ABB CoriolisMaster FCM2000 Operating Instructions Manual

Measuring, testing & control
Operating Instructions Manual
Operating Instruction
Mass Flowmete
CoriolisMaster FCM2000
Pos: 1 /Titelbl ätter / Copyright/BA- IA/Durchfluss/FC M2000 @ 6\mod_1171653775140_3101. doc @ 67895 @
Standard Software
D699G001U01 B.3x
D699G001U02 A.1x
D699G001U03 A.1x
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Blinder Text
2 CoriolisMaster FCM2000 D184B111U02
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Mass Flowmeter
CoriolisMaster FCM2000
Operating Instruction
Rev. 07
ABB Automation Products GmbH
Dransfelder Straße 2
D-37079 Göttingen
Tel.: +49 551 905-534
Fax: +49 551 905-555
© Copyright 2008 by ABB Automation Products GmbH
Subject to changes without notice
This document is protected by copyright. It assists the user in safe and efficient operation of the device.
The contents of this document, whether whole or in part, may not be copied or reproduced without prior
approval by the copyright holder.
Pos: 4 /Inhaltsv erzeichnis/Inhalt sverzeichnis für all e Dokumente @ 0\mod_113871031089 0_3101.doc @ 3129 @
D184B111U02 CoriolisMaster FCM2000 3
1.1 General information and notes for the reader ................................................................................................6
1.2 Intended use...................................................................................................................................................6
1.3 Improper use ..................................................................................................................................................7
1.4 Technical limit values .....................................................................................................................................7
1.5 Allowed Fluids ................................................................................................................................................8
1.6 Warranty provisions........................................................................................................................................8
1.7 Plates and symbols ........................................................................................................................................9
1.8 Symbols and warnings ...................................................................................................................................9
1.8.1 Name Plate / Factory Tag .....................................................................................................................10
1.9 Target groups and qualifications ..................................................................................................................13
1.10 Returning devices.........................................................................................................................................13
1.11 Disposal........................................................................................................................................................14
1.11.1 Information on WEEE Directive 2002/96/EC (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment).................14
1.12 Safety instructions for transport ...................................................................................................................14
1.13 Safety information for electrical installation..................................................................................................14
1.14 Operating safety information ........................................................................................................................15
1.15 Maintenance and inspection safety information...........................................................................................15
2 Design and function ..........................................................................................................................................17
2.1 Design ..........................................................................................................................................................17
2.2 Measuring principle ......................................................................................................................................17
2.3 Device designs .............................................................................................................................................19
2.4 Model overview ATEX..................................................................................................................................20
2.5 Model overview FM, CSA.............................................................................................................................21
3 Transport............................................................................................................................................................22
3.1 Inspection .....................................................................................................................................................22
3.2 General information on transport .................................................................................................................22
3.3 Transport of MS2 units size "U" (DN 6, 1/4") ...............................................................................................22
4 Installation..........................................................................................................................................................23
4.1 Installation Requirements.............................................................................................................................23
4.1.1 General information...............................................................................................................................23
4.1.2 Installation notes for FCM2000-MC2 ....................................................................................................24
4.1.3 Installation notes FCM2000-MS2..........................................................................................................26
4.2 Installation ....................................................................................................................................................28
4.2.1 General information on installation .......................................................................................................28
4.2.2 Pressure relief valve..............................................................................................................................29
4.3 Display / housing rotation.............................................................................................................................30
4.3.1 Housing rotation ....................................................................................................................................30
4.3.2 Display rotation .....................................................................................................................................31
4 CoriolisMaster FCM2000 D184B111U02
4.4 Installation of the field-mount housing / compact unit..................................................................................32
4.4.1 Inspection..............................................................................................................................................32
4.4.2 Installing the Converter .........................................................................................................................32
4.4.3 Connection area for compact unit .........................................................................................................33
4.4.4 Connection head MS2...........................................................................................................................34
4.5 Electrical connection ....................................................................................................................................35
4.5.1 Assembly of the Signal Cable ...............................................................................................................35
4.5.2 Positioning the shield drain wire and foil shield ....................................................................................36
4.5.3 Interconnection Examples for Peripherals ............................................................................................38
4.5.4 Connection diagrams for transmitter to flowmeter sensor ....................................................................40
4.5.5 Connection diagrams for transmitter to peripherals..............................................................................41
4.6 Explosion protection data.............................................................................................................................44
4.6.1 Safety Specifications for the Inputs and Outputs, Model FCM2000-MC27B........................................44
4.6.2 Isolation: MC26.., MC27........................................................................................................................45
4.6.3 Ex-Approval ATEX, MC26B, MC27B ....................................................................................................46
4.6.4 Ex-Approval FM, MC26C, MC27C........................................................................................................46
