Flip Trap
2 – wood bars, one with through holes
2 – metal rods
1 – trap cloth
hammer or mallet
1. Slide the wood bars
through the sleeves in the
long sides of the trap cloth.
2. Push the metal rods
through the holes in the
first wood bar, then into the
stopped holes of the second.
3. Squeeze the two wood-
en bars together so that
most of the metal rods are
pushed through.
4. Insert the free ends of the
metal rods into the holes in
the front of the Flip loom
5. Push metal rods into
place (or gently tap with a
hammer or mallet).
6. Extend the first wood
bar up along the metal rods
until the trap cloth is pulled
metal rod
wood bar with
through holes
trap cloth
wood bar with
stopped holes
hole in front
edge of loom
front cross brace
cloth beam
InstallatIon InstructIons
Find out more at schachtspindle.com
Schacht Spindle Company 6101 Ben Place Boulder, CO 80301
p. 303.442.3212 f. 303.447.9273
© 2017 Schacht Spindle Company, Inc. 06.17