Hitachi SEMIS User manual

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SEMIS Simulation Tool
Thyristor Based EV Charging Converters
User Manual
Thyristor Based EV Charging Converters - User Manual
1. THYRISTOR BASED EV CHARGING CONVERTERS .......................................................................................... 3
2. OVERVIEW .............................................................................................................................................................. 4
3. SIMULATION SETTINGS ........................................................................................................................................ 5
3.1.1 Rectifier settings ............................................................................................................................ 5
3.1.2 Converter settings ......................................................................................................................... 5
3.2 IGBT settings ............................................................................................................................................... 6
3.2.1 Matching IGBTs ............................................................................................................................. 6
3.2.2 Matching Thyristors ....................................................................................................................... 7
3.3 Selection of articles / Start simulation ...................................................................................................... 7
4. SIMULATION RESULTS ......................................................................................................................................... 8
4.1 Graphical Output Waveforms ....................................................................................................................... 8
4.1.1 Control ........................................................................................................................................... 9
4.1.2 Parameters values indication ........................................................................................................ 9
4.2 Numerical / Tabular results ...................................................................................................................... 10
5. ALERTS & FEATURES ......................................................................................................................................... 13
6. APPLIED CALCULATIONS .................................................................................................................................. 14
6.1 Input Parameter Definitions...................................................................................................................... 14
6.2 Firing angle (α) of the converter............................................................................................................... 14
6.3 Output Capacitance of the rectifier ................................................................................................................ 14
6.4 Duty ratio of the converter ............................................................................................................................ 15
6.5 Load side ...................................................................................................................................................... 15
6.6 Inductance design for CCM ...................................................................................................................... 15
6.7 Output smoothing C .................................................................................................................................. 15
7. VALIDATION OF PLECS RESULTS WITH PSCAD .................................................................................................. 16
8. USER MANUAL REVISION HISTORY.................................................................................................................. 18
9. SIMULATION SOFTWARE RELEASE HISTORY ................................................................................................ 19
Thyristor Based EV Charging Converters - User Manual
List of figures
Figure 1: Page layout of Thyristor based EV charging converters on the ABB website ........................................ 4
Figure 2 Rectifier settings input blocks .................................................................................................................. 5
Figure 3 Converter settings input blocks ................................................................................................................ 5
Figure 4 Thermal settings and device selection ..................................................................................................... 6
Figure 5 Matching IGBTs for selection ................................................................................................................... 6
Figure 6 Matching Rectifier Thyristors for selection ............................................................................................... 7
Figure 7 Start of simulation .................................................................................................................................... 7
Figure 8 Simulation progress and termination ....................................................................................................... 7
Figure 9 Graphics 3 phase 12 pulse thyristor parallel rectifier + Boost converter ................................................. 8
Figure 10 Tabular indication of cursor position graph values ................................................................................ 9
Figure 11 Device Losses & Temperatures ........................................................................................................... 10
Figure 12 Definition of Tvj before the last switch ................................................................................................. 11
Figure 13 Converter AC-DC Parameters ............................................................................................................. 11
Figure 14 Converter DC-DC Parameters ............................................................................................................. 11
Figure 15 General Parameters ............................................................................................................................. 12
Figure 16: Validation of Results for 12 Pulse Series Connected Thyristor Bridge Rectifier + Buck & Boost ...... 17
Figure 17:Validation of Results for 12 Pulse Parallel Connected Thyristor Bridge Rectifier + Buck & Boost ..... 17
Thyristor Based EV Charging Converters - User Manual
SEMIS is a web-based semiconductor simulation tool providing a thermal calculation of the
semiconductor losses for common converter circuits. The simulation simplifies significantly the selection of the switching
device and enables the optimal selection of semiconductors for further investigations.
The SEMIS Simulation Tool is a user-friendly online application found on ABB Semiconductors website
SEMIS users select from a substantial selection of topologies. By assigning the circuit parameters and selecting the desired
switching device, multiple ABB products can be simulated at the same time. Once a simulation is run, SEMIS returns
comprehensive results on semiconductor losses as well as on the electrical parameters in the input and output of the circuit.
The results are shown in both graphical (waveforms) and numerical (tables) way.
The SEMIS tool is based on the PLECS simulation software. PLECS users can download our product models in the XML
file format from the ABB Semiconductors website and use them for their own simulations. For more specific topologies ABB
offers customized converter simulations for non-standard topologies with PLECS simulation software on a project basis.
All rights to copyrights, registered trademarks, and trademarks reside with their respective owners.
© 2020 Hitachi ABB Power Grids. All rights reserved.
Release: November 2020
Document number: 5SYA 2136
Thyristor Based EV Charging Converters
Electric vehicle chargers are typical AC-DC converters based on diodes, IGBTs or thyristors at the first stage and DC-DC
converters at the second stage to suit the battery charging voltage and to improve the power quality. The first stage of the
converters used in this model is Thyristor based:
3 phase 12 pulse series-connected thyristor rectifier
3 phase 12 pulse parallel-connected thyristor rectifier
The DC-DC converters used are non-isolated ones:
Buck converter
Boost converter
ABB offers the following Non-isolated DC-DC converters for thermal analysis simulation in Thyristor based EV charging
3 phase 12 pulse series-connected thyristor rectifier + Buck converter: Domestic low voltage three-phase of 415V is
stepped down to values as low as 60V
3 phase 12 pulse parallel-connected thyristor rectifier + Boost converter: High power applications like E-Bus charging
Thyristor Based EV Charging Converters
Figure 1: Page layout of Thyristor based EV charging converters on the ABB website
Rectifier settings
Converter settings Results graphs
Simulation Settings
IGBT, Thyristor selection Results tables
3.1.1 Rectifier settings
The user can choose between the 2 types of rectifiers that are mentioned in section 1. The output of the rectifier can be
set here.
Figure 2 Rectifier settings input blocks
RECTIFIER TYPE Type of the rectifier to choose Selection
from the two.
AMBIENT TEMPERATURE Definition of environmental Range -25 .. 90 °C
temperature around the converter
for temperature / cooling
AC VOLTAGE INPUT AC input voltage given by the Range 200 .. 500 V
FREQUENCY Frequency input by the user. 50/60Hz
OUTPUT RECTIFIER Output of the thy rectifier (1st stage)
DC VOLTAGE 12 pulse thyristor parallel 200..550V
12 pulse thyristor series 200..1100V
3.1.2 Converter settings
The user can choose between the 2 types of converters here. The user shall select the buck converter for stepping down
the output voltage of the rectifier and boost converter for stepping up the output voltage. These converters are modeled
to operate in Continuous Conduction Mode (CCM), one shall change the user inputs as shown in Figure 3 Converter
settings input blocks to operate the converters in CCM.
Figure 3 Converter settings input blocks
Simulation Settings
CONVERTER TYPE The converter is operated as Selection
Buck or Boost
OUTPUT POWER Power demand of the load Range 10 .. 150 kW
OUTPUT DC VOLTAGE The constant DC output voltage Range 60 .. 1000V
on the load
SWITCHING FREQUENCY Frequency at which the IGBT Range 200 .. 5000 Hz
is turned ON/OFF
3.2 IGBT settings
Figure 4 Thermal settings and device selection
Heat Sink Thermal Resistance Definition of thermal resistance of Range 0.0001 .. 0.5 K/W
the cooling system applied.
Remark: The value entered is attributed to each
individual switch is shown in the electrical
configuration schematic of the IGBT module
datasheet. Therefore, if a user selects a dual
switch module, the Rth should be multiplied
with a factor of 2 to differentiate from the
single switch case, if the same heatsink would
be used in both cases.
The selected Rth is also accounted for the
diode position for which same
consideration applies for its electrical configuration.
IGBT module type Select housing type of IGBT for filtering Selection
IGBT selection Select voltage class of IGBT for filtering Selection
Thyristor selection Select voltage class of Thyristor for filtering Selection
Module configuration Select topology of IGBT module for filtering Selection
3.2.1 Matching IGBTs
Once the previous IGBT properties are selected the matching IGBT option appears. By clicking on the product code
name the user may access the datasheet from the ABB website.
Figure 5 Matching IGBTs for selection
Users can select the desired IGBTs product names for simulation.
Simulation Settings
Up to 4 elements can be selected simultaneously and simulated. If one or more elements produce results exceeding the
safe operating area (SOA) then they will return no results. In this case, the user should run the simulation again with
changed parameters and/or product selection to enable results within SOA operating conditions.
3.2.2 Matching Thyristors
Once the IGBT’s are selected, the user can do the Rectifier Thyristors selection for the front end rectifier based on the
voltage rating chosen. By clicking on the product code name the user may access the datasheet from the ABB website.
Figure 6 Matching Rectifier Thyristors for selection
3.3 Selection of articles / Start simulation
To simulate one or more articles, select from the list by activating the checkbox
The progress of the simulation is shown with the number of calculated Jacobians.
Simulate Starts the simulation
Abort Stops the simulation; No results generated
Hold results To compare multiple simulations, results can be held for later viewing
By selecting the button, results are held after the simulation has
finalized for later comparison with succeeding simulations
Figure 7 Start of simulation
Figure 8 Simulation progress and termination
Simulation Results
The simulation results are displayed in two different ways for all selected articles simulated.
