ESAB WeldPoint User manual

User manual
Valid for serial no. 044 074 GB 20120420
Instruction manual
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Rights reserved to alter specifications without notice.
1 INTRODUCTION 4...................................................
1.1 System overview 4..........................................................
1.2 WeldPoint overview 5........................................................
2 SOFTWARE INSTALLATION 5........................................
2.1 Insert the WeldPoint CD-ROM 5..............................................
2.2 Content on the CD 9.........................................................
3 HOW TO START APPLICATION 9.....................................
3.1 Login 9....................................................................
3.2 Change password 10.........................................................
4 HOW TO CONNECT TO WELDING SYSTEMS 11.........................
4.1 Searching for available welding systems 12......................................
4.1.1 Search local LAN 12.....................................................
4.1.2 Subnet Search 12.......................................................
5 MAIN VIEW 12........................................................
5.1 Connecting welding system from the list 12......................................
5.2 Manual connect 13...........................................................
5.3 Possible errors in this view 13..................................................
6 GET FILES FROM WELD DATA UNIT 14................................
6.1 Possible errors in this view 15..................................................
7 VIEW WELD DATA FILE 16............................................
7.1 Weld data viewer 16..........................................................
7.2 Convert to HTML file 18.......................................................
7.3 Convert to text file 19.........................................................
7.4 Error 20.....................................................................
8 COMPOSE NEW WELD DATA FILE 21..................................
8.1 Copy method 22.............................................................
8.1.1 Copy single node 22.....................................................
8.1.2 Copy multiple nodes 23...................................................
8.2 Save new weld data file 24....................................................
8.3 Additional Functionalities in this view 24.........................................
8.4 Errors 25....................................................................
9 ONLINE QUALITY DATA VIEWER 26...................................
9.1 Manual update 27............................................................
9.2 Automatic update 27..........................................................
10 ONLINE WELD DATA EDITOR 28......................................
10.1 Edit weld data set remotely 29.................................................
10.2 Buttons usage 32............................................................
10.2.1 Save Name 32..........................................................
10.2.2 Set parameter 32........................................................
10.2.3 Refresh parameters 32...................................................
10.2.4 Save data set in WDU 32.................................................
10.2.5 Cancel Changes in WDU 33..............................................
10.3 Messages 33................................................................
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Rights reserved to alter specifications without notice.
11 REMOTE USB-MEMORY ACCESS 34...................................
11.1 Force export and import of files 36..............................................
11.1.1 Export file in weld data unit 36.............................................
11.1.2 Import file in weld data unit 37.............................................
11.2 Upload file 38................................................................
11.3 Download file 39.............................................................
11.4 Messages 39................................................................
11.5 Buttons 39..................................................................
11.5.1 List files and folders 39...................................................
11.5.2 Delete file 40............................................................
11.5.3 Size 40.................................................................
11.5.4 File size 40.............................................................
11.5.5 Rename 40.............................................................
11.5.6 Rename file 41..........................................................
12 APPENDIX A 42.......................................................
12.1 Configuration file 42..........................................................
© ESAB AB 2009
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WeldPoint is a PC based administrative tool for managing handle a number of
administrative tasks for welding systems connected to a local area network.
Note! The welding system and the PC that WeldPoint is installed on has to be in the
same IP-range for WeldPoint to work properly).
The tasks are:
S Connecting to welding system
S Converting XML files from welding equipment
S Viewing and merging weld data schedules
S Viewing quality data
S Editing weld data sets online
S Managing files exported to USB in the welding system.
1.1 System overview
1 Welding power source 4 Administration tool, WeldPoint
2 Wire feed 5 Connection to network
3 Weld data unit 6 USB-memory
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1.2 WeldPoint overview
WeldPoint consists of seven views to accomplish the tasks described above.
S Main view is responsible for establishing connection(s) with the welding system
(weld data unit's), see page 12.
S Get files from weld data unit downloads the files from welding system. If the
weld data unit is not connected then the user can't get the access to this view,
see page 14.
S View weld data helps the user to view the content of weld data file, see page
S Compose new weld data will be used to combine two weld data to create new
weld data, also includes a data viewer, see page 21.
S Online Quality data viewer will help the user to receive quality data directly
from the unit. If weld data unit is not connected then the user cannot get access
to this view, see page 9.
S Online weld data editor will help the user to edit setting data online. If weld data
unit is not connected then the user cannot get access to this view, see page 28.
S Remote USB-memory access helps the user to upload/download files to/from a
connected weld data unit. If the weld data unit is not connected the user cannot
get access to this view, see page 34.
2.1 Insert the WeldPoint CD-ROM
The WeldPoint software is delivered on a CD-ROM with autostart. If the autostart is
disabled in Windows, run the setup.exe that can be found on the CD-ROM.
For installation to be successful, the user must be logged in as the system
administrator or have the rights to install programs on the computer.
Note! To be sure of a successful installation of WeldPoint, please first uninstall the
previous version if you have any. This can be done using add/remove programs in
the control panel.
