Download and install the free
Impossible Project App to
your iPhone
or iPod Touch
Search for ‘Impossible
Project’ in the App Store
simply scan the QR code to
the far top right.
Slide the lm door latch to
open the lm door. Push the
lm cassette all the way in.
Close the lm door.
Note Please check lm pack-
aging for development time,
handling and storage details.
Press and hold the eject
button for 1 second to eject
the lm darkslide.
Note Eject the darkslide only
once each time after inserting
a new lm pack.
Pull the tower up until all
5 sections of the tower have
clicked rmly into place.
Remove the cradle cover
that’s protecting the lens.
Launch the Impossible
Project App on your iPhone.
Choose ‘Instant Lab’ from
the menu and follow the
instructions on the screen to
choose and edit your image.
When ready, place your iPhone
on the cradle with the screen
facing down. Once in the cra-
dle, the iPhone ash will turn
on. Within 3seconds, pull the
shutter slide all the way out.
Note iPod devices will sound
an alert instead of the ash.
After the ash goes off,
push the shutter slide back
in. Once the shutter slide
is back in, you can safely
remove your iPhone.
Press the eject button to
eject your instant photo.
Shield your photo from light
during development! See lm
packaging for details.
We know you are anxious to start
using your Instant Lab, but please
take a moment to read these brief
instructions before you begin.
Remove your iPhone and
replace the cradle cover
toprotect the lens. Press tabs
on either side of each tower
section to collapse the tower.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
IMP.338 IL Quickstart Manual RZ.indd 1-3 17.06.13 16:46