9E106-06 Module Specific Information
Interface Statistics Screen Fields
The following information briefly explains each Interface Statistics Screen field.
Allows you to select the interface you want to monitor.
IN OCTETS (Read-only)
Displays the number of octets (bytes) received by this interface.
Displays the number of unicast packets (packets destined for one specific address)
received by this interface.
Displays the number of non-unicast packets (multicast and broadcast packets, in
other words, packets destined for more than one address) received by this
IN DISCARDS (Read-only)
Displays the total number of packets discarded by this interface due to a lack of
available resources.
IN ERRORS (Read-only)
Displays the total number of errors received on this interface. The number
displayed is composed of one of the following errors:
• Out of Window (OOW) Collision, which is one of the following:
• A collision caused by a station on the network violating Carrier Sense and
transmitting at will
• A cable failure occurring during the transmission of a frame
• A network propagation delay greater than 51.2 ms
• Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) Errors - Errors in the 4-byte CRC field of a
frame that ensures that the data received by the module is the same as the data
transmitted by the originating device.
• Alignment Errors - Alignment errors are frames that are misaligned (in other
words, frames that contain a non-integral number of bytes).
• Runt Packets - Runt packets are packets that are smaller than the minimum
Ethernet frame size of 64 bytes, not including preamble.
• Giant Packets - Giant packets are packets that are larger than the maximum
Ethernet frame size of 1,518 bytes, not including preamble.