STEP 3 - Set Up Your CenturyLink Account
Need Help?
You must complete this step to activate your
CenturyLink account.
Launch Internet Explorer. On your rst attempt to access the Internet, the browser should redirect to the
CenturyLink site http://install.centurylink.net. If it does not, type this address in the browser’s address bar
and hit enter.
The CenturyLink™ activation process will now guide you through:
• Verifying your high-speed Internet phone number
• Accepting the Terms and Conditions
• Demonstration of Filter Use (residential only)
• Installation of a CenturyLink Help troubleshooting tool (residential only)
• Creation of a CenturyLink online account
When should I start my installation?
CenturyLink recommends that you install the high-speed service after 7pm on your due date negotiated
when you placed your order. If you are unable to connect your service after 7pm on your due date, please
call CenturyLink support. See contact information on back of booklet.
What should I do if I am hearing static on my voice line?
Please check that a lter is installed on every phone or fax line. If you did not receive lters in your kit or
require extras, please contact technical support to have lters shipped to you. See contact information on
back of booklet.
What can I do before calling CenturyLink™ technical support?
Often Internet connection issues can be resolved by turning OFF the router/gateway and computer, then
turning them back ON. If you are using a router for home networking, include the router when turning
OFF and ON the modem and computer.
How do I disable dialup?
If you are unable to connect to the Internet because of a previous dial up connection, follow these instruc-
tions for disabling your Windows dial up settings.
Step A
Open Internet options by clicking:
1. Start
2. Control Panel
3. Network and Internet Connections or Inter-
net options in Windows 7, Vista or XP.
4. Click on the Connections tab.
Step B
Under connections, highlight any of the dial up
connections and hit ‘Remove.’ Repeat this step
for all dial-up connections.
Step C
Once all the dial-up connections are removed,
click “OK” to close the Internet Options win-
Step D
You should now be able to connect to the
Internet. The screen on the previous page
will be displayed, and you will start the
CenturyLink™ activation process.
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