Chapter 3: Testing Performance
The Logic Analyzer Interface
To select a field on the logic analyzer screen, use the arrow keys to highlight the
field, then press the Select key. Provided on the inside front cover of this manual
is a list of logic analyzer icons that can be referenced while performing test
procedures. For more information about the logic analyzer interface, refer to the
Agilent Logic Analyzer application’s online help.
Test Strategy
For a complete test, start at the beginning with the software tests and continue
through to the end of the chapter. For an individual test, follow the procedure in
the test. The examples in this chapter were performed using an Agilent 1680AD.
Other analyzers in the series will have appropriate pods showing on the screen.
The performance verification procedures starting on page 3–8 are each shown
from power-up. To exactly duplicate the setups in the tests, save the power-up
configuration to a file on a disk, then load that file at the start of each test.
If a test fails, check the test equipment setup, check the connections, and verify
adequate grounding. If a test still fails, the most probable cause of failure would
be the acquisition board.
Test Interval
Test the performance of the logic analyzer against specifications at two-year
Performance Test Record
A performance test record for recording the results of each procedure is located
at the end of this chapter. Use the performance test record to gauge the
performance of the logic analyzer over time.
Test Equipment
Each procedure lists the recommended test equipment. You can use equipment
that satisfies the specifications given. However, the procedures are based on
using the recommended model or part number. Before testing the performance
of the logic analyzer, warm-up the instrument and the test equipment for 30