Outdoor LED Display Solution
TThhee CChhaalllleennggee
• To install over 500 square meters of ILITE and DLITE display at
Reliant Park Stadium, the brand-new stadium that will host
the 2004 Superbowl. The displays measure 250 square
meters each and are located at both ends of the field.
• Four additional, smaller displays were also installed at
various indoor locations throughout the complex.
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TThhee BBaarrccoo SSoolluuttiioonn
• Guided by a dedicated project management team, Barco
used a team of four engineers and highly trained technicians
to install the various displays in less than 9 weeks.
• Leroy Shafer, Rodeo Houston, Assistant General Manager
Marketing & Presentations, stated: “The entire Reliant Park is
being designed and built to accommodate the latest in
audio-visual technology. From the smallest to the most
visible components, we are looking for quality, efficiency and
reliability in every piece of equipment. We are extremely
pleased to have Barco join us in this quest for excellence.”