4.7 Digital Communication .................................................................................................................................47
4.7.1 HART protocol.......................................................................................................................................47
4.7.2 PROFIBUS PA protocol ........................................................................................................................47
4.7.3 FOUNDATION Fieldbus (FF)................................................................................................................48
5 Commissioning..................................................................................................................................................49
5.1 General information......................................................................................................................................49
5.1.1 Switching on auxiliary power.................................................................................................................49
5.1.2 Device configuration..............................................................................................................................50
5.2 Preliminary checks prior to start-up..............................................................................................................51
5.2.1 Hardware switch for PROFIBUS PA address setting ...........................................................................51
5.2.2 Pulse output, change active/passive.....................................................................................................52
5.2.3 Operating protection switch...................................................................................................................53
5.3 Information for safe operation – ATEX.........................................................................................................54
5.3.1 Inspection..............................................................................................................................................54
5.3.2 Output Circuits ......................................................................................................................................54
5.3.3 NAMUR Contact....................................................................................................................................55
5.3.4 Isolation: MC26.., MC27........................................................................................................................57
5.4 Information for safe operation – FM .............................................................................................................58
5.4.1 Inspection..............................................................................................................................................58
5.4.2 Classes per FM .....................................................................................................................................59
6 Parameterization................................................................................................................................................60
6.1 Data entry.....................................................................................................................................................60
6.2 Entering data in “short form”.........................................................................................................................62
6.3 Parameter overview .....................................................................................................................................63
D184B111U02 CoriolisMaster FCM2000 5
6.4 Additional parameter descriptions................................................................................................................88
6.4.1 Submenu Display ..................................................................................................................................88
6.4.2 Submenu Pulse Output.........................................................................................................................90
6.4.3 Concentration Measurement DensiMass..............................................................................................91
6.5 Software history............................................................................................................................................93
6.5.1 Standard and HART version .................................................................................................................93
6.5.2 Fieldbus version ....................................................................................................................................94
7 Error messages .................................................................................................................................................95
7.1 Alarm Overview ............................................................................................................................................95
7.2 Description of the warnings..........................................................................................................................97
7.3 Description of error messages .....................................................................................................................98
8 Maintenance / Repair.......................................................................................................................................100
8.1 Flowmeter sensor.......................................................................................................................................100
8.2 Cleaning .....................................................................................................................................................101
8.3 Exchanging the transmitter ........................................................................................................................101
8.4 Socket for the external memory module ....................................................................................................101
9 Spare parts list.................................................................................................................................................102
10 Technical data..................................................................................................................................................104
10.1 Model FCM2000-MC2................................................................................................................................104
10.1.1 Reference conditions ..........................................................................................................................104
10.1.2 Materials and additional technical data...............................................................................................105
10.1.3 Material Loads Curves Flanged Flowmeters ......................................................................................105
10.2 Model FCM2000-MS2 ................................................................................................................................106
10.3 Transmitter .................................................................................................................................................108
11 Appendix ..........................................................................................................................................................109
11.1 Additional documents.................................................................................................................................109
11.2 Approvals and certifications .......................................................................................................................109
11.3 Overview of setting parameters and technical design ...............................................................................124
12 Index .................................................................................................................................................................126
6 CoriolisMaster FCM2000 D184B111U02
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1 Safety
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1.1 General information and notes for the reader
Pos: 5.3 /Sicher heit/Allgemein/A llgemeines und Lesehinweis e @ 22\mod_1222689478724_ 3101.doc @ 219127 @
Read these instructions carefully prior to installing and commissioning the device.
These instructions are an important part of the product and must be kept for later use.
These instructions are intended as an overview and do not contain detailed information on all
designs for this product or every possible aspect of installation, operation and maintenance.
For additional information or in case specific problems occur that are not discussed in these
instructions, contact the manufacturer.
The content of these instructions is neither part of any previous or existing agreement, promise
or legal relationship nor is it intended to change the same.
This product is built based on state-of-the-art technology and is operationally safe. It has been
tested and left the factory in a safe, maintenance-free state. The information in the manual must
be observed and followed in order to maintain this state throughout the period of operation.
