AESCULAP® 3D Cages are engineered from
Structan® – a lattice structure with largely
isotropic behavior. Ti6Al4V ELI was chosen
as a proven and biocompatible material
for implants (8).
❙The lattice structure of the AESCULAP® 3D
Cages shows an interconnected pore
structure (Fig. 2 / 3). This interconnectivity
facilitates migration of bone cells into the
structure, thereby providing secondary
stability (9, 10).
❙According to the average pore size and
porosity of cancellous bone (approxi-
mately 1 mm / 50 - 90 % (11)) the 3D
lattice structure Structan® features an
all-over regular pore size of 900 μm as
well as a mean interconnected porosity
of 50 - 55 %. Pore size and porosity are
in a favorable range to stimulate bone
in-growth (12, 13).
❙The results of a sheep study with partly
loaded implants conrm bone growth on
and into the 3D lattice structure without
connective tissue layer six months post-
operatively. This formation of bone tissue
within the 3D lattice structure leads to a
high secondary stability (10). The 3D lat-
tice structure serves as a guide rail for
bony integration and thus contributes
signicantly to the secure anchoring of
the 3D Cage (Fig. 4).
❙A rough laser sintered surface provides a
good interaction between bone cells and
implant surface compared to a milled
smooth surface and therefore intends to
optimize osseointegration (14).
2. 3.
Lattice structure Structan®
Histological section of the 3D Cage lattice structure lled with newly formed bone
Unit cell with tted ball of 900 μm
Ti Bone