IKEA LILLTJÄRN Wall Mirror User manual

  • Hello! I'm your chat assistant and I've reviewed the user manual for the IKEA LILLTJÄRN mirror. This document provides instructions for safely installing the mirror, including guidance on suitable surfaces and the limitations of the adhesive tape. It's important to note that the mirror should not be placed in direct contact with water, and the adhesive tape cannot be reused. I'm ready to assist you with any questions you might have about this product and its installation.
  • Can the mirror be installed on any surface?
    What surfaces should be avoided when installing the mirror?
    Can the adhesive tape be reused?
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The wall surface may damage
if the mirror is removed from
the wall.
The mirror will  x to most
even and smooth surfaces.
Do not  x on surfaces that
come into direct contact with
water as it may cause the
adhesion to fail.
The adhesive tape cannot be
reused so it is important to
position and  x the mirror
correctly from the start.
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