7. HMI
Status LED
Server querying Slowly flashing blue
Charging management - lowering the power during a session Undulating blue
Charging management - External signal - temporary charge stop (D/N INPUT) Undulating blue
Extended charging (interrupted charging, lowered power, etc.) Undulating blue
Charging management - load shedding during a session Undulating blue
Fault - Power failure O
Reservation for 1 hr Solid purple
Fault - Defective cable - short circuit between Phase and neutral Flashing red 1x / cycle
Fault - Defective cable - coding resistance absent or out of normative tolerance Flashing red 1x / cycle
Fault - Defective communication between station and EV - short circuit between CP and PE (CP = 0V -State
Flashing red 2x / cycle
Fault - 4x EV over-consumption - the EV charges at too high current (4x in the same charging session) Flashing red 3x / cycle
Fault - Ventilation required - the EV requires a ventilation of the charging room Flashing red 4x / cycle
Fault - Charging management - load shedding is too frequent (4x in the same charging session) Flashing red 5x / cycle
Fault - Defective communication between station and EV - States A, B, C are out of tolerance / standard Flashing red 6x / cycle
Fault - Defective communication between station and EV - earthing fault (earthing is cut but CP is looped via
Flashing red 6x / cycle
Fault - Defective communication between station and EV - diode error (connection to something other than
an EV)
Flashing red 6x / cycle
Fault - Invalid badge Rapidly flashing red
Fault - Charging rate on 6A in single-phase Solid red
Fault - Contact fixed on the contactor Solid red
Fault - Charging rate on 10A in three-phase Solid red
Fault - Charging rate on 6A in three-phase Solid red
Fault - Unable to connect to the server Rapidly flashing red/blue
Locking of the socket + awaiting charging authorisation Slowly flashing green
Awaiting charging authorisation Slowly flashing green
Unlocking of the socket + awaiting cable disconnection Rapidly flashing green
Awaiting cable connection Rapidly flashing green
Awaiting cable disconnection Rapidly flashing green
Waiting for badge Rapidly flashing green
Pause EV charging Solid green
Station is ready
Solid green
Waiting for badge Solid green
Awaiting communication with the EV Pulsating green
Charging Undulating green
EV over-consumption during a session Slowly flashing green/blue
EV over-consumption during a session Slowly flashing green/blue
Locking of the socket + awaiting charging authorisation Slowly flashing green