To hide curves of selected articles, unselect in the table “Results History”
Graphical results Visual analysis of waveforms for fast and efficient detection of
most significant sources
Numerical results Numeric indication of all simulations values for direct comparison
4.1 Graphical Output Waveforms
When the simulation finishes the semiconductor and DC side waveforms are appearing as follows:
Figure 9 Graphics 3 phase 12 pulse thyristor parallel rectifier + Boost converter
Simulation Results
4.1.1 Control
For an indication of values within the graph, a cursor can be activated to show curve values in a table.
Sections of graphs can be zoomed in by click, move and release mouse button for more details
Hide selectively waveforms of products
Rest zoom to full view
Activate cursors and to show parameter values table according to the cursor position
Zoom selectable rectangle
Zoom horizontal or vertical band
4.1.2 Parameters values indication
Tabular indication of graphical waveforms values according to the cursor position selected.
Values are indicated for each parameter. The third column shows the difference between the two cursors per parameter.
Figure 10 Tabular indication of cursor position graph values
The numerical values of Phase Voltage/Current at the position of respective cursors are shown in the Table. The
numerical values of IGBT/Diode/Thyristor current along with their Switching loss, Conduction loss and Junction
temperatures at the position of respective cursors are shown in the Table.
Simulation Results
4.2 Numerical / Tabular results
The following parameters are given in a tabular format in multiple sections. All calculations and simulation results are
based on datasheet typical values.
All types of semiconductor losses are calculated according to the PLEXIM PLECS software principle through the
reference to the lookup table and linear interpolation of the actual device current, voltage and junction temperature.
The losses per thyristor are tabulated. The rectifier losses are arrived at by multiplying the per rectifier device losses by
12 for both kinds of rectifiers. The cumulative losses for the topology are calculated as the sum of the losses of the
rectifier and the converter.
Device losses & Temperatures
Figure 11 Device Losses & Temperatures
Switching Loss Single IGBT or Diode Losses during turn on and turn off events (dynamic)
Conduction loss Single IGBT or Diode Losses during on state (static)
Combined losses Sum of single IGBT or Diode switching and conduction loss.
Converter losses Sum of all IGBT and Diode losses
% Losses Defined as the (%) ratio of calculated combined converter losses
with respect to the total output power and losses i.e., total
apparent power flow.
Junction Temperature Avg Junction temperature average during the simulation period
Junction Temperature Max Maximum junction temperature during the simulation period
Junction Temperature BLS Junction temperature at the time point just before the switching, after
which the maximum junction temperature is achieved
Simulation Results
Figure 12 Definition of Tvj before the last switch
AC-DC parameters
Figure 13 Converter AC-DC Parameters
Real power Active power supplied by the source including the thermal losses
Reactive power Effective reactive power on converter AC side [VAr]
  
    
Phase Voltage (RMS) AC voltage per phase at the source
Phase current (RMS) AC current drawn at the source by the load
Input Frequency (Hz) Frequency of the source voltage
DC-DC parameters
Figure 14 Converter DC-DC Parameters
Input DC power Active power supplied by the source including the thermal losses
Output DC power Load power set by the user as explained in section 3.1.1.
Tvj Max
Simulation Results
Input DC voltage DC voltage supplied at the input of the converter
(Usually the output of a rectifier)
Output DC voltage DC voltage output set by the user as explained in section 3.1.1.
DC Current DC current is drawn by the load at the power set by the user.
Duty ratio Duty ratio is calculated and displayed as per section 6.
General parameters
Figure 15 General Parameters
Switching Freq. According to the definition
Ambient Temp. According to the definition
Alerts & Features
The system verifies results and generated warning messages in case of limits are violated.
Parameter Junction temperature
Verification If the Maximum junction temperature of IGBT and/or diode before the last switch is
above its maximum junction temperature limit, an alert message is displayed
Warning message IGBT/Diode temperature out of the safe operating area
Parameter DC Blocking voltage
Verification If the voltage rating of the IGBT and/or diode is less than the DC blocking voltage,
the alert message is displayed
Warning message For the selected device voltage rating, the operating range of the device is displayed
Parameter Output DC voltage of the rectifier (Vdc)
Verification If the output dc voltage of the rectifier is above 2.70*VLL*cos(α) and 1.35*VLL* cos(α)
for series-connected rectifier and parallel-connected rectifier respectively.
