Scam alerts!
Please Inform ALL Employees!
*Please note that some merchants experience being called on by sales people claiming there's
something wrong with having this type of terminal because they will always try to talk you into
getting their products and services which will cost several hundred dollars a month (or more!) to
use by making merchants pay all processing fees...and that is going to decrease your profits!
Some merchants have also experienced receiving phone calls from someone who claims to be
working with the “processor”…and they try to get you, or one of your employees, to go to the
terminal so they can assist you with making changes to the terminal programming. You could
potentially even see sales people come to your store wanting to make changes to your machine.
Don’t allow any changes to be made to your terminal without calling
us first at , as any changes would come through us.
We would be able to let you know if proposed changes are authorized.
In many cases, these scammers are attempting to divert your funds to a different processor, and
a different bank account causing the potential loss of a lot of money before merchants find out
what happened. They will typically tell you that they are authorized by the processor to do
required banking industry security “upgrades”, or other services they will claim are beneficial.
Some merchants have also informed us that there are companies that are calling up merchants
claiming to be selling “Cleaning Supplies” for your payment terminal, and they are claiming that
they work with or for the company that sold them the terminal, or they are associated with
Terminal Support, or Tech Support. It’s a very old scam to call up a business and claim you’re
associated with someone the business is already doing business with, so this is nothing that’s
really new as this has been going on for many years in different forms.
Typically, they will call a merchant’s location and tell them that they MUST allow shipment of
these cleaning supplies to keep the terminal in warranty, OR they may say prices are going up
and they wanted you to have opportunity to buy at current pricing, or similar sales pitch. If you
allow them to send you their box of “Cleaning Supplies”, they will bill you for amounts over $100,
to as high as around $300, and file claims with credit reporting agencies if you don’t pay!
These offerings, & terminal changes aren’t from us, the processor, or your distributor.
Scams like this are enabled by the fact that business contact info is public knowledge and as
available to scam artists through public info sources. We DO NOT give anyone your contact
information as that is protected info under Federal Privacy Laws.
Please call Support (866 577 1593) using the toll-free number on your terminal.We deliver
monthly statements to you each month in addition to being available to help you withaccounting
issues, questions about your terminal, etc. We are your authorized tech supportagent to help
you in association with your local distributor that originally provided you with yourequipment. If
you ever needed to speak with your local agent, we can provide that contactinformation to you.
Contact Support by calling the Toll-Free number on your
terminal which is: