Object Manager
The Object Manager has three separate parts: the Object List field, the Properties and
Actions area, and three tabs labeled Properties, On Entry, and On Exit. These main
parts are briefly described below. When you make changes to the value of a field in the
Object Manager, you must move to another field to cause those changes to take effect.
Object List
Applications, screens, menus, and transactions that are created as you work in
EZBuilder are called objects, as are menu commands, data fields, and their respective
labels. The Object List, located near the top of the Object Manager, lists these objects
when you click the Object List down arrow. Altogether, objects are generally called
Objects are also listed in the View Resource dialog box, which is described and
illustrated later in this tutorial.
Properties and Actions Area
The Properties and Actions Area shows the default of each object selected in the
Viewport. In this tutorial, the Properties and Actions Area is referred to as the Object
Properties, On Entry, On Exit Tabs
At the bottom of the Object Manager are three tabs labeled Properties, On Entry, and
On Exit. Click any of these tabs to view its respective screen.
The Properties screen shows the values, or properties, of items—menus, menu items
(commands and labels), screens, data items (data fields and their labels), and
transactions—that you create. Use the Properties screen to enter the values for the
object being defined and the actions, if any, caused by specific objects being selected,
entered, exited, or executed by the application user.
The On Entry screen shows parameters used when entering an application or data field.
The On Exit screen shows parameters used when exiting an application or data field.
Details and illustrations of each of these screens are provided throughout the tutorial.
The Viewport shows your application as it will appear to your users. When you begin
an application in EZBuilder, the Viewport is blank; when you open an existing
application, the Viewport shows that application. How your application looks in the
Viewport depends upon your device type and terminal characteristics.
The Viewport has row and column coordinates that you use to specify the location of
items. The upper left corner is Row 0 and Column 0. This tutorial demonstrates how to
move items in the Viewport (and, subsequently, in your final application) by changing
Row and Column values.