Warning message For the given VLL, Vdc must be reduced (or) for the given Vdc, VLL must be increased
Parameter Duty ratio
Verification Range of Duty ratio is 0 to 1. If the duty ratio is out of these limits and an alert
message is displayed
Warning message(s) Output voltage should be less than the input voltage for Buck operation
Output voltage should be greater than the input voltage for Boost operation
Applied Calculations
6.1 Input Parameter Definitions
VDC Input DC voltage/Rectifier output
VOUT Output DC voltage
VLL Output DC voltage
FHz Source frequency
Ls Grid inductance
IDC Load current
6.2 Firing angle (α) of the converter
IDC is the load current drawn by the DC-DC converter:
   
The firing angle is based on the IDC according
A) 3 phase thyristor series-connected:
   
             
B) 3 phase thyristor parallel-connected:
   
         
6.3 Output Capacitance of the rectifier
The output capacitance is designed based on the ripple percentage with reference to the peak voltage (VDC). The ripple
factor is calculated as a product of ripple percentage which is considered as 1 %.
   
     
Applied Calculations
6.4 Duty ratio of the converter
The output of the rectifiers serves as input to the DC-DC converters. The following calculations have been used in the
model to calculate the duty ratio:
Buck converter:
  
Boost converter:
  
6.5 Load side
The resistive load is formulated based on the following equations for each of the converters:
POUT DC power / real power at the load
D Duty cycle as per section 6.2
Rout Resistive load of the converter
Buck converter:    
Boost converter:   
 
6.6 Inductance design for CCM
The inductance design for Continuous Conduction Mode (CCM) of the converter is according
Buck converter: 
Boost converter: 
 
6.7 Output smoothing C
The output capacitance for smoothing the is according
Buck converter: 
Boost converter: 
Validation of PLECS Results with PSCAD
To ensure supplied simulation results are reliable, each of the Thyristor rectifier models in combination with either buck or
boost on the secondary is validated with another simulation platform.
The circuit topology is reconstructed in PSCAD to validate the results obtained from the SEMIS web simulation tool. The
objective of the work is to develop a 12 pulse series connected thy bridge + buck, 12 pulse series connected thy bridge +
boost, 12 pulse parallel connected thy bridge + buck, and 12 pulse parallel connected thy bridge + boost with loss and
temperature estimation in PSCAD and to validate the steady-state results obtained through EV charging topology based
on Thyristor web simulation model.
Two different thyristor models and two different IGBTs have been chosen for the process of validation. The XML data of
both these Thyristors and IGBTs which were created from the device datasheets for SEMIS simulations is modified to
individual .txt files for switch turn-on energy (Eon), switch turn-off energy (Eoff), on-state voltage drop of IGBT (VCE), and on
state voltage drop of the thyristor (VT) at different temperatures, to make the data readable in PSCAD.
The PSCAD and SEMIS circuit models are made as identical as possible to prevent any errors in validation due to the
dissimilarities. Junction to Case and Case to Heat sink thermal resistances for the Thyristors and IGBTs have been
captured from the device datasheet while the Heat sink to ambient thermal resistance Rth(h-a) is assumed as 2 K/kW
with different ambient temperatures.
7 test cases are simulated for two rectifier topologies and simulated in PSCAD and SEMIS by varying different
parameters like input line to line voltage, device, Load power, firing angle, Switching frequency, Duty ratio etc.
Rectifier 1: 12 pulse series connected bridge + Buck/Boost
Rectifier 2: 12 pulse parallel connected bridge + Buck/Boost
The following corrections and simplifications are made on PSCAD for 6 pulse and 12 pulse converters:
The thyristor bridge model and the control to generate pulses from alpha on PSCAD is
different from the converter built with individual thyristors and the control scheme on PLECS.