Modifications and repairs to the product may only be performed if expressly permitted by these
Only by observing all of the safety information and all safety/warning symbols in these
instructions can optimum protection of both personnel and the environment, as well as safe and
fault-free operation of the device, be ensured.
Information and symbols directly on the product must be observed. They may not be removed
and must be fully legible at all times.
Pos: 5.4 /Sicher heit/Durchfluss/FCM 2000/Bestimmungsgem äße Verwendung FCM2000 (Durc hfluss) @ 8\mod_11781853254 06_3101.doc @ 88333 @ 2
1.2 Intended use
This device is intended for the following uses:
to convey liquids and gases (including unstable gases)
to meter the mass flow of the fluid directly
to meter the volume flow of the fluid (indirectly via mass flow and density)
to measure the fluid density
to measure the fluid temperature
Pos: 5.5 /Sicher heit/Allgemein/Zus atzpunkte zur Bestimm ungsgemäßen Verwendung @ 0\mod_112 9714633793_3101.doc @ 3242 @
The following items are included in the intended use:
Read and follow the instructions in this manual.
Observe the technical ratings; refer to the section “Technical limit values”.
Use only allowed liquids for measurement; refer to the section “Allowed fluids”.
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D184B111U02 CoriolisMaster FCM2000 7
Pos: 5.7 /Sicher heit/Durchfluss/Al lgemein/Bestimm ungswidrige Verwendung (Dur chfluss) @ 0\mod_11297058 65785_3101.doc @ 3239 @ 2
1.3 Improper use
The following uses of the device are prohibited:
Operation as a flexible adapter in piping, e. g., to compensate for pipe offsets, pipe
vibrations, pipe expansions, etc.
Use as a climbing aid, e. g., for assembly purposes.
Use as a support for external loads, e.g., as a support for pipes, etc.
Material gain, e. g., by painting over the name plate or adding parts by welding / soldering.
Material loss, e. g., by drilling the housing.
Pos: 5.8 /Sicher heit/Allgemein/H inweis zur bestimmungs widrigren Verwendung (War tung/Reparatur) @ 0\ mod_1129707002440_3101.d oc @ 3240 @
Repairs, alterations, and enhancements, or the installation of replacement parts, are only
permissible insofar as these are described in the manual. Approval by ABB Automation
Products GmbH must be sought for any activities beyond this scope. Repairs performed by
ABB-authorized specialist shops are excluded from this.
Pos: 5.9 /Sicher heit/Durchfluss/FCM 2000/Technische Gr enzwerte FCM2000 (Durchf luss) @ 8\mod_1178192769312_31 01.doc @ 88354 @
1.4 Technical limit values
The device is designed for use exclusively within the stated values on the name plate and within
the technical limit values specified in the data sheets.
The following technical limit values must be observed:
The permissible pressure (PS) in the permissible temperature (TS) may not exceed the
pressure-temperature ratings (see "Technical data").
The maximum or minimum operating temperature limits may not be exceeded.
The permitted operating temperature may not be exceeded.
The housing protection system must be observed.
The flowmeter primary may not be operated in the vicinity of powerful electromagnetic fields,
e.g., motors, pumps, transformers, etc. A minimum spacing of approx. 1 m (3,28 ft.) should
be maintained. For installation on or to steel parts (e.g., steel brackets), a minimum spacing
of approx. 100 mm (4“) should be maintained (based on IEC801-2 and IECTC77B).
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8 CoriolisMaster FCM2000 D184B111U02
Pos: 5.11 /Sicher heit/Allgemein/Zul ässige Messstoffe @ 0\ mod_1129715285861_3101.doc @ 3271 @ 2
1.5 Allowed Fluids
When measuring fluids, the following points must be observed:
Fluids may only be used if, based on state-of-the-art technology or the operating experience
of the user, it is assured that chemical and physical properties of the components coming
into contact with the fluids (signal electrodes, ground electrodes, liners and, possibly,
process connections, protective plates or protective flanges) are not affected during the
operating life.
Fluids with unknown properties or abrasive fluids may only be used if the operator can
perform regular and suitable tests to ensure the safe condition of the device.
Observe the information on the name plate.
Pos: 5.12 /Sicher heit/Allgemein/G ewährleistungsbes timmungen @ 0\mod_112970620724 6_3101.doc @ 3261 @ 2
1.6 Warranty provisions
Using the device in a manner that does not fall within the scope of its intended use, disregarding
this manual, using underqualified personnel, or making unauthorized alterations releases the
manufacturer from liability for any resulting damage. This renders the manufacturer's warranty
null and void.
