Page Break Preview, 55
page breaks
about, 55
views, 351
page margins, set, 246–247
Page Setup dialog box, 42, 56
Page tab, 56
freeze, 218
unfreeze, 219
passwords, assign workbook, 296–299
copy attributes, 266–267
data, 160–161
Paste Special command, 266–267
Paste button, 57
Paste command, 20, 57
Paste Special command, 266–267
Paste Special dialog box, 48
Patterns tab, 31
Percent Style, 18, 57
Picture toolbar, 60
about, 59
crop, 268–269
format, 270–271
insert files, 272–273
pie charts, 14, 389
PivotChart Report, 61
PivotTable Wizard, 61
about, 61
change fields, 280
change summary function, 281
change to PivotChart, 279
create, 274–277
refresh data, 281
remove blank cells, 278
remove error messages, 278
update, 280–281
plotting charts, 388
PNG files, 59
positioning of data in cells, 3
Powerpoint, 194
preset formatting, AutoFormat, 108–109
page breaks, print, 287
Web pages, print, 288
worksheets, print, 289
about, 62
add footers, 282–283
add headers, 282–283
change page orientation, 284
column headings, 291
columns, 291
define print area, 285
insert page break, 286
preview page breaks, 287
preview Web pages, 288
preview worksheets, 289
row headings, 291
set options, 292–293
workbooks, 290
worksheets, 290
Print button, 62
Print dialog box, 62
Print Preview, 63
Print Preview button, 63
problems, formulas, 393
program windows, customize, 154–155
properties, assign file, 294–295
Properties dialog box, 64
assign workbook password, 296–299
worksheets, 382–383
Quattro Pro, 30
Quick Borders, 114
Quick indent, 234
quick sort, 324
radar charts, 389
about, 65
cells, 13
go to, 301
Name box, 51
naming, 300
select, 320
Record Macro dialog box, 49, 242–243
rectangles, Drawing toolbar, 27
Recycle Bin, 387
Redo button, 82
Redo command, 82, 349
reference cells
formulas, 393
from other worksheets, 217
refresh data, PivotTables, 281
Reject Changes dialog box, 67
relative references, formulas, 213, 393
add-ins, 91
blank cells, PivotTables, 278
data validation, 167
error messages, PivotTables, 278
Taskbar, 382
Remove Precedents button, 100
Remove Split command, 73
reopen task panes, 333
replace data, Find tool, 199
Replace tool
about, 32
replace data, 199
Research task pane, 66, 302–303
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