The output signal from the D15-HD connector is factory set to R,G,B. If you need to
change this to some other signal, use the DOWN arrow key to scroll down to the OUTPUT /
SYNC setting. Use the RIGHT arrow key to select the type of output you desire from the
D15-HD connector (R,G,B / Y-C / Y, R-Y, B-Y). Exit the SPECIAL SET MENU by press-
ing the MENU key.
• Return to the main MENU by pressing the MENU key. Scroll down to the AGC setting by
using the DOWN arrow key. Set the AGC to ON by using the RIGHT arrow key. Use the
left arrow key to return to the main settings.
• Scroll down to the GAIN setting and change the GAIN to 12 db by using the RIGHT arrow
key. Use the left arrow key to return to the main settings.
• Scroll down to the SUB MENU 1 setting and select this choice by use of the RIGHT arrow
key. Use the DOWN arrow key to go to the SHUTTER setting. Change the SHUTTER
setting to AES using the RIGHT arrow key. Use the left arrow key to return to the main
• Scroll down to the AES LIMIT setting and change the setting to 1/ 124144. Use the left
arrow key to return to the main settings.
• Scroll to the top of the MENU using the UP arrow key and then use the LEFT arrow key to
return to the MAIN menu.
• Scroll down to the SUB MENU 2 setting and select this choice by use of the RIGHT arrow
key. Scroll down to the DYNA CHROMA setting using the DOWN arrow key and select
this choice by use of the RIGHT arrow key. Change the setting from OFF to ON. Use the
left arrow key to return to the main settings. Scroll to the top of the MENU using the UP
arrow key and then use the LEFT arrow key to return to the MAIN menu.
The changes made will allow the settings to be stored in memory when the camera is powered down,
and will allow the camera to operate over a wide range of light levels through the use of the AGC and
AES settings.
White Balance: The ability of the camera to adjust to a particular color temperature of light, and make
a white object appear white on the monitor is the function of the white balance circuit in the camera.
There are several methods that are commonly used to accomplish white balance.
Most modern color television cameras have three basic modes of white balance. For proper operation,
and to obtain the correct results, it is important to know when to use a particular mode.
Preset White Balance: In this mode, the camera is balanced for white, under light that nor-
mally has a color temperature of 3200 degrees Kelvin. This is the typical factory adjust-
ment when the camera is set for white balance, and corresponds to the light normally used
in TV studios. Operation of the camera under light that is the same color temperature, as
that used in the factory, will produce proper color balance, and good color rendition.