e-Link Pro Network Interface EB01 & EB02 3
6 Quick Installation Guide
6.1 Powering the e-Box
The e-Box has no power switch. Connecting the AC adapter is the only way to power the e-Box device. The e-Box
is ready for communication access as soon as the red status LED starts blinking.
6.2 Setting the IP-Address via RS232
1. Connect the e-Box to your computer using the included RS232-Link-Cable
2. Use the supplied AC adapter to power the e-Box
3. Open any terminal program and select the COM-Port where you connected the e-Box
4. Set the terminal program COM-Port parameters to 9600 baud, 8 bit, no parity, no handshake
5. Verify that each command line will be sent with a <CR/LF>
6. Enter new IP-Address: sys://ip=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
(ask network administrator)
7. Enter new Subnet-Address: sys://sn=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx (
ask network administrator)
8. Enter Default Gateway: sys://dgw=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
(this step is optional)
9. Enter Domain Name Server: sys://dns=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
(this step is optional)
10. Disconnect the AC adapter from the e-Box
6.3 Connecting to the LAN
11. Connect the e-Box to the LAN using a standard Network-Patch-Cable Cat.5
12. Power the e-Box to activate the new IP-Address settings
13. Start your browser - (verify that the Java VM is installed and active) and enter the IP-Address of your e-Box to
get access to the e-Box HTTP-Server
14 When asked for a username and password enter “ADMIN” and the code “fw9”. These settings are permanent.
6.4 Device Configuration via HTTP-Server
15. Click on “Device Configuration”
16. Click on “Ethernet”, “RS232” or “Identification” to complete or adjust your settings
17. Choose one of the available presets or make individual entries
18. Be sure to “Submit” your changes before leaving the HTML page
19. Be sure to “Submit and Restart” your changes before leaving the HTML page if any parameter marked with a
sign has changed
6.5 Select Application Settings via HTTP-Server
20. Click on Application Settings
21. Choose one of the available presets or make individual entries according to the assigned e-Box function
22. After having selected a preset be sure to assign an individual value for each green highlighted field
23. Be sure to “Submit” your changes before leaving the HTML page
24. Be sure to “Submit and Restart” your changes before leaving the HTML page if any parameter marked with a
sign has changed
Note: Any parameter value marked with an asterisk (*) has been assigned but is not active. To activate these values
the e-Box needs to be restarted.
7 Further Information
7.1 Changing any parameter via RS232
List all parameters
1. Enter: sys://list
Query a parameter
1. Enter the identifier of the parameter without value
2. Example: sys://RS1_Baud
3. Answer: RS1_Baud=“9600”
Set a parameter
1. Enter the identifier of the parameter and assign a value.
2. Example: sys://RS1_Baud=“19200”
3. Answer: RS1_Baud=“19200”