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D184B111U02 CoriolisMaster FCM2000 9
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1.7 Plates and symbols
Pos: 5.15 /Übersc hriften/1.1/1-spal tig/S - U/Symbole und Si gnalwörter @ 7\mod_11728219126 87_3101.doc @ 70104 @ 22
1.8 Symbols and warnings
Pos: 5.16 /Sicher heit/Allgemein/S icherheits-/Warnsy mbole, Hinweissym bole @ 22\mod_1222690204944_31 01.doc @ 219301 @
DANGER – <Serious damage to health / risk to life>
This symbol in conjunction with the signal word "Danger" indicates an imminent danger.
Failure to observe this safety information will result in death or severe injury.
DANGER – <Serious damage to health / risk to life>
This symbol in conjunction with the signal word "Danger" indicates an imminent electrical
hazard. Failure to observe this safety information will result in death or severe injury.
WARNING – <Bodily injury>
This symbol in conjunction with the signal word “Warning“ indicates a possibly dangerous
situation. Failure to observe this safety information may result in death or severe injury.
WARNING – <Bodily injury>
This symbol in conjunction with the signal word "Warning" indicates a potential electrical
hazard. Failure to observe this safety information may result in death or severe injury.
CAUTION – <Minor injury>
This symbol in conjunction with the signal word “Caution“ indicates a possibly dangerous
situation. Failure to observe this safety information may result in minor or moderate injury.
This may also be used for property damage warnings.
ATTENTION – <Property damage>!
The symbol indicates a potentially damaging situation.
Failure to observe this safety information may result in damage to or destruction of the product
and/or other system components.
This symbol indicates operator tips, particularly useful information, or important information
about the product or its further uses. It does not indicate a dangerous or damaging situation.
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10 CoriolisMaster FCM2000 D184B111U02
Pos: 5.18 /Übersc hriften/1.1.1/1-s paltig/Typensc hild / Fabrikschild @ 0\mod_11297 20923978_3101.doc @ 3228 @ 33
1.8.1 Name Plate / Factory Tag
Pos: 5.19 /Sicher heit/Durchfluss /FCM2000/Typenschil der FCM2000 (Durchfluss) @ 6\mod_1171654472250_3101. doc @ 67979 @ 4 Type plates
Converter standard
ABB Automation Products GmbH
37070 Göttingen – Germany
FCM2000 MC23
Order no.:
Model no.:
U/f nom:
000351160 / X001
100...230 V 50/60 Hz
10 VA
DN 20 / IP 67
Qmax DN:
V: +/-0.4 % D: +/- 5 g/l
100 kg/min
Tmed: -50 °C…+180 °C
Fig. 1
1 Order number
2 Complete model number
3 Supply voltage
4 Maximum power
5 Meter size and protection class
6 Process connections and pressure
7 Meter pipe material
8 Calibration factor
9 Calibration accuracy
10 Max. flowrate
11 Allowable fluid temperature
D184B111U02 CoriolisMaster FCM2000 11
Converter with ATEX Approval
ABB Automation Products GmbH
37070 Göttingen – Germany
FCM2000 MC27
TÜV 99 ATEX1443 X
II 2D T115°C…Tmed IP 67
II 2G EEx emd [ib] IIC T6
Tmed = 150°C at Tamb = 40°C
Tmed = 140°C at Tamb = 50°C
Tmed = 80°C at Tamb = 60°C
Order no.:
Model no.:
U/f nom:
000349252 / X004
24 V AC/DC Smax: <12 VA
“H” (DN 50) / IP 67
Electrical data, ignition class of output circuits and
temperature classes, see EC-Type Examination Certificate.
