Table of Contents
Ckt 1 Suction Line Pressure Transducer, 0 PSIG and 100
PSIG Voltages ....................................................................... 32
Ckt 1 Liquid Line Pressure Transducer, 0 PSIG and 400 PSIG
Voltages ................................................................................. 32
Ckt 1 Suction Line Pressure Transducer, 0 PSIG and 400
PSIG Voltages ....................................................................... 32
Ckt 2 Liquid Line Pressure Transducer, 0 PSIG and 400 PSIG
Voltages ................................................................................. 32
Ckt 2 Suction Line Pressure Transducer, 0 PSIG and 400
PSIG Voltages ....................................................................... 32
3.10 Control Algorithm Tuning Parameters ......................... 32
Comfort Cooling, Design Delta Temperature Setpoint ......... 32
Comfort Cooling, Control Response Setpoint ....................... 33
Process Cooling Control Gains, Proportional and Reset Time 33
Process Cooling Control Gains, Proport Bias and Max Cycle
Rate ....................................................................................... 33
Low Ambient Fan Control Gain, Proportional and Reset Time . 33
Low Ambient Fan Control Gain, Rate Time .......................... 33
4 Configuration Menu .......................................... 36
Configuration - Model Num Digit 5,6,7 Capacity (tonnage) .. 36
Configuration - Model Num Digit 8 Line Voltage .................. 36
Configuration - Model Num Digit 11 Ice Building Control ..... 36
Configuration - Model Num Digit 11 Leaving Solution
Setpoint Range ...................................................................... 36
Configuration - Model Num Digit 13+ Hot Gas Bypass Option ... 36
Configuration - Model Num Digit 13+ Voltage/Phase Monitor ..... 36
Configuration - Model Num Digit 13+ GBAS 0-5VDC Module .... 36
Configuration - Model Num Digit 13+ GBAS 0-10VDC Module .. 36
Configuration - Model Num Digit 13+
Superheat/Subcool Module ........................................................... 37
Configuration - Model Num Digit 13+ Current Sensing Module .. 37
Configuration - Model Num Digit 13+ TCI
Communications Module ............................................................... 37
Configuration - Model Num Digit 13+ Remote Human Interface 37
Software Revision Number Report, Cold Generator Module
(CGM) .................................................................................... 37
Software Revision Number Report, Single Compressor
Module (SCM) ........................................................................ 37
Software Revision Number Report, Multiple Compressor
Module (MCM) ....................................................................... 37
Software Revision Number Report, GBAS 0-5VDC Module 37
Software Revision Number Report, GBAS 0-10VDC Module37
Software Revision Number Report, Superheat/Subcool
Module (SSM) ........................................................................ 37
Software Revision Number Report, Current Sensing Module
(CSM) ..................................................................................... 38
Software Revision Number Report, Unit Human Interface (HI)
Software Revision Number Report, Remote Human Interface
(RHI) ...................................................................................... 38
Software Revision Number Report, TCI4 Communications
Module (TCI) .......................................................................... 38
5 Service Mode Menu ....................................... 39
CGM Evap Solution Pump Relay .......................................... 39
Liquid Line Solenoid Valve Ctrl Relays, Ckt 1 and Ckt 2 ...... 39
Low Ambient LPC Bypass Relay(s), Ckt 1 and Ckt 2 ........... 39
CGM Hot Gas Bypass Control Relay .................................... 39
Compressor Relays, K11 and K12 or K11,K12, K3 and K4 .. 40
Condenser Fan Outputs, 1A, 1B and 1C .............................. 40
Condenser Fan Outputs, 2A, 2B and 2C .............................. 40
Condenser Fan Speed, Ckt 1 and Ckt 2 ............................... 40
CGM Alarm Output ................................................................ 40
MCM Heater Tape Relay K13 ................................................ 40
CGM Ice Build Relay Output ................................................. 41
GBAS 0-5VDC Module Relay Outputs 1-5 ........................... 41
GBAS 0-10VDC Module Relay Output ................................. 41
GBAS 0-10VDC Module Analog Outputs 1 and 2 Voltages . 41
GBAS 0-10VDC Module Analog Outputs 3 and 4 Voltages . 41
CGM ICS Controlled Relay ................................................... 41
Index .......................................................................................... 65
Hot Operation Response Option ........................................... 24