A correction of -2.5˚to 3˚ was made to alpha on PSCAD w.r.t the alpha in PLECS for the 12 pulse
series connected rectifier and 12 pulse parallel connected rectifier respectively to achieve the same
electrical parameters like real power, reactive power, phase voltages and currents on both the
The correction in alpha is required to reduce the influence of the differences in the numerical
approximation methods (conversion of the circuit to differential equations) employed by these
This approach serves the purpose of estimating losses as similar powers are operated on both
The errors shown in red may be ignored as this is a correction in the alpha to achieve the same AC
and DC parameters
Validation of PLECS Results with PSCAD
Figure 16: Validation of Results for 12 Pulse Series Connected Thyristor Bridge Rectifier + Buck & Boost
Figure 17:Validation of Results for 12 Pulse Parallel Connected Thyristor Bridge Rectifier + Buck & Boost
Results analysis according settings
Device used (.xml)
Limit acceptance level Green / Orange / Red
Instructions 1. Enter all values according the final results table in the column SEMIS
2. Enter all values according the final results from the PSCAD in the column PSCad
3. Verify the relative difference; Results must not vary more than 2 %
Description of Settings Set
Set 1
Set 1
Set 2
Set 2
Set 2
Set 3
Set 3
Set 4
Set 4
Set 4
Set 5
Set 5
Set 5
Set 6
Set 6
Set 6
Set 7
Set 7
Absolute average difference [%] 0.20% 0.51% 0.40% 0.71% 0.37% 0.44% 0.23%
Max difference [%] 0.87% 1.07% 1.08% 1.56% 0.96% 1.03% 1.55%
Device Losses & Temperatures (Rectifier)
Conduction Loss per Thyristor (W) 34.87 34.84 + 0.09% 64.79 65.04 - 0.39% 59.2 58.81 + 0.66% 136.28 137.3 - 0.75% 136.19 136.6 - 0.30% 59.47 59.64 - 0.29% 25.89 25.9 - 0.04%
Combined Loss per Thyristor (W) 34.87 34.84 + 0.09% 64.79 65.04 - 0.39% 59.2 58.81 + 0.66% 136.28 137.3 - 0.75% 136.19 136.6 - 0.30% 59.47 59.64 - 0.29% 25.89 25.9 - 0.04%
Junction Temperature Avg Thyristor (°C) 41.71 41.71 + 0.00% 41.73 41.73 + 0.00% 41.4 41.3 + 0.24% 43.64 43.66 - 0.05% 43.64 43.64 + 0.00% 41.4 41.42 - 0.05% 40.61 40.69 - 0.20%
Rectifier Losses (W) 418.44 418.08 + 0.09% 777.48 780.48 - 0.39% 710.4 705.72 + 0.66% 1635.36 1647.6 - 0.75% 1634.28 1639.2 - 0.30% 713.64 715.68 - 0.29% 310.68 310.8 - 0.04%
Losses Efficiency 0.54 0.54 + 0.11% 1.47 1.46 + 0.56% 0.91 0.90 + 0.52% 1.05 1.05 + 0.54% 1.05 1.05 + 0.47% 1.35 1.35 + 0.46% 0.41 0.41 - 0.33%
Device Losses & Temperatures (Converter)
Conduction Loss per IGBT (W) 163.47 164.9 - 0.87% 256.95 258.9 - 0.76% 230.79 228.3 + 1.08% 139 140.47 - 1.06% 139.64 139 + 0.46% 94.26 94.8 - 0.57% 96.77 96.7 + 0.07%
Switching loss per IGBT (W) 182.12 182.4 - 0.15% 48.58 49.1 - 1.07% 118.96 120.2 - 1.04% 119.61 121.47 - 1.56% 281.79 284.5 - 0.96% 153.97 155 - 0.67% 90.03 89.8 + 0.26%
Combined loss per IGBT (W) 345.59 347.3 - 0.49% 305.53 308 - 0.81% 349.75 348.5 + 0.36% 258.61 261.94 - 1.29% 421.43 423.5 - 0.49% 248.23 249.8 - 0.63% 186.8 186.5 + 0.16%
Conduction Loss per Diode (W) 363.23 362.9 + 0.09% 100.82 100.5 + 0.32% 240.61 240.9 - 0.12% 315.54 317 - 0.46% 312.42 311.1 + 0.42% 78.28 77.5 + 1.00% 36.67 36.1 + 1.55%
