Frequently asked questions
Display Reasons Solutions
If the temperature of the
target object is higher than the
measuring range (higher than
43°C for the ear), the display
shows ›HI‹.
If the sensor is not properly
placed in the ear canal or the
measurement distance is too
far during measurement, the
measurement result may be
too low.
If the sensor is contaminated,
the reading may be too low;
the sensor should be cleaned
with an alcohol swab.
If the temperature of the target
object is lower than the meas-
uring range (lower than 34° for
the ear), the display shows ›LO‹.
The operating temperature of
this unit is limited upwards to
40°C. If the ambient temper-
ature exceeds this point, the
display shows an error message
When using this product, the
ambient temperature should
not be higher than 40° C.
The operating temperature
of this unit is limited to 10° C
at the bottom. If the ambient
temperature falls below this
point, the display shows an
error message ›Er.H‹.
When using this product, the
ambient temperature should
not be lower than 10° C.
If the ambient temperature
changes rapidly by 5degrees,
an error message is displayed
during measurement in the
object temperature mode,
then the unit switches o
If ›Err‹ is displayed, place the
unit in the room where meas-
urement is to be taken for more
than 30 minutes before taking
the next measurement.
If mishandled, a beep will be heard when the sound setting is
active. (a short tone will be heard)