4 Kmstrup A/S • 55121707_A1_GB_09.2015
M-Bus Mster MultiPort 250D · Web Server
1.1 Configuration of IP->COM
Select the COM port, to which
the master has been connected.
Please note that a USB
connection requires the selection
of a COM port too.
Select Configure.
Stndrd strt-up screen.
Select 38400, 8, None, 1, None
nd click on Apply.
Alterntively, 9600, 8, None,
1, None, cn be selected if the
cble is very long.
Plese note tht the opertion t
9600 is somewht slower thn
t 38400.
In the menu TCP/IP Service,
select Allow multiple
connections nd Allow only 1st
connection to Tx. Support Telnet
nd Strip Line feeds must be
Port number is utomticlly
filled in.
Then select Enble.
When finished, Disble must be
selected in order to relese the
COM port.