For WeldPoint to work the dotNet framework 2.0 or later have to be installed.
If you don't have it installed on your computer, WeldPoint setup will give an error
message and advice you to install dotNet. You can do this by following the link given
and download it from the Internet or by going to the root of the CD and execute the
dotnetfx.exe installation file. Just follow the instructions during the installation for the
dotNet framework.
S Restart the WeldPoint setup and continue with the following steps.
If everything that is needed is installed and the setup has been successfully
started the view below will be displayed.
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S Follow the instructions and press next to continue with the installation of
S Press next.
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S Press next and you get to the view below.
S In this view you can select where you want WeldPoint to be installed and if you
want it to be accessible for all people using the computer or just yourself.
S Press next and you get to this view.
Confirm installation
S If you are satisfied with your previous choices press next to start the installation.
When next has been pressed WeldPoint is being installed.
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S Press close to finish the installation.
If a screen like the one below appears, you are trying to install a WeldPoint
version with an older setup than the one installed previously. Please, get the
latest version or remove the one already installed by using “add/remove
programs” in the control panel.
Unable to install
Now when the installation is finished, WeldPoint is ready to be used.
Installation complete
S To start WeldPoint use the icon on the desktop or in the start menu.
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2.2 Content on the CD
S Dotnetfx.exe
dotNet Framwork 2.x
S Setup.exe
Main setup file for WeldPoint
S WeldPoint_setup.msi
Microsoft help setup file for WeldPoint
S WeldPoint_instruction_manual.pdf
Manual describing installation procedure and the functionality of WeldPoint
After installing WeldPoint the user can start the application by running the WeldPoint
icon from the start menu or the WeldPoint icon on the desktop .
At first start-up WeldPoint will try to connect to the IP and at the next
start-up WeldPoint will try the last IP being used. Sometimes the PC may have two
or more IP:s and to set or change IP, use the menu “Settings >> Select IP address”.
3.1 Login
To be able to start using the application the user needs to login. Below are the steps
to login.
1. When the pop up screen below appears.
Login step 1
2. Select type of user from the drop-down list.
Login step 2
3. Then give password in the Password text box and press Login.
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Login step 3
Now the user has logged into the application and has access to it.
3.2 Change password
The password for the administrator account can be changed by using the pop up
window below, which appears when the user press Change password button.
Change password
By giving all the correct details in the above pop up window, the administrator
password gets changed. Default password is: admin.
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After Login the user will be directed to Main View. The number of tabs displayed will
differ depending on the user logged in as USER or ADMINISTRATOR.
An administrator has access to all tabs including those that can edit data while a
USER only can access tabs that do not edit data directly (i.e not Online weld data
view and Remote USB-memory access).
All users can see accessible welding systems (IP addresses) in the “Found welding
system” list. The IP-number you are connected to is also shown in the row above the
IP-list. Each time the ”Main” tab is selected, a search on the local area network
(LAN) is initiated and the button is disabled for a couple of seconds.
Main View
If a user has logged in as an administrator, the following views will be available:
S Main view
S Get files from weld data unit
S View weld data file
S Compose new weld data file
S Online quality data viewer
S Online weld data editor
S Remote USB-memory access
Each view will be described briefly in the following
parts of this document.
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4.1 Searching for available welding systems
There are two ways of searching for available welding systems on the network.
4.1.1 Search local LAN
Search local LAN searches the part of the network to which the computer and
WeldPoint is connected to. In some cases however the welding system will be on a
different part of the network, a so called subnet. This means that using ”search local
LAN” won't find the welding system due to network configuration. For that case we
have the Subnet search option.
4.1.2 Subnet Search
To be able to find welding systems on other parts of a network a function called
subnet search exist. Subnet search allows a user to specify an IP or a range of IP:s
to search for welding system.
By pressing the ”Subnet search” button in the main tab,
a window named Manual Search will appear.
A user can add up to ten different IP:s or IP masks to
By pressing the button Add the mask will be added to
the search box. If the subnet mask (for ex
:172.20.153.*) is given, it means that all addresses
ranging from to will be
A user can then select the IP:s and/or subnet masks he
wants WeldPoint to search by using the check boxes.
When Search is pressed the selected IP:s will be
In the Main view connections towards different welding systems can be made. In the
Found welding system list, all welding systems found on the network will be
displayed. To connect with a welding system, the user has two ways.
Either by selecting the found welding system in the list and pressing the button
Connect selected or by manually connecting to a specific welding system with
known IP by using the Manual connect button.
Note! If no welding systems are found when Search button is pressed, check so
that the computer is on the same network as the welding system (same IP-range)
and make sure that all network cables are connected and are working.
Check also if your computer has a firewall installed. If it has, disable it to test if that
might be the cause. Often a firewall blocks the messages sent to and from
WeldPoint causing the search etc. to fail.