Switching loss per Diode (W) 91.67 92.1 - 0.47% 20.43 20.6 - 0.83% 46.5 46.8 - 0.65% 60.39 61.26 - 1.44% 144.51 145.7 - 0.82% 58.1 58.7 - 1.03% 34.25 34.18 + 0.20%
Combined Loss per Diode (W) 454.9 455 - 0.02% 121.25 121.1 + 0.12% 287.11 287.7 - 0.21% 375.93 378.26 - 0.62% 456.93 456.8 + 0.03% 136.38 136.2 + 0.13% 70.92 70.28 + 0.90%
Junction Temperature Avg IGBT (°C) 71.57 71.8 - 0.32% 62.29 62.44 - 0.24% 60.61 60.7 - 0.15% 64.34 64.59 - 0.39% 76.54 76.67 - 0.17% 53.28 53.5 - 0.41% 53.57 53.53 + 0.07%
Junction Temperature Avg Diode (°C) 94.32 93.5 + 0.87% 58.75 58.76 - 0.02% 64.81 64.81 + 0.00% 84.35 84.59 - 0.28% 96.06 96 + 0.06% 53.43 53.49 - 0.11% 51.13 51.04 + 0.18%
Converter Losses (W) 800.49 802.3 - 0.23% 426.78 429.1 - 0.54% 636.86 636.2 + 0.10% 634.54 640.2 - 0.89% 878.36 880.3 - 0.22% 384.61 386 - 0.36% 257.72 256.78 + 0.36%
Total Converter Losses (W) 1218.93 1220.38 - 0.12% 1204.26 1209.58 - 0.44% 1347.26 1341.92 + 0.40% 2269.9 2287.8 - 0.79% 2512.64 2519.5 - 0.27% 1098.25 1101.68 - 0.31% 568.4 567.58 + 0.14%
Losses Efficiency 1.58 1.58 - 0.09% 2.27 2.26 + 0.51% 1.73 1.72 + 0.26% 1.46 1.45 + 0.50% 1.61 1.61 + 0.50% 2.08 2.07 + 0.43% 0.75 0.75 - 0.15%
AC Parameters
Real Power (kW) 76.99 77.01 - 0.03% 53.00 53.51 - 0.95% 78.09 77.98 + 0.13% 155.37 157.39 - 1.30% 155.61 156.82 - 0.78% 52.81 53.20 - 0.75% 75.83 75.61 + 0.29%
Reactive Power (kVAr) 73.88 74.50 - 0.84% 183.40 184.79 - 0.76% 173.20 171.60 + 0.92% 345.50 346.30 - 0.23% 345.50 346.30 - 0.23% 183.10 184.20 - 0.60% 30.59 30.65 - 0.20%
Phase Voltage RMS (V) 239.6 239.6 + 0.00% 239.6 239.6 + 0.00% 239.6 239.6 + 0.00% 239.6 239.6 + 0.00% 239.6 239.6 + 0.00% 239.6 239.6 + 0.00% 230.9 230.9 + 0.00%
Phase Current RMS (A) 149.82 149.94 - 0.08% 271.96 273.98 - 0.74% 269.85 267.48 + 0.88% 537.9 543.1 - 0.97% 538.91 540 - 0.20% 271.96 273.7 - 0.64% 118.55 118.42 + 0.11%
System frequency (Hz) 50 50 + 0.00% 50 50 + 0.00% 50 50 + 0.00% 50 50 + 0.00% 50 50 + 0.00% 50 50 + 0.00% 50 50 + 0.00%
Firing angle (alpha) 43.39 40.87 73.74 71.24 65.54 63 65.54 63 65.54 63 73.74 71.25 20.15 17.65
DC Parameters & Control Parameters
Input DC Power (kW) 76.57 76.59 - 0.03% 52.23 52.73 - 0.96% 77.38 77.28 + 0.13% 153.73 155.74 - 1.30% 153.98 155.18 - 0.78% 52.09 52.49 - 0.75% 75.52 75.30 + 0.29%
Output DC Power (kW) 75.77 75.79 - 0.03% 51.8 52.3 - 0.97% 76.74 76.64 + 0.13% 153.1 155.1 - 1.31% 153.1 154.3 - 0.78% 51.71 52.1 - 0.75% 75.26 75.04 + 0.29%
Input DC Voltage (V) 804 803.5 + 0.06% 305 306.8 - 0.59% 455 459 - 0.88% 455 458 - 0.66% 455 458.6 - 0.79% 305 307 - 0.66% 1002 1000 + 0.20%
Input DC Current (A) 94.25 94.68 - 0.46% 169 170.8 - 1.07% 168.62 167.2 + 0.84% 336.43 338.9 - 0.73% 336.43 337.3 - 0.26% 169.36 170.3 - 0.56% 75.14 75.15 - 0.01%
Output DC Voltage (V) 201 201 + 0.00% 204 204.6 - 0.29% 202 202.2 - 0.10% 606 610 - 0.66% 606 609 - 0.50% 610 613 - 0.49% 601 600 + 0.17%
Output DC Current (A) 376.92 376.7 + 0.06% 254.47 255.81 - 0.53% 379.32 379.12 + 0.05% 252.53 254.1 - 0.62% 252.53 253.3 - 0.30% 84.75 84.89 - 0.17% 125.22 125.03 + 0.15%