Pumpdown Function Enable/Disable .................................... 24
Default Chiller Solution Pump Mode ..................................... 24
Evap Soln Pump Off Delay Time ........................................... 25
Loop Stabilization Time ......................................................... 25
Low Ambient Compressor Lockout Enable/Disable .............. 25
Leaving Solution Reset Type ................................................ 25
Reset Start and End Temperatures ....................................... 25
Reset Maximum Amount Applied .......................................... 25
Chiller Application (Comfort or Process Cooling) ................. 25
3.4 Ice Building Control Functions Submenu ..................... 26
Ice Building Function Enable/Disable and Ice Building Mode
(Once or Continuous) ............................................................ 26
Ice Build Delay Time (Between Cycles) ................................ 26
3.5 Head Pressure Ctrl Setup Submenu .............................. 26
Saturated Condenser Temp Control Band, Lower
and Upper Limits ................................................................... 26
Saturated Condenser Temp Control Band, Temporary Low
Limit Suppression .................................................................. 27
Saturated Condenser Temperature, Efficiency Check Point 27
Saturated Condenser Temperature,
Low Ambient Control Point .................................................... 27
Saturated Condenser Temperature, Low Ambient Control
Deadband .............................................................................. 27
Saturated Condenser Temperature, OA Temp Supression
Setpoint .................................................................................. 27
3.6 GBAS 0-5VDC Module I/O Assignment .......................... 27
GBAS (0-5VDC) Analog Input 1 Assignment ........................ 27
GBAS (0-5VDC) Analog Input 2 Assignment ........................ 27
GBAS (0-5VDC) Analog Input 3 Assignment ........................ 27
GBAS (0-5VDC) Analog Input 4 Assignment ........................ 27
GBAS (0-5VDC) Binary Output 1 Definition ......................... 28
GBAS (0-5VDC) Output 1 Alarm Assignments ..................... 28
Assign Diag to GBAS (0-5V) Output 1 .................................. 28
GBAS (0-5VDC) Binary Output 2 Definition ......................... 29
GBAS (0-5VDC) Output 2 Alarm Assignments ..................... 29
Assign Diag to GBAS (0-5V) Output 2 .................................. 29
GBAS (0-5VDC) Binary Output 3 Definition ......................... 29
GBAS (0-5VDC) Output 3 Alarm Assignments ..................... 29
Assign Diag to GBAS (0-5V) Output 3 .................................. 29
GBAS (0-5VDC) Binary Output 4 Definition ......................... 29
GBAS (0-5VDC) Output 4 Alarm Assignments ..................... 29
Assign Diag to GBAS (0-5V) Output 4 .................................. 29
GBAS (0-5VDC) Binary Output 5 Definition ......................... 29
GBAS (0-5VDC) Output 5 Alarm Assignments ..................... 29
Assign Diag to GBAS (0-5V) Output 5 .................................. 29
3.7 GBAS 0-10VDC Module I/O Assignment ........................ 29
GBAS (0-10VDC) Analog Input 1 Assignment ...................... 29
GBAS (0-10VDC) Analog Input 2 Assignment ...................... 29
GBAS (0-10VDC) Analog Input 3 Assignment ...................... 29
GBAS (0-10VDC) Analog Input 4 Assignment ...................... 29
GBAS (0-10VDC) Binary Output Definition .......................... 29
GBAS (0-10VDC) Output Alarm Assignments ...................... 29
Assign Diag to GBAS (0-10V) Output ................................... 30
GBAS (0-10VDC) Analog Output 1 Definition ....................... 30
GBAS (0-10VDC) Analog Output 2 Definition ....................... 30
GBAS (0-10VDC) Analog Output 3 Definition ....................... 30
GBAS (0-10VDC) Analog Output 4 Definition ....................... 30
GBAS (0-10VDC) Analog Output 5 Definition ....................... 30
3.8 CGM Alarm Output Disagnostic Assignments .............. 30
Assign Diagnostic to CGM Alarm Output .............................. 30
3.9 Device Characteristics Setup Definitions ...................... 31
Actuator Setup, Ckt 1 Low Ambient Output, Max Stroke Time 31
Actuator Setup, Ckt 1 Low Ambient Output, Min Voltage ..... 31
Actuator Setup, Ckt 1 Low Ambient Output, Max Voltage .... 31
Actuator Setup, Ckt 1 Low Ambient Output,
Direct/Reverse Acting ............................................................ 31
Actuator Setup, Ckt 2 Low Ambient Output, Max Stroke Time 31
Actuator Setup, Ckt 2 Low Ambient Output, Min Voltage ..... 31
Actuator Setup, Ckt 2 Low Ambient Output, Max Voltage .... 31
Actuator Setup, Ckt 2 Low Ambient Output,
Direct/Reverse Acting ............................................................ 32