Paragon Insights RCA Helps
The Paragon Insights RCA component simplies the process of nding the root cause of a network issue.
Paragon Insights’s RCA captures the troubleshoong knowledge of specialists and has a knowledge base
in the form of Paragon Insights rules. These rules are evaluated either on demand by a specic trigger or
periodically in the background to ascertain the health of a networking component, such as roung
protocol, system, interface, or chassis, on the device.
To illustrate the benets of Paragon Insights RCA, let us consider the problem of OSPF apping. Figure 1
on page 4 highlights the workow sequence involved in debugging OSPF apping. A network