5.1 Connecting welding system from the list
To connect with a welding system the user can select it by pressing the
corresponding check box and click the button Connect selected.
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It is possible to select up to ten welding systems to connect to, but only one can be
selected as active at a time.
When Connect selected is pressed the selected welding system is contacted and
relevant information is transferred to WeldPoint. This takes around 7 seconds for
each welding system so if several welding systems are selected the connection time
can be more then a minute.
The first welding system that has a successful connect will be displayed as selected
in the Choose active welding system box. To change to another connected
welding system, press the drop down button in Choose connected welding system
and select the welding system of your choice from the drop down menu.
If the connection against the welding system and all information transferred is OK the
selected welding system is displayed as Active in the status text box otherwise it will
be displayed as Inactive.
5.2 Manual connect
If no welding systems are found and displayed in the Found welding systems list, a
user can try to connect manually against a welding system for which he knows the
This is done by pressing the Manual connect button. When the button is pressed
the manual connect window appears.
By giving the IP address to a certain
welding system or by choosing from the
drop down menu the user can connect to
it without searching for it.
If Manual connect is used, the connected welding system will automatically be set
as the active welding system as soon as the Connect button is pressed and a
successful connection is established.
5.3 Possible errors in this view
If the user tries to connect, while the welding system
is not running or the welding system has refused the
connection with WeldPoint then the error message
appears (Connection Error Message).
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In Get files from weld data unit view there are buttons to get weld data files
through FTP and to copy them to local folder.
Get files from weld data unit
To force an export to the USB-memory and then download the exported XML files
from the USB-memory to the PC the user can press any of the Download.... file
buttons that exist for the different XML files.
If the file that you want to download already exist at the USB-memory, when a forced
export is initiated a message will appear, asking the user if he wants to overwrite the
existing file on the USB-memory.
If the user presses ”Ok” an export will be initiated and while the weld data unit is
exporting the data to the USB-memory a message will be shown.
When the export is finished a message will be shown indicating if the export was
successful or not.
When the export is finished a ”Browse for folder” pop-up appears where the user can
choose at which location to store the file from the weld data unit's USB-memory. If
any of the user name or password is wrong or the connection to the FTP server in
the welding system, fails WeldPoint will give a pop-up message.
When the OK button is pressed a pop-up asking for user name and password will
appear. In that case give the correct user name and password for the FTP and it will
start downloading the files and store the newly given user name and password in the
configuration file.
The default user name for a welding system is ESAB and password is also ESAB.
© ESAB AB 2009
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When a file has been downloaded it can be converted to other formats such as
HTML or text format (separated by semicolon) for easier import to Excel, by pressing
the corresponding to HTML or to CSV... button.
When the button is pressed a
pop-up appears showing the file
structure of your computer.
Choose the location of the XML
file that you downloaded and
want to convert to the new format
and press the open button.
When that has been done a new
pop-up appears asking the user
for the location to store the
converted file. Choose the
location, give a filename and
press the save button. The
converted file will now
automatically be displayed in the
associated program for the file
type (for example Internet
explorer for HTML).
Note! The Weld data file can not be converted in the Get files from weld data unit
view, but that functionality is in the View weld data view.
6.1 Possible errors in this view
In this view if the user opens a different file instead of the
intended file then WeldPoint will give an error message.
In the figure it shows the user opens quality log file
instead of production statistic file.
Sometimes the downloaded file
does not have any data in it (for
example when there are no
errors in the error file). WeldPoint
will then display the following
In the figure it shows there are no data nodes in opened measure limit file.
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To present the content of a weld data file to the user WeldPoint uses View weld
data file tab.
View weld data file
7.1 Weld data viewer
Weld data can be opened by
using open weld data file button.
Open file dialog will be shown, the
user can choose which weld data
file to open from it.
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The user can see the location of the opened file in a text box in the bottom of the
Complete weld data file
After opening a file the user can view the content of XML file in a tree-view format.
By choosing the particular parameter in a Weld Data File, the user can read extra
information such as min, max, raw value, displayed value, scale factor, unit etc.
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Unit for numerical values
7.2 Convert to HTML file
Further the opened XML welddata file can be converted into HTML format by using
the Convert to HTML file button.
Converted HTML file will be
saved by using save as dialog.
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The content of the saved HTML file will be shown automatically in the software that
is associated with the HTML file ending (most often Internet explorer).
Content of saved HTML files
7.3 Convert to text file
In the same way as HTML files the user can create and save a file in text format by
using the Convert to text file button.
The content of the saved text file will be shown automatically in the software that is
associated with the text file ending (most often Notepad).
Content of saved text file
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7.4 Error
WeldPoint will not open a corrupted
file, if the file is corrupted with
wrong data then it will give error
message by denoting the line of
In a figure it shows that error is in the Synergic mode parameter.
If the user opens a non valid weld data file then it will give
an error message.
If the opened file is not a valid XML file then WeldPoint will
give another error message.
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ESAB WeldPoint User manual

User manual

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