Broadcom PEX 8112 AA Errata List User guide

User guide
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PEX 8112AA Errata Documentation
A. Affected Silicon Revision
This document details Errata for the following silicon:
PEX 8112
Single Lane
PCI Express-to-PCI Bridge
Full Production
B. Documentation Revision
The following documentation is the silicon baseline functional description:
Publication Date
PEX 8112AA Data Book
Data Book
October, 2008
C. Errata Documentation Revision History
Added erratum 2 and 3.
Deleted the incorrect workaround description in erratum 3.
Added erratum 4.
Added erratum 5, documentation corrections
Added erratum 6, documentation corrections
D. Errata Summary
F, R
1. 66MHz PCI Bus Timing Violations
F, R
PCLKO 66MHz waveforms out of specification
L1 Entry/Exit Problem
PEX 8112 may not start PCI access within 16 clocks of GNT# assertion in
specific cases.
Transmitted Error Messages have Requester ID = 0x0000
F, R
PCI Memory Read Multiple (MRM) or Memory Read Line (MRL) with
Address 4 Bytes Below 4K Boundary may be Forwarded to PCI Express
PEX 8112AA
Errata Documentation
Revision 1.5
June 2012
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with Incorrect Byte Enable Field
F = Forward Bridge mode
R = Reverse Bridge mode
F, R = Forward or Reverse Bridge mode
E. Errata Details
1. 66MHz PCI Bus Timing Violations
In Forward or Reverse Bridge mode, at 66 MHz, the PCI clock to output timing
requirement of 6 ns is violated by 296 ps, resulting in a clock to output delay of 6.296
ns. The PCI input setup requirement of 3 ns (for point-to-point and bused signals,
respectively) is violated by 799 ps. There are no timing violations on the PCI input setup
requirement of 5ns.
In most applications, there is sufficient margin to cover these minor violations.
2. PCLKO 66MHz waveforms out of specification
When the PCLKO output is programmed for 66MHz, the high time is only 5 nsec. The
PCI specification requires that the high and low times be between 6 and 9 nsec. Also,
there is excessive jitter due to several factors:
1. Jitter of the 100MHz Refclk.
2. Duty cycle of the 100MHz Refclk
3. Internal Refclk clock tree skew.
4. Skew through clock divider logic.
Since the 66MHz PCLKO rising and falling edges are triggered by both the rising and
falling edges of Refclk, the output will always be susceptible to jitter based on item 2.
The PCIe spec allows for a duty cycle of 40% to 60%, resulting in up to 2 nsec of jitter
on PCLKO. Items 3 and 4 could contribute several hundred picoseconds of jitter, too.
Use an external PCI clock source.
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For 66MHz applications, an external clock source is required for devices that have clock
inputs that require a 50% duty cycle clock
3. L1 Entry/Exit Problem
In Reverse Bridge mode, there are three types of problems associated with the L1
ASPM link state in PEX 8112’s downstream PCI Express interface that have been
identified. One of these problems can occur when PEX 8112’s PCI Express link is
entering L1 state. The other two problems can occur when PEX 8112’s PCI Express
link is exiting L1 state. These cases are described as follows:
Case #1 PCI Express Bus Deadlock on PEX 8112 Entry to L1
A bus deadlock condition can occur on PCI Express when PEX 8112 is transitioning its
downstream PCI Express link to the L1 link state, if the following sequence of events
1. The PCI host places PEX 8112’s downstream PCI Express device into D3
power management D-state.
2. The downstream device begins its transition into the L1 state and starts
transmitting PM_Enter_L1 messages upstream to the PEX 8112.
3. Before PEX 8112 receives and responds to the downstream device’s
PM_Enter_L1 message, PEX 8112 receives a PCI Configuration Read/Write
access from the PCI Host addressed to the downstream PCI Express device.
This access is then forwarded to the downstream device by PEX 8112 as a
CfgRd (or CfgWr) TLP. At this point, PEX 8112 expects to receive a
completion from the downstream device, so it can in-turn complete the
access from the PCI Host.
4. The downstream PCIe device, however, having already started its transition
to the L1 state, is not allowed to transmit a completion to the CfgRd/Wr TLP
until it has received a PM_Req_ACK message from the PEX 8112. (See PCI
Express Base 1.0a, sec
In this case, the PEX 8112 will not transmit PM_Req_ACK to the downstream device
until it receives the completion, and the downstream device is not permitted to return
the completion for the pending CfgRd/Wr request until it receives PM_Req_ACK from
PEX 8112, resulting in a deadlock.
Case #2. Corrupted TLP or PCI Express Link Failure on L1 Exit
The PEX 8112, when transitioning its downstream PCI Express link out of L1 link state,
may transmit a corrupted (mal-formed) TLP, and in some cases fail completely (lock-
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up), requiring hardware reset or power cycling of the system, if the following sequence
of events occurs:
1. The PCI host places PEX 8112 into D3
power management D-state.
2. Upon transition to D3
, PEX 8112 successfully transitions its downstream PCI
Express link to L1 state, as required.
3. With PEX 8112s PCI Express link in L1 state, the PCI host initiates a PCI
Configuration Read access (or write) on PEX 8112’s upstream PCI bus
addressed to the downstream PCI Express device.