Duty 0.25 0.25 + 0.00% 0.667 0.667 + 0.00% 0.44 0.44 + 0.00% 0.25 0.25 + 0.00% 0.25 0.25 + 0.00% 0.5 0.5 + 0.00% 0.6 0.6 + 0.00%
12 Pulse Series + Buck
SEMIS 26 - 12 Pulse Series Thyristor Rectifier + Buck/Boost
Sravan Durga
April 22, 2020
5SNE 0800M170100, 5SNA 1600N170100, 5STP 27N8500, 5STP 45Y8500
12 Pulse Series + Boost
12 Pulse Series + Buck
12 Pulse Series + Buck
12 Pulse Series + Buck
12 Pulse Series + Boost
12 Pulse Series + Boost
Results analysis according settings
Device used (.xml)
Limit acceptance level Green / Orange / Red
Instructions 1. Enter all values according the final results table in the column SEMIS
2. Enter all values according the final results from the PSCAD in the column PSCad
3. Verify the relative difference; Results must not vary more than 2 %
Description of Settings Set
Set 1
Set 1
Set 1
Set 2
Set 2
Set 2
Set 3
Set 3
Set 3
Set 4
Set 4
Set 4
Set 5
Set 5
Set 5
Set 6
Set 6
Set 6
Set 7
Set 7
Set 7
Absolute average difference [%] 0.21% 0.38% 0.33% 0.38% 0.85% 0.64% 0.32%
Max difference [%] 1.61% 1.81% 1.47% 0.81% 1.91% 1.92% 1.13%
Device Losses & Temperatures (Rectifier)
Conduction Loss per Thyristor (W) 30.73 30.86 - 0.42% 41.49 41.3 + 0.46% 38.72 38.71 + 0.03% 63.41 63.1 + 0.49% 63.31 62.86 + 0.71% 28.84 29.14 - 1.04% 50.84 50.93 - 0.18%
Combined Loss per Thyristor (W) 30.81 30.86 - 0.16% 41.49 41.3 + 0.46% 38.72 38.71 + 0.03% 63.41 63.1 + 0.49% 63.31 62.86 + 0.71% 28.84 29.14 - 1.04% 50.84 50.93 - 0.18%
Junction Temperature Avg Thyristor (°C) 40.82 40.83 - 0.02% 41.11 41.11 + 0.00% 40.91 41.04 - 0.32% 41.69 41.7 - 0.02% 41.69 41.69 + 0.00% 40.68 40.7 - 0.05% 41.2 41.37 - 0.41%
Rectifier Losses (W) 369.72 370.32 - 0.16% 497.88 495.6 + 0.46% 464.64 464.52 + 0.03% 760.92 757.2 + 0.49% 759.72 754.32 + 0.71% 346.08 349.68 - 1.04% 610.08 611.16 - 0.18%
Losses Efficiency 0.72 0.72 - 0.08% 0.49 0.49 - 0.05% 0.46 0.46 - 0.50% 0.50 0.50 - 0.03% 0.50 0.50 - 0.56% 0.68 0.68 - 0.24% 0.40 0.40 - 0.13%
Device Losses & Temperatures (Converter)
Conduction Loss per IGBT (W) 252.61 252.9 - 0.11% 336.32 335 + 0.39% 273.29 272.4 + 0.33% 137.4 136.9 + 0.36% 138.04 135.4 + 1.91% 92.67 93.39 - 0.78% 179.18 178.7 + 0.27%
Switching loss per IGBT (W) 47.32 47.35 - 0.06% 72.98 72.56 + 0.58% 76.85 76.43 + 0.55% 117.59 116.9 + 0.59% 276.82 273.3 + 1.27% 149.82 152.7 - 1.92% 200.22 198.7 + 0.76%
Combined loss per IGBT (W) 299.93 300.25 - 0.11% 409.3 407.56 + 0.43% 350.14 348.83 + 0.37% 254.99 253.8 + 0.47% 414.86 408.7 + 1.48% 242.49 246.09 - 1.48% 379.4 377.4 + 0.53%
Conduction Loss per Diode (W) 99.25 98.3 + 0.96% 33.1 32.5 + 1.81% 29.98 29.54 + 1.47% 312.28 309.75 + 0.81% 309.2 304 + 1.68% 76.63 76 + 0.82% 162.87 161.38 + 0.91%
Switching loss per Diode (W) 19.84 19.88 - 0.20% 28.6 28.56 + 0.14% 27.75 27.77 - 0.07% 59.36 58.9 + 0.77% 141.9 139.9 + 1.41% 56.47 57.21 - 1.31% 78.02 77.7 + 0.41%
Combined Loss per Diode (W) 119.09 118.18 + 0.76% 61.7 61.06 + 1.04% 57.73 57.31 + 0.73% 371.64 368.65 + 0.80% 451.1 443.9 + 1.60% 133.1 133.21 - 0.08% 240.89 239.08 + 0.75%
Junction Temperature Avg IGBT (°C) 61.89 61.88 + 0.02% 67.85 67.71 + 0.21% 56.04 56.13 - 0.16% 64.02 63.87 + 0.23% 75.99 75.4 + 0.78% 52.97 53.21 - 0.45% 60.94 61.04 - 0.16%
