Connecting to controllers
The System Design Studio can connect and communicate with controllers in many ways. To understand
the different methods of connecting to a controller, a few terms and concepts need to be reviewed.
OpenBAS controllers are commonly configured to communicate with each other using the Optomux,
Modbus or BACnet protocols over an RS485 fieldbus. The Optomux protocol (like many others) uses a
master slave communication model where one controller is identified as the master controller, and all
other controllers connected to the fieldbus are identified as slave controllers. The master controller
initiates all communication, and the slave controllers respond to requests from the master controller.
Many connection methods involve using the master controller to relay messages to one of its slave
controllers, as well as relay the slave controller’s responses back to the System Design Studio.
• General requirements
o Connecting through a master to a slave (IP connection method 2, USB connection
method 2) requires the slave to be ‘online’ with at least one remote point configured on
the master controller pointing to the address of the respective slave.
• IP connection method 1 does not require any remote points to be configured.
o Connecting through a master and through one of its slave controllers to a “slave-of-
slave” controller (IP connection method 3,5, and USB connection method 3) requires:
• the “slave-of-slave” controller to be ‘online’ with at least one remote point
configured on the main master controller pointing to its address.
• the “slave-of-slave” controller to be ‘online’ with at least one remote point
configured on the “middle” controller pointing to its address.
• COM1/2 bridging on the “middle” controller must be set up for the address of
the “slave-of-slave” (see Configuring fieldbus and communication settings).
• The main master controller’s COM2 needs to be connected to the “middle”
controller’s COM1 and the middle controllers COM2 needs to be connected to
any COM port on the “slave-of-slave” controller.
• Connecting to controllers over IP:
o Requirements:
1. PC must be on same network as controller.
1. Port forwarding and dynamic DNS domains are supported.
2. The IP address of the respective OpenBAS-NWK-ETH3 is needed.
1. See LT-6630 for help determining the OpenBAS-NWK-ETH3’s IP address.
3. Connecting through an OpenBAS-NWK-ETH3’s SPI port to an NX10 series
controller, OpenBAS-HV-LEARN, or slaves to any of these controllers requires
that the SPI port is enabled on the OpenBAS-NWK-ETH3 (disabled by default).
To enable, follow the steps below to connect directly to an OpenBAS-NWK-
ETH3, right click the connection in the side panel and then click “Enable SPI”. If
“Disable SPI” is displayed, then the SPI port is already enabled.