Qmax DN:
F: +/-0.15% D: +/- 5 g/l
920 kg/min TAG no.: FT–402
Fig. 2
1 ATEX approval
2 ATEX temperature classes
3 Order number
4 Complete model number
5 Supply voltage and maximum power
6 Meter size and protection class
7 Ambient temperature
8 Process connections and pressure rating
9 Meter pipe material and calibration factor
10 Calibration accuracy
11 Maximum flowrate and TAG number
Converter with FM Approval
ABB Automation Products GmbH
37070 Göttingen – Germany
FCM2000 MC27C
Order no.:
Model no.:
seal all condults within 18 inches
000342641 / X002
“H” (DN 50)
4X, IP 67
100...230 V~/50...60 Hz Smax: < 25 VA
DN 50 / 150 lb
F/R: +/-0.15%
920 kg/min
Class I, Div 1, Groups B, C, D;
Class II, II, Div 1, Groups E, F, G;
Class I, II, Div 2, Groups A, B, C, D, F, G
Class II, Div 1, 2
Class I, Zone 1, Group IIB,
Class I, Zone 2, Group IIB
C: 91.003
D: +/- 5 g/l
TAG no.: PX-136
Fig. 3
1 FM approvals
2 Order number
3 Complete model number
4 Meter size
5 Type of protection
6 Ambient temperature
7 Supply voltage and
max. power
8 Process connections and pressure rating
9 Meter pipe material and calibration factor
10 Calibration accuracy
11 Maximum flowrate and TAG number
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12 CoriolisMaster FCM2000 D184B111U02
Pos: 5.21 /Sicher heit/Durchfluss /FCM2000/Fabrikschi lder FCM2000 (Durchfl uss) @ 8\mod_1178194332703_31 01.doc @ 88383 @ Factory plates
The factory plate is located on the flowmeter primary housing. If the pressure equipment is
subject to the PED (see section 3 para. 3 PED 97/23/EC), two labels are required:
Pressure equipment subject to PED
S.-Nr.: 0012345
Material: 1.4571
Manufactured: 2002 PED: Fluid 1, Gas
ABB Automation Products GmbH
37070 Göttingen - Germany
Fig. 4
The factory plate contains the following information:
1 CE mark (with number of labeled location) to confirm the device meets the requirements of
pressure equipment directive 97/23/EC.
2 Serial number for identification of the pressure equipment by the manufacturer.
3 Nominal size and nominal pressure rating of pressure equipment.
4 Flange material, liner material and electrode material (parts that come into contact with fluid).
5 Year of manufacture for device and information on fluid group as per the
PressureEquipmentDirective (PED). Fluid group 1 = hazardous fluids, liquid, gaseous.
6 Manufacturer of the pressure equipment.
Pressure equipment outside the applicable range of the PED
S.-Nr.: 0012345
Material: 1.4571
Manufactured: 2002 PED: SEP
ABB Automation Products GmbH
37070 Göttingen - Germany
Fig. 5
The factory plate contains most of the specifications included on the plate described above with
the following differences:
There is no CE mark because the pressure equipment, as per section 3 para. 3 of the PED,
is outside the applicable range of the pressure equipment directive 97/23/EC.
The reason for the exception is specified in section 3 para. 3 of the PED. The pressure
equipment is categorized as SEP (= sound engineering practice).
If the factory plate is not present, the device is not in compliance with directive 97/23/EC. The
exception applies for water, power and connected equipment accessories in accordance with
guideline 1/16 of sec. 1 para. 3.2 of the pressure equipment directive.
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D184B111U02 CoriolisMaster FCM2000 13
Pos: 5.23 /Übersc hriften/1.1/1-spal tig/V - Z/Zielgruppen und Qual ifikationen @ 22\mod_1222689902850_3101.d oc @ 219227 @ 22
1.9 Target groups and qualifications
Pos: 5.24 /Sicher heit/Allgemein/Zi elgruppen und Qualifi kationen @ 22\mod_12226899513 19_3101.doc @ 219251 @
Installation, commissioning, and maintenance of the product may only be performed by trained
specialist personnel who have been authorized by the plant operator to do so. The specialist
personnel must have read and understood the manual and comply with its instructions.
Prior to using corrosive and abrasive materials for measurement purposes, the operator must
check the level of resistance of all parts coming into contact with the materials to be measured.
ABB Automation Products GmbH will gladly support you in selecting the materials, but cannot
accept any liability in doing so.
The operators must strictly observe the applicable national regulations with regards to
installation, function tests, repairs, and maintenance of electrical products.
Pos: 5.25 /Sicher heit/Allgemein/R ücksendung von Geräten @ 0\m od_1129730744499_3101.doc @ 3248 @ 2
1.10 Returning devices
Use the original packaging or suitably secure shipping containers if you need to return the
device for repair or recalibration purposes. Fill out the return form (see the Appendix) and
include this with the device.
