Slimdrive SL-RD
Smoke switch control unit RSZ 6
2.2 Smoke alarm or mains failure
àIn the event of a smoke alarm or power failure the door is closed by a motor. A heat resistant rubber cord, ef-
fective even when the door is in the closed position, assists the closing.
àThe smoke integrity is ensured by wear-resistant, endurance-tested silicone or EPDM seals. Proper connection
of the door to the approved types of wall construction (see test certicate) is assumed.
àIn case of an alarm, the door is not locked.
àIn the event of a smoke alarm or power failure the KA and KI inputs have no function.
àError display 08 at the DPS, remains saved in the error memory even after the smoke alarm is cancelled.
àThe operating mode can no longer be changed.
àIf a safety sensor operates Close, the door does not reverse in the open position, but instead continues closing;
but at reduced speed (0.2 m/s).
àIf there is a re alarm and an obstruction is detected on closing the door, the door opens and then immedi-
ately closes again.
àIf there is a power failure and an obstruction is detected on closing the door, the control maintains the closing
force until the obstruction is moved out of the passage area and then continues closing.
àIf KB is activated, the door opens and then immediately closes again, even if the entrance is to remain per-
manently active. This emergency opening is also possible at least twice in the event of a power failure and is
operated by a rechargeable battery.
àIf the smoke detectors are no longer active the smoke alarm must be acknowledged:
àDPS: Press ls button
3 Smoke switch control unit RSZ 6
àGEZE smoke control unit RSZ 6, stainless steel, mat. no. 099856
àGEZE smoke control unit RSZ 6, RAL 9016, mat. no. 099858
àGEZE smoke control unit RSZ 6, dark bronze, mat. no. 099857
àGEZE smoke control unit RSZ 6, acc. to RAL, mat. no. 099859
àGEZE smoke control unit RSZ 6, silver-coloured, mat. no. 099851
XHeed the installation instructions for RSZ 6.
General ocial building approval RSZ 6: Z-6.5-1755
The 24V supply at the HOD output is switched o in the case of alarm or power failure.
Smoke switch control unit RSZ 6
1 RSZ output "external hold-open mechanism"
2 Smoke alarm