User manual
3.6.3 Open file
To open an existing file (*.syd), click the open file button. Chose the file to open and
click ok. If the file is in correct file format and a synergic package file, the open file list
will be populated.
The little yellow book represents the synergic package (the open file) wile the litre
grey and yellow symbols and their lines represent synergic lines. If the package
column is dragged to the right the file name will be visible in the first package line.
3.6.4 Download and combine
If either of the upload list or the open file list are populated it is possible to move
synergic lines to the “combine ” list. Right next to the open file list and the upload list
an arrow button is visible. These buttons is out greyed if its corresponding list is not
populated. To move a synergic line or a synergic package select the line and click the
corresponding arrow button. Multiple lines can be selected. To select multiple lines
hold down the control button on the keyboard (Ctrl) and click the lines. In the open
file list whole packages can be moved. Note that the lines that you move are
essentially copied since no lines are removed wile clicking the arrow button.
To save a combined packet click the save button and select the destination to save.
If the combine list is populated it is possible to download the combined list to the
welding data unit.
To start a download click the download button. If the download fails, an error
message box will be displayed.
Download is finished when the progress bar reaches hundred percent. After
download, a message box indicates to restart the unit.
Remark: If the download lists contain one or more lines that have incomplete choices
it cannot be downloaded to the welding data unit. Incomplete in this sense means
that the synergic line does not have a choice for method, material, gas or dimension.
Alternatively, the corresponding choice has no text that can be displayed.