1. General Presentation
This Manual presents all the Robotiq products and their associated license. The license types depend on the Robotiq products or
applications and contain their own nodes. The license types are:
lFT Sensor license
lForce Copilot license
lMachine Tending Copilot license
lMaterial Handling Copilot license
lFinishing Copilot license
The terms ''Sensor'', ''Robotiq Sensor'', '' Force Torque Sensor'', '' Force Sensor'', used in the following manual refer to the
Robotiq FT300-S Force Torque Sensor unless specified. The Robotiq FT 300-S Force Torque Sensor is a robotic peripheral
designed for force and torque data acquisition.
The terms ''Force Copilot'', ''Finishing Copilot'', ''Material Handling Copilot'' and ''Machine Tending Copilot'' used in the
following manual refer to a Robotiq Copilot license unless otherwise specified. Those Robotiq software packages are designed for
using the force and torque values read by a force torque sensor in the framework of robotic applications. The software interface
provides force and torque feedback that can be used for robot hand guiding, force control processes, assembly tasks, product
testing,palletizing and much more.
The following manual uses the metric system. Unless specified, all dimensions are in millimeters.
The following table represents the nodes and features included in each Copilot licenses used in their respective Robotiq product
or kit on Universal Robots.
1.1. Copilot control with Universal Robots
CB-Series Universal
Robots e-Series Universal Robots
License Type
FT 300-S Force
Torque Sensor
Force Copilot Machine Tending
Active Drive X X X X X
Apply Contact Offset X X X X
Find Contact Offset X X X X
Copilot - Instruction Manual