Account Benefits dialog box, 341
Account Verification dialog box, 341
Add Caption dialog box, 58
Add Noise filter, 264
Add to Quick Selection button, Quick Selection tool, 131
Adjust Date and Time option, contextual menu, 57
Adjust Sharpness dialog box, 182
Adjust Smart Fix dialog box, 197
adjustment layer, 145, 160–161, 163
Advanced Photo Downloader dialog box, 27
After Only view, Quick Fix pane, 172
Airbrush feature, 236
Album Details panel, Organizer, 60–61
adding photos to in Full Screen mode, 83
create new, 60–61
creating category of, 71
removing photos from, 61
saving open photos as, 39
sharing online, 342–343
stopping from sharing, 343
viewing, 61
Albums panel, Organizer, 70
alignment, text, 277
Amount slider, Emboss dialog box, 268
anchor points, 116
anti-aliasing, 277
Arrange commands, layers, 153
art, 24
Auto Color Correction command, 219
Auto Contrast feature, 203
Auto Hide button, 52
Auto setting, Photomerge dialog box, 318
Auto Sharpen button, Quick Fix window, 183
Auto-Analyzer feature, Organizer, 33
Background layer, 132, 138, 147, 251
backing up photos, 338–339, 344–345
Backup Catalog to CD, DVD, or Hard Drive dialog box, 338
Backup/Sync check box, Album Details panel, 60
Bas Relief filter, 269
Before & After setting, Guided Edit interface, 216
Before Only view, Quick Fix pane, 172
beveled text, 282
Bin Actions button, Project Bin, 39
Bitmap (BMP) format, 35
bitmap images, 7
Black and White – High Contrast tool, 174
black-and-white photo, 226–229
Blank File option, File menu, 36
blank image, 25, 36–37
blending layers, 162–163
Block mode, eraser, 251
Blur filters, 256–257
Blur tool, 13, 212–213
Blush slider, Adjust Color for Skin Tone dialog box, 219
BMP (Bitmap) format, 35
brightness, 199, 202
Browse For Folder dialog box, 32
Brush menu, Quick Selection Tool, 120
Brush mode, eraser, 251
brush styles, 238–239
Brush tool, 13, 236–237, 242–243
Brushes panel, 221
Burn tool, 205–207
By Caption or Note option, Find menu, 65
By Filename option, Find menu, 65
By History option, Find menu, 65
By Media Type option, Find menu, 65
calendar, photo, 317
camera, digital, 24, 26-27
canvas size, image, 102–103
captions, 59, 301, 335
card reader, 24, 26–27
Catalog Manager dialog box, 48–49
Catalog option, File menu, 48
catalogs, 44, 48–49
Clone Stamp tool, 13, 178–179
collage, 5
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