Emission and Immunity tests
Emission and Immunity tests
Emissions CISPR 11, Group 1, Class B
Immunity to electrostatic discharge Conduction up to +/-8 kV
Air discharge up to +/- 15 kV
Immunity to power magnetic fields 30 A/m, 50/60 Hz
Immunity to RF fields 80 MHz – 2.7 GHz, 10 V/m
2.7 GHz – 6 GHz, 3 V/m
Proximity to wireless communication
devices Up to 28 V/m
See IEC 60601-1-2:2014/AMD1:2020,
Table 9
Proximity to magnetic fields 8 A/m@30 kHz
65 A/m@134.2 kHz
7.5 A/m@13.56 MHz