According to EC guidelines for hazardous materials, the owner of hazardous waste is
responsible for its disposal or must observe the following regulations for shipping purposes:
All devices delivered to ABB Automation Products GmbH must be free from any hazardous
materials (acids, alkalis, solvents, etc.).
Pos: 5.26 /Sicher heit/Durchfluss /FCM2000/Zusatz für Rücks endung von Geräten FCM2000 (Dur chfluss) @ 8\mod_11781996 60296_3101.doc @ 88404 @
Any hazardous material in the cavities, e.g. between the meter pipe and the housing, is to be
flushed and neutralized. For flowmeter sensor MC2, the service screw (for draining condensate
fluid) at the lower point of the housing (see
Fig. 6) must be opened to dispose of hazardous
substances and to neutralize the coil chamber. These activities must be confirmed in writing
using the return form.
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14 CoriolisMaster FCM2000 D184B111U02
Pos: 5.28 /Sicher heit/Allgemein/E ntsorgung @ 22\mod_12226915150 53_3101.doc @ 219400 @ 23
1.11 Disposal
ABB Automation Products GmbH actively promotes environmental awareness and has an
operational management system that meets the requirements of DIN EN ISO 9001:2000,
EN ISO 14001:2004, and OHSAS 18001. Our products and solutions are intended to have
minimum impact on the environment and persons during manufacturing, storage, transport, use,
and disposal.
This includes the environmentally friendly use of natural resources. ABB conducts an open
dialog with the public through its publications.
This product/solution is manufactured from materials that can be reused by specialist recycling
1.11.1 Information on WEEE Directive 2002/96/EC (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)
This product/solution is not subject to the WEEE directive 2002/96/EC and relevant national
laws (e.g., ElektroG in Germany).
The product/solution must be disposed of at a specialized recycling facility. Do not use
municipal garbage collection points. According to the WEEE Directive 2002/96/EC, only
products used in private applications may be disposed of at municipal garbage facilities. Proper
disposal prevents negative effects on people and the environment, and supports the reuse of
valuable raw materials.
If it is not possible to dispose of old equipment properly, ABB Service can accept and dispose of
returns for a fee.
Pos: 5.29 /Sicher heit/Durchfluss /FCM2000/Sicherhei tshinweise zum Transpor t (Durchfluss) @ 7\mod_117489473 5718_3101.doc @ 74253 @ 2
1.12 Safety instructions for transport
Observe the following instructions:
The center of gravity is off center.
The flow direction must correspond to the direction indicated on the device, if labeled.
Comply with the maximum torque for all flange connections.
Install the devices without mechanical tension (torsion, bending).
Install flange devices with coplanar counter flanges.
Only install devices for the intended operating conditions and with suitable seals.
Secure the flange bolts and nuts against pipeline vibrations.
Pos: 5.30 /Sicher heit/Durchfluss /Allgemein/Sicher heitshinweise zur elekt rischen Installat ion (Durchfluss) @ 0\m od_1129733762419_3101. doc @ 3267 @ 2
1.13 Safety information for electrical installation
Electrical connections may only be established by authorized specialist personnel in
accordance with the electrical circuit diagrams.
The electrical connection information in the manual must be observed; otherwise, the applicable
protection type may be affected.
Ground the measurement system according to requirements.
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1.14 Operating safety information
During operation with hot fluids, contact with the surface may result in burns.
Aggressive or corrosive fluids may result in damage to the parts which contact the fluid. As a
result, pressurized fluids may escape prematurely.
A pressurized fluid may escape due to wear on the flange seal or process connection gaskets
(e. g. aseptic threaded pipe connections, Tri-Clamp, etc.).
When using internal flat gaskets, these can become embrittled through CIP/SIP processes.
EHEDG certified meters
For hygienic installations accoding to EHEDG, the respective recommendations from the
EHEDG organization shall be followed. In particular process connection - sealing
combinations, applied by the user, are decisive. In this repect only EHEDG approved parts
(EHEDG position paper: "Hygienic Process connections to use with hygienic components and
equipment") shall be used.
Pos: 5.33 /==== Leeres Modul mit einer Absatzmarke, DS , 1-spaltig ==== @ 2\mod_11533815743 75_0.doc @ 35553 @
Pos: 5.34 /Sicher heit/Durchfluss /FCM2000/Sicherhei tshinweise zur Inspekt ion und Wartung FCM2000 @ 9\mod_1178540 983593_3101.doc @ 89253 @ 2
1.15 Maintenance and inspection safety information
Warning – Risk to persons!