Junction Temperature Avg Diode (°C) 58.41 58.29 + 0.21% 54.61 54.45 + 0.29% 50.58 50.48 + 0.20% 83.83 83.42 + 0.49% 95.3 94.3 + 1.05% 53.11 53.17 - 0.11% 62.54 62.38 + 0.26%
Converter Losses (W) 419.02 418.43 + 0.14% 471 468.62 + 0.51% 407.87 406.14 + 0.42% 626.63 622.45 + 0.67% 865.96 852.6 + 1.54% 375.59 379.3 - 0.99% 620.29 616.48 + 0.61%
Total Converter Losses (W) 788.74 788.75 - 0.00% 968.88 964.22 + 0.48% 872.51 870.66 + 0.21% 1387.55 1379.65 + 0.57% 1625.68 1606.92 + 1.15% 721.67 728.98 - 1.01% 1230.37 1227.64 + 0.22%
Losses Efficiency 1.54 1.54 + 0.08% 0.95 0.96 - 0.03% 0.86 0.86 - 0.31% 0.91 0.91 + 0.05% 1.07 1.07 - 0.11% 1.41 1.42 - 0.21% 0.81 0.81 + 0.27%
AC Parameters
Real Power (kW) 51.25 51.29 - 0.08% 101.47 100.95 + 0.51% 101.37 100.84 + 0.52% 151.89 151.10 + 0.52% 152.13 150.21 + 1.26% 51.09 51.50 - 0.80% 151.53 151.61 - 0.05%
Reactive Power (kVAr) 79.34 79.35 - 0.01% 74.36 74.61 - 0.34% 74.36 74.61 - 0.34% 111.30 111.54 - 0.22% 111.30 111.50 - 0.18% 79.19 79.49 - 0.38% 46.75 47.28 - 1.13%
Phase Voltage RMS (V) 239.6 239.6 + 0.00% 239.6 239.6 + 0.00% 239.6 239.6 + 0.00% 239.6 239.6 + 0.00% 239.6 239.6 + 0.00% 239.6 239.6 + 0.00% 230.9 230.9 + 0.00%
Phase Current RMS (A) 132.03 129.9 + 1.61% 175.48 174.9 + 0.33% 175.97 174.97 + 0.57% 262.75 261.2 + 0.59% 262.72 260.6 + 0.81% 131.73 132.5 - 0.58% 228.95 230.2 - 0.55%
System frequency (Hz) 50 50 + 0.00% 50 50 + 0.00% 50 50 + 0.00% 50 50 + 0.00% 50 50 + 0.00% 50 50 + 0.00% 50 50 + 0.00%
Firing angle (alpha) 56.67 53 35.17 32 35.17 32 35.17 32 35.17 32 56.67 53 14.52 11.52
DC Parameters & Control Parameters
Input DC Power (kW) 50.88 50.92 - 0.08% 100.97 100.46 + 0.51% 100.91 100.38 + 0.53% 151.13 150.34 + 0.52% 151.37 149.45 + 1.26% 50.75 51.15 - 0.80% 150.92 151.00 - 0.05%
Output DC Power (kW) 50.46 50.5 - 0.08% 100.5 99.99 + 0.51% 100.5 99.97 + 0.53% 150.5 149.72 + 0.52% 150.5 148.6 + 1.26% 50.37 50.77 - 0.79% 150.3 150.38 - 0.05%
Input DC Voltage (V) 301 301.38 - 0.13% 451 449.8 + 0.27% 451 449.86 + 0.25% 451 451.3 - 0.07% 451 450 + 0.22% 301 303 - 0.66% 516 515.6 + 0.08%
Input DC Current (A) 167.46 167.89 - 0.26% 222.81 222.5 + 0.14% 222.81 222.5 + 0.14% 333.6 332.67 + 0.28% 333.6 331 + 0.78% 167.14 168.12 - 0.59% 291.31 291.13 + 0.06%
Output DC Voltage (V) 201 200.9 + 0.05% 401 399.9 + 0.27% 401 400 + 0.25% 601 599.3 + 0.28% 601 597.9 + 0.52% 602 605 - 0.50% 1001 998.97 + 0.20%
Output DC Current (A) 251.15 251.26 - 0.04% 250.65 249.8 + 0.34% 250.65 249.8 + 0.34% 250.41 249.3 + 0.44% 250.41 248.4 + 0.80% 83.63 83.79 - 0.19% 150.15 149.47 + 0.45%
Duty 0.67 0.67 + 0.00% 0.89 0.89 + 0.00% 0.89 0.89 + 0.00% 0.25 0.25 + 0.00% 0.25 0.25 + 0.00% 0.5 0.5 + 0.00% 0.485 0.485 + 0.00%
12 pulse parallel thy + Boost
SEMIS 26 - 12 Pulse Parallel Thyristor Rectifier + Buck/Boost
Sravan Durga
April 27, 2020
5SNE 0800M170100, 5SNA 1600N170100, 5STP 27N8500, 5STP 45Y8500
12 pulse parallel thy + Boost
12 pulse parallel thy + Buck
12 pulse parallel thy + Buck
12 pulse parallel thy + Buck
12 pulse parallel thy + Boost
12 pulse parallel thy + Boost