keyboard shortcuts, 42–43
Landscape orientation option, 44
Lasso tool
Magnetic Lasso, 203–205, 204
Polygonal Lasso, 200–203, 201–202
working with, 198–200, 199–200
Layer Compression options, 256
layer masks, 220
benefits, 11–12, 12–13, 102
brightness/contrast, 96, 99
with Clone Stamp, 126–127, 126–127
for masking. See masking
renaming, 126
for tonal adjustments, 157–158, 158
visibility of, 100, 127
Lempel-Ziv-Welch compression algorithm, 256–257
Lens Blur setting, 270–271, 271
Less Red option, 239
levels, 102–103, 103
basic adjustments, 106–107, 107
grayscale conversion, 240
problem signs, 103–106, 104–105
Levels Adjust Color Curves adjustment, 240
light, painting with, 160–162, 161
light table analogy, 29–30, 30
lightbox view, 31–33, 31–32
Lighten Shadows slider, 147, 147, 150, 151, 153
Lightness slider, 168, 173
Linear Gradient option, 227
Load Selection dialog box, 217, 217
loading selections, 216–217, 217
locations in saving files, 252–254, 253–254
lossless compression, 257
loupes, 29
Luminance Smoothing slider, 61
LZW option, 256–257
Magic Selection Brush tool, 207
Magic Wand tool, 207–213, 209–210, 212
Magnetic Lasso tool, 203–205, 204
Make Group Custom Name A Tag option, 21–22
marching ants, 221
Marquee tools, 193–198, 193–198
with Crop, 76
with Zoom, 38, 42
masking, 219–221, 220–221
gradients for, 226–228, 227–228
by painting, 224–228, 225, 227–228
Selection Brush, 206–207
from selections, 221–224, 222–223
Master color range option, 168
master folders, 18–19, 19
master images
preserving, 261–262, 262
working with, 250–251, 250–251
media for saving files, 257
memory cards
reformatting, 25, 28–29
transferring images from, 25–27
metadata, 22, 36
metric selection measurements, 196
middle-tone setting, 106, 111, 111
Midtone Brightness slider, 154–155, 156
Midtone Contrast slider, 147, 147, 151–154,
Midtones option
Burn, 163
Dodge, 162
mini-lab adjustments, 94
mm metric selection measurements, 196
modes, selection, 197–198, 197–198
More Blue option, 238–239, 238
More Green option, 238–239, 238
More Red option, 238–239, 238
More Refined option, 271
Motion Blur setting, 271–272, 272
folders, 253
groups, 24
layers, 126
in saving files, 252–254, 253–254
selections, 217
navigation tools for RAW conversion, 53, 53
Navigator palette, 41–43, 41–42
Nearest Neighbor option, 265
New Layer dialog box, 157–158, 158
New Selection option
Lasso, 199
Marquee, 197
Polygonal Lasso, 201
No Restriction cropping option, 76
noise reduction, 61–63, 62
noncontiguous selections, 212
off-kilter images, 85
average color removal, 181, 182
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