In this case, PEX 8112 is expected to transition its downstream PCI Express link from
L1 to L0, forward (transmit) the CfgRd (or CfgWr) request TLP to its downstream
device, and return it’s completion to the PCI host. The problem, however, is that PEX
8112 attempts to transmit the forwarded CfgRD (or CfgWr) TLP before its PCI Express
link has completed its transition to L0. When this happens, the PEX 8112 may fail in
one or both of the ways described below:
Transmission of a corrupted (mal-formed) CfgRd/CfgWr TLP to PCI Express
Complete failure (lock-up) of the PEX 8112’s PCI Express interface, requiring
hardware reset or cycling of system power to clear.
PCI Host bridges and/or BIOS firmware that perform configuration access to PEX
8112’s downstream device after placing it and/or the PEX 8112 into D3
D-State may
end up in an infinite loop retrying the CfgRd, causing the system to hang when entering
stand-by or hibernate system power states.
4. PEX 8112 May Not Start a PCI Access within 16 Clocks of GNT#
Assertion in Specific Cases
When PEX 8112 is configured as a Forward bridge using an external PCI arbiter
(EXTARB = High), if a non-posted request (Memory Read, Configuration Read, etc.) is
received on PCI Express targeting PCI bus and this request is immediately followed by
two or more Vendor-Defined Messages, PEX 8112 may fail to start the non-posted
request on PCI bus within 16 clocks of receiving GNT#, as required by the PCI Local
Bus Specification, v 2.3, section 3.4.1. PEX 8112 will assert REQ# upon receiving the
initial non-posted request, but will delay starting this access on PCI bus while the
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Vendor-Defined messages are being decoded and discarded. Depending on when
GNT# is received, this delay may exceed the 16 clock rule.
1. Use Internal Arbiter mode (EXTARB = Low).
2. Avoid sending back-to-back MessageD or Message requests to PEX 8112 in the
presence of downstream non-posted requests.
3. Disable any “broken master” feature of the external arbiter that would cause
removal of GNT# after 16 clocks. If the external arbiter can tolerate the added
delay, traffic will resume normally with no loss of data.
In the system where this problem was discovered, the external arbiter was removing
GNT# after 16 clocks, resulting in a system hang.
5. Transmitted Error Messages Have Requester ID=0x0000
When PEX 8112 is configured as a Forward bridge and error message generation is
enabled as described in section 10.1 of the PEX 8112 Data Book, certain error
messages generated will have a Requester ID = 0x0000, regardless of the value
programmed in the Primary Bus Number register (18h). Affected message types are
listed below:
ERR_COR messages, including
- Receiver Error
- Bad TLP
- Bad DLLP
- Replay Timeout
- Replay Number Rollover
ERR _NONFATAL messages, including
- Poisoned TLP
- Unsupported Request
- Completion Timeout
- Completer Abort
- Unexpected Completion
ERR_FATAL messages, including
- Link Training Error
- Data Link Layer Protocol Error
- Flow Control Protocol Error
- Received Malformed TLP
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1. Do not enable error message generation (default). Program DEVCTL[2:0] =
Error messages with an invalid Requester ID field can cause unpredictable response by
the PCI Express Root Complex.
6. PCI Memory Read Multiple (MRM) or Memory Read Line (MRL) with
Address 4 Bytes Below 4K Boundary may be Forwarded to PCI
Express with Incorrect Byte Enable Field
A PCI Memory Read Multiple (MRM) or Memory Read Line (MRL) command with an
address 4 bytes below the 4K address boundary should be forwarded to PCI Express
as a MemRd Request TLP for 1 DW with BE=1111_0000, regardless of the state of the
PCI BE[3:0] signals (PCI byte enables are ‘don’t care’). Actual behavior of the PEX
8112 in this case will be to generate a MemRd Request TLP for 1 DW with
BE=xxxx_0000, where xxxx = BE[3:0]# (PCI byte enables are forwarded to PCI
1. Insure that MRM commands have byte enables asserted.
2. Avoid using MRM command to access addresses 4 bytes below 4K boundary
In the system where this issue was seen, the PCI master was sending MRM command
with all byte enables de-asserted. This resulted in a PCI Express MemRd TLP with
BE=0000_0000 (dummy read), and data returned were invalid.
F. Documentation Corrections and Updates
1. Figure 19-2, Serial EEPROM Timing Diagram. T
is incorrectly shown. T
measured from the rising edge of EECLK, not the falling edge.
2. Section, replace the phrase “when the secondary bus RST# is asserted” with
the phrase “when the Bridge Control Register[Secondary Bus Reset] bit is set
(3Eh[6] = 1b)”.
Copyright © 2012 by PLX Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. PLX is a trademark of PLX Technology, Inc., which may be
registered in some jurisdictions. All other product names that appear in this material are for identification purposes only and are
acknowledged to be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. Information supplied by PLX is believed to
be accurate and reliable, but PLX Technology, Inc. assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this material. PLX
Technology reserves the right, without notice, to make changes in product design or specification.
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Broadcom PEX 8112 AA Errata List User guide

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