ACX104 Function Block
Auto_Calibrate BOOL —— A false-to-true transition starts an auto-calibration procedure that writes high, middle, and low
calibration values into memory (EE) as the Sensor input voltage moves through its operating range.
Calibration values define the profile that the function block applies in converting a Sensor input
voltage into Percent and Scaler outputs.
When the Auto_Calibrate signal transitions from false to true, the function block writes a Sensor
input voltage that ranges between:
• 3500–4000 mV to the EE_Voltage_High memory location. This is the high
calibration value.
A Sensor input voltage that is equal to the EE_Voltage_High value produces a
Percent output of 10000 (100.00%) and a Scaler output of 15600 (156.00°).
• The Cal_Midpoint_Max and the Cal_Midpoint_Min values to the EE_Voltage_Mid
memory location. This is the middle calibration value.
A Sensor input voltage that is equal to the EE_Voltage_Mid value produces a
Percent output of 0 (0.00%) and a Scaler output of 0 (0.000°).
• 1000–1500 mV to the EE_Voltage_Low memory location. This is the low calibration
A Sensor input voltage that is equal to the EE_Voltage_Low value produces a
Percent output of -10000 (-100.00%) and a Scaler output of -15600 (-156.00°).
(The Scaler outputs assume that the Setup page has Scaler_Max and Scaler_Min
parameter values of 15600 and -15600.)
The block only writes a Sensor value into memory if it falls within a valid range and stays within this
range for more than three seconds.
Cal_Center_Only BOOL —— • F = The auto-calibration procedure captures the high, middle, and low calibration values.
• T = The auto-calibration procedure captures only the middle calibration value.
U16 1875 to
Sets the upper limit of the valid range for middle calibration values.
The Cal_Midpoint_Max value applies in auto-calibration and manual calibration procedures.
The Cal_Midpoint_Max value must be greater than the Cal_Midpoint_Min value.
1000 = 1000 mV.
Cal_Midpoint_Min U16 1875 to
Sets the lower limit of the valid range for middle calibration values.
The Cal_Midpoint_Min value applies in auto-calibration and manual calibration procedures.
The Cal_Midpoint_Min value must be less than the Cal_Midpoint_Max value.
1000 = 1000 mV.
Input_Limit_High U16 1000 to
The function block outputs an Input value too high fault when the Sensor input voltage rises above
this value.
The Input_Limit_High value must be greater than the Input_Limit_Low value.
1000 = 1000 mV.