When the housing cover is open, EMC and protection against contact are suspended. There
are electric circuits within the housing which pose a contact risk.
The auxiliary power must be switched off before opening the housing cover.
Warning – Risk to persons!
The mounting or inspection screws (see Fig. 6) for devices DN 15 (1/2“) can be under
pressure. The medium which spurts out can cause severe injuries.
Depressurize pipes before opening the inspection screws.
Warning - General hazards!
For inspection and maintenance in potentially explosive areas, observe the relevant
information in this manual.
Warning - Potential damage to parts!
The inside of the housing of the flowmeter primary is filled with a shielding gas to prevent
corrosion. If the inspection screws (see
Fig. 6) are opened, this gas escapes and the interior
of the flowmeter primary is no longer corrosion resistant. To avoid damaging the device, these
screws should not be opened. The purpose of these screws is to allow for proper disposal of
any contaminated fluids (in the event of pipe leakage). Inspections screws may not be used
under any circumstances to connect trace heating.
16 CoriolisMaster FCM2000 D184B111U02
Corrective maintenance work may only be performed by trained personnel.
Depressurize the device and adjoining lines or containers before removing the device.
Check whether hazardous materials are used as materials to be measured before opening
the device. Residual amounts of hazardous material may still be present in the device and
could escape when the device is opened.
As far as provided in the scope of the operational responsibility, check the following items
through a regular inspection:
the pressure-carrying walls / lining of the pressure device
the measurement-related function
the leak tightness
the wear (corrosion)
Pos: 5.35 /Sicher heit/Durchfluss /FCM2000/Hinweis Befes tigungsschrauben (Zei chnung) @ 11\mod_117698331 0593_3101.doc @ 84454 @
Fig. 6
1 Mounting screws
2 Tower
3 Inspection screws
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Design and function
D184B111U02 CoriolisMaster FCM2000 17
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2 Design and function
Pos: 8 /Aufbau und Funk tion/Durchfluss/ FCM2000/Aufbau @ 6\mod_1171654 750218_3101.doc @ 68021 @ 2
2.1 Design
The ABB Automation Products Mass Flowmeter operation is based on the Coriolis principle.
The MC2 construction uses the classical parallel meter pipes and is characterized, in particular,
by a space saving and rugged design, a wide flowmeter size spectrum at an advantageous
price to the customer.
Fig. 7 MC2 Parallel Pipe Construction
Pos: 9 /Aufbau und Funk tion/Durchfluss/ FCM2000/Messprinz ip @ 6\mod_1171654902515_3101.d oc @ 68042 @
2.2 Measuring principle
When a mass flows through a vibrating pipe, Coriolis forces are generated which bend and twist
the pipe. These very small pipe deformations are measured by optimally mounted sensors and
electronically evaluated. Because the measured phase shift of the sensor signals is proportional
to the mass flowrate, the Coriolis Mass Flowmeter measures the mass flowrate in the flowmeter
directly. The metering principle is independent of the density, temperature, viscosity, pressure
and conductivity of the fluid.
The meter tubes always vibrate at resonance. This resonant frequency, at the operating
conditions, is a function of the meter tube geometry, the characteristics of the flowmeter
materials and the mass of the fluid in the meter tube, which is also vibrating. It provides an
accurate measure of the density of the fluid being metered.
An integrated temperature sensor measures the fluid temperature and is utilized for corrections
to temperature dependent instrument parameters. Summarizing, it is possible to simultaneously
measure the mass flowrate, fluid density and temperature with the Coriolis Mass Flowmeter.
