Tascam DV-RA1000HD Product information

  • Hello! I've analyzed the datasheet for the TASCAM DV-RA1000HD audio recorder. This device offers high-definition audio recording with support for various formats including DSD, and can record directly to an internal hard drive, DVD or CD media. It also has a lot of inputs and outputs. I'm ready to answer any questions you may have about its features and functions.
  • What recording formats does the DV-RA1000HD support?
    What media types can the DV-RA1000HD record to?
    Can the DV-RA1000HD copy audio files?
    What kind of inputs and outputs does the DV-RA1000HD have?
High-quality stereo recording at up
192kHz/24-bit or DSD format
Records audio data directly to internal Hard
Disk Drive
Records Broadcast Wave and DSDIF F files to
DVD±RW media (computer-readable UDF 1.5
disk format)
Records directly to CD-R/RW media (standard
CD-DA format)
Copies audio files between optical discs and
the Hard Disk Driv e
Copies audio data from HDD to DVD±R for
archiving purposes
DVD+RW recordings fully compatible with DV-
RA1000 and vice-versa
Multiband compression and 3-band EQ for
master processing
Fade in/out and editing functions
USB 2.0 port
Balanced XLR and unbalanced RCA I/O
Balanced AES/EBU inputs and outputs
SDIF-3 DSD I/O for external conversion and
processing of DSD audio
Dedicated input lev el soft control
Adjustable maximum output level
±6% pitch control
Word Sync In, Out, Thru
Wired remote control and
RS-232C serial port
PS/2 keyboard connector
User-definable function keys
Large, backlit LC display
Power-on Play feature
Auto track increment
Various play back modes including auto cue,
auto ready and A/B play
Headphone output
Master Recording
Live Recording
Sound Installations
High-Definition Audio/DSD Master Recorder
The DV-RA1000HD is an extended version of the DV-RA1000 Master Recorder with an internal hard
disk drive and powerful copy functions. It records high-definition audio at up to 192kHz/24bit to
DVD+RW or DVD-RW media or hard disk and is able to create standard audio C Ds (16-bit/44.1kHz) on
C D-R and C D-RW discs. It also features the DSD format, which is the basis for the audiophile Super
Audio C D (SAC D), as an available recording format. With the DSD method, audio is being directly
recorded as a high-resolution, uncompressed digital signal to reproduce the original analogue
waveform in excellent quality.
The DV-RA1000HD’s copy functions enable users to copy audio files from C D/DVD±RW to the hard
disk and vice versa. For archiving purposes, audio data can also be written to DVD-R and DVD+R
media. The UDF 1.5 format for DVDs ensures compatibility with computer drives.
Like the DV-RA1000, the DV-RA1000HD features professional inputs and outputs including AES/EBU,
SDIF-3, RS-232C , USB 2.0 and a computer keyboard connector for text input.User-definable function
keys, a large, backlit LC display, Pitch C ontrol 6%), headphones output and a host of other playback
and recording functions make the DV-RA1000HD a versatile world-class recorder.
Main Features
Analogue inputs and outputs
Ba lanced inputs 3-pin XLR fe m a le x 2 (1: GND, 2: Ho t, 3: C o ld)
Input im pe dance >10 k O hm @ 1k Hz
Nom ina l input level +6 dBu (at m ax . +15 dBu)
+4 dBu (at all o ther levels)
Max im um input level +15dBu, +18dBu, +20dBu, +22dBu, +24dBu (switchable)
Unba lanced inputs Unba la nce d RC A pin jack s x 2
Input im pe dance >10 k O hm @ 1k Hz
Nom ina l input level 10dBV
Max im um input level +6dBV
Ba lanced outputs 3-pin XLR m ale x 2 (1: GND, 2: Ho t, 3: C o ld)
O utput im peda nce 220 Ohm
Nom ina l output leve l +6 dBu (at m ax . +15 dBu)
+4 dBu (at all o ther levels)
Max im um output le ve l +15dBu, +18dBu, +20dBu, +22dBu, +24dBu (switchable)
Unba lanced outputs Unba la nce d RC A pin jack s x 2
O utput im peda nce 220 Ohm
Nom ina l output leve l 10dBV
Max im um output le ve l +6dBV
Phones o utput (stere o) 6.3-m m stere o jack (T = L, R = R , S = GND) x 1
Max output power 80 m W + 80 m W (30 O hm )
Digital inputs and outputs
PC M inputs (XLR ) 3-pin XLR fe m a le x 2 (1: GND, 2: Ho t, 3: C o ld)
Signal type IEC-60958-4, AES-3-1992
Input freque ncie s (k Hz) 44.1/48, 88.2/96 (double-spe e d o r double-wire),
176.4/192 (do uble-spe ed + do uble -wire ) all ±6%
Data fo rm a t 16-bit (44.1k Hz, CD-DA), 24-bit (P CM recording to
Input im pe dance 110 O hm ±20%
Nom ina l input level 27Vpp
Minim um signa l le ve l 200m Vpp
Intrinsic jitter <0.025UI (4ns @ 48k Hz)
PC M inputs (RC A) RC A (pin) jack x 1
Signal type IEC-60958-3
Input freque ncie s (k Hz) 44.1/48, 88.2/96 (double-spe e d ), a ll ±6%
Data fo rm a t 16-bit (44.1k Hz, CD-DA), 24-bit (44.1k Hz/48k Hz,
88.2/96kHz to DVD±RW /HD)
Input im pe dance 75 O hm ±20%
Nom ina l input level 0.5Vp-p
Minim um signa l le ve l 0.2Vp-p
Intrinsic jitter <0.025UI (4 ns @ 48k Hz)
DSD inputs (BNC) BNC connectors x 2
Signal type SDIF-3 form a t / DSD-R aw
Signal level 25V (equivalent to 5V TT L)
Input im pe dance 75 O hm , ±10%
C lock synchronization Must be synchronized to 44.1kHz at W O R D SYNC IN o r use
inte rna l clo ck a t 44.1k Hz
PC M o utputs (XLR) 3-pin XLR m ale x 2 (1: GND, 2: Ho t, 3: C o ld)
Signal type IEC-60958-4, AES-3-1992
O utput frequencies (k Hz) 44.1/48, 88.2/96 (double-spe e d o r double-wire)
176.4/192 (do uble-spe ed + do uble -wire ) all ±6%
Data fo rm a t 16-bit (44.1k Hz, CD-DA), 24-bit (P CM recording to
O utput im peda nce 110 Ohm ±20%
Nom ina l output leve l 25Vpp
Intrinsic jitter <0.025UI (4 ns @ 48k Hz)
PC M o utputs (RC A) RC A (pin) jack x 1
Signal type IEC60958-3
O utput frequencies (k Hz) 44.1/48, 88.2/96 (double-spe e d ), a ll ±6%
Data fo rm a t 16-bit (44.1k Hz, CD-DA), 24-bit (44.1k Hz/48k Hz,
88.2/96kHz to DVD±RW /HD)
O utput im peda nce 75 O hm ±20%
Nom ina l output leve l 0.5Vpp (typical)
Intrinsic jitter <0.025UI (4 ns @ 48k Hz)
DSD o utputs (BNC) BNC connecto rs x 2
Signal type SDIF-3 form a t / DSD-R aw
Signal level 25 V (equivalent to 5V TTL)
O utput im peda nce 10 O hm
C lock synchronization Must be synchronized to 44.1kHz at W O R D SYNC IN o r use
inte rna l clo ck
Other inputs and outputs
Input volta ge 5V TTL e quivalent
Input im pe dance 75 O hm ±10%, with T HR U autom atically engage d
Input volta ge 5V TTL e quivalent
Input im pe dance <10 O hm
Sam pling fre que ncies (k Hz) 44.1, 48, 88.2, 96, 176.4, 192 (P CM) / 44.1 (DSD)
O utput vo ltage 5V TTL e quivalent
O utput im peda nce <10 O hm
USB 2.0 USB 2.0 Hi-spee d Fem ale B-type connecto r fo r conne ction
to pe rsona l com pute r
CO NTRO L I/O (se rial) conne ctor D-sub, 9-pin fe m ale
C o ntrol protocol TASC AM optical disc control protocol
C o m m unication protocol RS-232C
REMO T E IN (from R C-R A1000) 2.5-m m stere o m ini-ja ck
KEYBOARD Standard PS/2 m ini-DIN conne ctor
C o m pa tibility 101-k ey (US) ke ybo ard or 106-ke y (Japa ne se ) PS/2
ke ybo ard
Audio performance
The se figures a ll m ea sure a nalog-to -analog perform a nce.
Freque ncy response, All m odes 20 Hz 20k Hz (±0.5dB)
Fs = 88.2/96k Hz 40k Hz 1dB (±1dB)
Fs = 176.4/192k Hz 70k Hz 3dB (+1dB/2dB)
DSD m ode 50k Hz 3dB (±1dB)
Tota l Harm o nic Distortion (inputs a t m axim um le ve l)
PC M, DSD <0.004 % (f = 1k Hz, AES-17 LPF)
Signal-to-noise ra tio (typica l)
ADC 110dB(A)
(AES-17 LP F, DVD recording)
DAC 120dB(A)
(AES-17 LP F, DVD recording)
Crossta lk >97dB
(f = 1k Hz, AES-17 LPF, DVD±RW /HDD recording)
Click noise <0dB = 16dBFS
Difference be twe e n cha nne l le ve ls <1.0dB, 1k Hz, 0dBFS
Physical and other specifications
Vo ltage requirem ents
Ja pan/USA/C a nada 100120 VAC , 50/60 Hz
U.K./Europe 220240 VAC , 50 Hz
Austra lia 240 VAC , 50 Hz
Gene ral ex port 120/230 VAC , 60 Hz
Powe r consum ption 34 W
Dim ensio ns (W x H x D) 483m m x 95m m x 357m m
W eight 6.8 k g (ex cluding re m o te control unit)
O perating te m pe rature 5 °C to 35 °C
Design and specifications subject to change without notice.
Last modified: 2010-10-07 14:39:19 UTC