Serial and Parallel Interface Ports
rallel port on the back panel. These
arallel Interface Port: P
he parallel port on your system has a 25-pin, DB2 ector and is used to interface with parallel
rinters and other devices using a para ace.
he Serial Interface: COM
he serial interface port is sometimes referred to as an R port nchronous
mmunication port. Mice, printers, modems and other peripheral to a
rial port.
ound1/ Sound2
his mainboard comes equipped with six Audio Ports. The three ports, Mic-in, Line-in and Front
peaker-out are standard audio ports c t rround
und ports are disabled until you install the 7.1 Ch
annel (eight speaker) sound funct th e hannel
udio effect, the three additional au added to e F ort,
ront Speaker-Out Connects to standard audio This port becomes the front speakers
hen 7.1 Channel Audio Effects driver is installed and enabled. Also note that this port provides the
g it suitable for headphones and speakers without power cables.
rt represents the surround sound back speakers and is
and is only functional
The mainboard comes equipped with one serial port and one pa
interface ports will be explained below.
5 conn
llel interf
T 1
T S-232 or an asy
devices can be connected
Audio Port Connectors: S
S that provides basic audio fun
annel Audio Eff
ects driv
y. The other three su
er which provide eight so
ch ionality. After you install ese driv rs and setup 7.1 c
A dio ports are enabled and th ront Speaker-out p
giving you a total of four ports supporting two speakers each.
F speakers.
most amperage of all the ports makin
Line In Connects to an external audio player, device such as a CD tape player or other audio
devices that provide audio out.
Mic In Connects to a microphone.
Surround Back Speaker-out This po
only functional when the 7.1 Channel Audio Effects driver is installed and enabled.
Surround Speaker-out This port represents an auxiliary port and is only functional when 7.1
Channel Audio Effects driver is installed and enabled.
Center/Subwoofer This port represents the Center/Subwoofer speakers
when the 7.1 Channel Audio Effects driver is installed and enabled.
Print Port
Front Speaker-outCenter(L)/ Subwoofer(R) Speaker-out
ker-outSurround Spea
Surround Back Speaker-out
This mainboard supports 7.1 Channel Audio effects. See
appendix II for more information.