Other measurement values can be derived from these values, e.g. volume flowrate or
Design and function
18 CoriolisMaster FCM2000 D184B111U02
Movement of the pipes inward no flow Direction of the Coriolis force with flow when
the tubes are moving outward
Movement of the pipes outward, no flow Direction of the Coriolis force with flow when
the tubes are moving inward
Fig. 8: Simplified Representation of the Coriolis Forces
= -2 m ( v
) cF
= Coriolis force
= Angular velocity
= Velocity of the mass
m = Mass
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Design and function
D184B111U02 CoriolisMaster FCM2000 19
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2.3 Device designs
Pos: 12 /Technisc he Daten / Datenblatt/Durchfluss/FCM2000/Übersicht en/Übersicht Aufnehmer und Messumformer @ 5\mod_1166445 266937_3101.doc @ 52545 @
Standard Hygienic (EHEDG) Standard
Flowmeter sensor
Model number MC2 MC2_ _ _ 3 MS2
Flange DIN 2501 / EN 1092-1 15 ... 150 40 ... 100 10 / 15 40 / 100
Flange ASME B16.5 1/2“ ... 6“ CL 150 ... CL 600 1/2“ CL 150 ... CL 600
Threaded acc. to DIN 11851 DN 15 ... DN 100 (1/2 ... 4“) DN 20 ... DN 80 DN 10 (3/8“)
DIN 32676 (ISO 2852)
DN 15 ... DN 100 (1/2 ... 4“)
DIN 32676 (ISO 2852)
DN 20 ... DN 80 (3/4 ... 3“)
DIN 32676 (ISO 2852)
DN 10 (3/8“)
Aseptic flange DIN 11864-2 DN 15 ... DN 100 (1/2 ... 4“) DN 20 ... DN 80 (3/4 ... 3“)
"G" pipe connection 1/4“
NPT threaded connection 1/4“
Accuracy of mass flowrate 0,1 % / 0,15 % / 0,25 % / 0,4“ 0,1 % / 0,15 % / 0,25 % / 0,4“ 0,15 % / 0,25 % / 0,4“
Accuracy of density 0.005 kg/l, 0.001 kg/l 0.005 kg/l, 0.001 kg/l 0.01 kg/l
Accuracy of temperature 1 K 1 K 1 K
Fluid wetted materials Stainless steel
Hasteloy C4
Stainless steel 1.4435 (316L) Stainless steel 1.4435 (316L),
Hasteloy C22
Protection class acc. to EN
IP 67 IP 67 IP 67
Fluid temperature
(see chapter
10 Technical data
for detailed values)
-50 ... 180 °C
(-55 to 356 °F)
-50 ... 180 °C
(-55 to 356 °F)
-50 ... 180 °C
(-55 to 356 °F)
Explosion protection acc. to
Zone 0 / 1 / 2
Dust-ignition proof
Zone 0 / 1 / 2
Dust-ignition proof
Explosion protection FM Class I, Div. 1
Class I, Div. 2
Class I, Div. 1
Class I, Div. 2
Other approvals for potentially
explosive areas
Hygienic and sterile
Model number ME2_ / MC23, MC27 ME2_
Housing Remote, field-mount housing / compact housing Remote, field-mount housing
Cable length Up to 50 m (164 ft.);
300 m (984 ft.) upon request
5, 10, 20 or 50 m
(16, 32, 65 or 164 ft.)
Supply power 100 ... 230 V AC, 24 V AC/DC
Current output 1 active: 0/4 ... 20 mA
Current output 2 passive: 4 ... 20 mA
Pulse Output Active (non-Ex) or passive
Ext. zero return Yes
Ext. totalizer reset Yes
Forward/reverse measurement Yes
Communication HART protocol, PROFIBUS PA, FOUNDATION Fieldbus
Pipe empty detection yes, based on preconfigured density alarm < 0.5 kg/l
Self-monitoring, diagnostics Yes
On-site display/totalization Yes
Field optimized flow/density Yes
Protection class acc. to EN
ME2: IP 65 / 67, NEMA 4X
MC _ _ : IP 67, NEMA 4X
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Design and function
20 CoriolisMaster FCM2000 D184B111U02
Pos: 14 /Übersc hriften/1.1/1-spalt ig/G - I/Geräteübersi cht FCM2000 • ATEX @ 8\mod_1177071585640_3 101.doc @ 85693 @ 22
2.4 Model overview ATEX
Pos: 15 /Technisc he Daten / Datenblatt/Durchfluss/FCM2000/Übersicht en/Geräteübersic ht DN 1,5 ... DN 150 (alt) @ 22\mod_12197465 13609_3101.doc @ 210133 @
Non-hazardous area
ATEX Zone 1
Flowmeter sensor: MC21 (A/T)
Transmitter: ME21 (A / T)
Transmitter: ME21T (A / T) Flowmeter sensor: MC26B
DN 20 ... DN 150
(3/4 ... 6")
Compact design: MC23 (A / T) Compact design: MC27B
DN 1,5 ... DN 6
(1/10 ... 1/4")
Flowmeter sensor: MS2
Transmitter: ME21 (A / T)
Abb. 9: FCM2000 overview
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ABB CoriolisMaster FCM2000 Operating Instructions Manual

Measuring, testing & control
Operating Instructions Manual

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