Shield: “Tongue” R4GB: “Groove” 1
In READy pp: Swipe lef nd choose Insllion
Performance test 4
Receive d Check signl
Configuration 3.2 3.3
Configuration – Pair with meters 3.4 Configuration 3.5
2B.1Installation B with clamps
Inser he sinless seel clmps in he shield
Tighen shield wih he clmps o he insllion sie
Installation B with clamps 2B.2
Moun he screws in fron o secure he R4GB in he shield
Mke sure he proecive shields “ongue” poins o-
wrds he R4GB’s “groove” while insering R4GB
Configuration – Hardware & software checklist 3.1
Synchronize READy Mnger wih READy App
Installation A with screws 2A.2
Shield: “Tongue” R4GB: “Groove”
Mke sure he proecive shields “ongue” poins o-
wrds he R4GB’s “groove” while insering he R4GB
Moun he screws in fron o secure he R4GB in he shield
R4GB Android smr device
wih READy App
wih READy MngerConverer
R4GB is lwys on. Turn on devices nd lunch pps
Pir converer wih READy pp
Type in ddress info. Confirm. Sve chnges Check
Pir R4GB wih meers. Choose slo(s) nd sve
Pir R4GB wih READy pp – choose by seril number
Configuration – Pair with devices
If no connecion? Push he upde buon
Tes connecion. Push OK. Push OK. Finished!
Mx dis.: 15 m