Barco service bulletin
Shutting down the projector in case of a shutdown failure : do not use
the power sw itch (coo l down sequence !).
The projector can be shut down by pressing m ore than 7 seconds on the
standby button
CPLD software vs firmware
The CPLD software that must be running on the SMPS control board is present in the
firmware V1.00 or high er.
Note that even when using the latest projector firmware V1.02 (contains also the CPLD
software) will not guarantee that the latest CPLD software is running on the SM PS control
board(thelatestCPLDupgradenotsuccessful). TheCPLDsoftwaremustbeforcedon
the control board.
1.2 Solution : CPLD soft upgrade
In case the firmware version < V 1.00 (V00.xx) contact Barco
Forcing CPLD soft upgrade
the right command via RS232.
• \x00\x96\x64\x01 :CPLDUpgradecommand
For serial communication use the serialcomms.exe tool, run it o n a local
PC (laptop) and connect this PC to theRS232INportoftheprojector.
For more info contact Barco.
How to force CPLD upgrade ?
1.Switch ON the projector with the POWER switch
Caution:Leave the projector in STANDBY ! Do not switch on the projector !
2.Send the CPLD Upgrade command
Verify that an ACK (acknowledge) is returned.
3.Wait for about 10 seconds
Verify that an END OF PROCESS is re turned
4.The projector should return to standby ( 3.3V present) after possible transient states
(reset, ...).
5.Switch OFF the projector with the POWER switch
6.Switch ON the projector with the POWER switch
7.If NOK repeat the upgrade procedure
InfoT 608
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