Congratulations on your ownership of an Ademco Security System. You’ve
made a wise decision in choosing it, for it represents the latest in security
protection technology today, including microcomputer technology to monitor the
system’s status at all times. Ademco is the world’s largest manufacturer of
security systems and millions of premises are protected by Ademco systems.
Basically, this system offers you three forms of protection
burglary, fire and
emergency. Your system consists of at least one console which provides full
control of system operation, plus various devices such as door and window
sensors and motion detectors. It may also include a selected number of smoke
or combustion detectors designed to provide early warning in case of fire.
Your consoles allow you to control all system functions, and feature a
telephone style (digital) keypad, a Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) that shows the
nature and location of all occurrences, and a built-in sounder which sounds
during alarms and troubles. Your System can use either the Fixed-Word
Display console or the Alpha Display console (see ABOUT THE CONSOLES).
Unless stated otherwise, all commands and procedures apply equally to both
types of Consoles.
Your system’s sensing devices have been assigned to various “protection
zones”. For example, the sensing device on your designated Entry/Exit door
may have been assigned to zone 01, sensing devices on a window in the
master bedroom to zone 02, and so on. These zone numbers will appear on
the console display when an alarm or trouble condition occurs.