-- 3 0 --
Slope functions
TIGAID 315 AC/DC has a built in slope function. To use this the control cable must
be connected between the unit and the welding power source. Slope--up means that
the curr ent slowly builds up at the start, and slope--down, or crater--fill, means that
the current is gradually reduced from the set current to the base current.
Slope --up and slope--down can be adjusted between 0.3 and 10 s using the
knobs ( 3,5 ).
NOTE! If the control cable is not connected these knobs should be left at the
minimum setting.
Shielding gas
Normally, pure argon is used as a shielding gas. TIGAID 315 AC/DC has an auto-
matic gas control system that controls gas flow throughout the welding cycle. To fa-
cilitate starting and protect the electrode and weld pool while cooling the unit pro-
vides adjustable gas pre--flow and post--flow functions.
Gas pre--flow can be adjusted from 0.1 to 5 s.
Pre--flow is adjusted using a potentiometer (pregas) on the circuit card. The potentio-
meter is set mid--range on delivery.
2 stroke operation is selected when the switch ( 4 ) is set to the left.
4 stroke operation is selected when the switch ( 4 ) is set to the right.
In practice this means that there is n o need to keep the torch trigger pressed during
welding. You press and release the switch to ignite the a rc, and press and release it
again to extinguish the arc. If you require slope--down during 4 stroke operation you
must hold the switch depressed during the entire slope--down per iod. The cur rent will
then fall to the base current and remain at that level until you release the switch. The
arc will then go out.
Easy start
To ensure trouble --free starting there is a high frequency pulse feature.
This is activated when the switch ( 12 ) is set to HF.
If the switch is set to 0 the high frequency pulse is omitted and you must start by
gently touching the electrode to the work piece.
TIG welding
In order to weld light metals (aluminium, magnesium, etc.) you must use an AC sup-
ply from a transformer. Otherwise a DC supply from a welding rectifier or inverter is
1. Open the reducer valve on the gas bottle.
2. Turn on the power switch ( 1 ) the lamp ( 2 ) should light.
3. Switch on the power source
4. Set the start mode switch ( 4 ) to 2 stroke or 4 stroke.
5. Set the switch ( 6 ) to the left setting (TIG welding).
6. Select suitable slope times using the knobs ( 3 ) and ( 5 ).
7. Set a suitable gas post--flow using the knob ( 7 ).