Click the right button to choose a parameter to be set. The following items will be
displayed: Minutes Hours Month Day Year,
When you press the right button, minutes will start flashing on the screen.
Select a proper value for minutes by pressing the left button,
Then, set next values in the same way as you did in the case of minutes.
LED Clock settings
The clock to the LED mirror was equipped with two buttons that serve for its handling.
First, press the left button,
Then, using the right button, choose the mode in which the time is supposed to be
displayed (12H or 24H),
In the end, accept the settings pressing the left button once again.
1. Setting the 12- or 24-hrs mode:
The clock is programmed to show the date and time alternatively. However, it is possible
to activate the only-date or only-time display function. To do so, you only need to press
the left button and hold it for 2 seconds. Press the left button once again to switch one
function to another as you please.
3. Setting of display of only one value - time or data:
2. Date and time settings: