HALion Symphonic Orchestra
• You can also simply copy the desired content files from the DVDs to a
location on your hard disk. In this case, however, you MUST use the
Locate Content function to show HALion Symphonic Orchestra
where to find the audio files.
Activating the Steinberg Key
Your Steinberg Key does not yet contain the license required for HALion
Symphonic Orchestra. You must download this license before you can
launch HALion Symphonic Orchestra!
Use the activation code supplied with the program in order to down-
load the valid HALion Symphonic Orchestra license to your Steinberg
Key. This process is the same both for existing and new keys. Proceed
as follows:
1. After installation, make sure that your Steinberg Key is plugged into
the USB port(on a Windows PC, you may have to restart your com-
puter first).
If you are unsure of which port this is, consult the documentation of your computer.
2. If this is the first time a copy protection device is plugged in, it will be
registered as a new hardware device. On a Mac, drivers are found au-
tomatically without further user interaction. Windows may display a di-
alog asking you whether you would like to find drivers for the device
manually or automatically.
Under Windows, choose to find drivers automatically. The dialog closes, and you may
have to reboot your computer.
3. Make sure that your computer has a working internet connection.
License download is made “online”. If the computer on which you installed HALion
Symphonic Orchestra is not connected to the internet, it is possible to use another
computer for the online connection – proceed with the steps below and see the help
for the License Control Center application.
4. Launch the “License Control Center” application (found in the Windows
Start menu under “Syncrosoft” or in the Macintosh Applications folder).
This application allows you to view your Steinberg Keys and load or transfer licenses.