Important PA-2 and InterTrust Information
MusicMatch software includes InterTrust (DigiBox) security for protected files.
Effective January 2002, InterTrust no longer supports this security. The following
message can appear when MusicMatch is used to download content to the PA-2:
When you see the dialog box shown above, click the No button twice.
The InterTrust (InterRights Point) software needs to be removed from your
system to avoid these messages from coming up in the future. This can be
achieved simply by following these instructions:
1. Click the Start button on the Windows desktop.
2. Select Programs (All Programs in Windows XP).
3. Select InterTrust.
4. Select InterRights Point.
5. Select Uninstall InterRights Point.
6. Answer Yes to the prompt to remove InterTrust InterRights Point and all its
7. Select OK when warned the “Intertrust Music Pack Manager” will be
8. Select Yes to A l l when prompted “Are you sure you want to remove the
shared file?”
9. Select Yes to confirm you have chosen to remove all shared components
which the system indicates are no longer being used.
10. When Uninstall is complete, press OK to close the window.
The InterRights Point Icon will be removed from the lower right corner of your
screen and the issue will be resolved.
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286866-001.fm Page 1 Friday, March 22, 2002 10:05 AM