General Information
Rooftop Module (1U1 IntelliPak II) (1U48 IntelliPak I)
(Standard on all units) The RTM is the central processor of the system. It continuously
receives information from the other unit modules, sensors, the remote control panel,
and customer supplied relays. It then interprets this information and responds to
cooling, heating, and ventilation requests by directing the other modules in the system
to energize the proper unit components. It also directly initiates supply and exhaust fan
operations, and economizer operation.
Compressor Module (SCM/MCM) (IU3 IntelliPak II) (1U49 IntelliPak I)
The Compressor module, (Single Circuit & Multiple Circuit), upon receiving a request
for mechanical cooling, energizes the appropriate compressors and condenser fans. It
monitors the compressor operation through feedback information it receives from
various protection devices.
Heat Module (1U6 IntelliPak II) (1U50 IntelliPak I)
(Standard on all heating units) The Heat module directs the unit’s heater to stage up and
down to bring the temperature in the controlled space to within the applicable heating
Exhaust/Comparative Enthalpy Module (1U5 IntelliPak II) (1U52 IntelliPak I)
(Option - used with Statitrac and/or comparative enthalpy) The ECEM receives data
from the return air humidity sensor, the return air temperature sensor, and the return air
space pressure transducer to control the economizer, exhaust fan and the exhaust
dampers to maintain set space pressure.
Ventilation Control Module (7U14 IntelliPak II) (3U218 IntelliPak I)
(Option - used with TRAQ dampers, DCV, and Outdoor Air Preheat) The VCM receives
data from two velocity pressure sensors associated with front and back TRAQ
assemblies to measure fresh air flow entering the unit. These measurements are
converted to CFM and added to give total fresh air flow. This value can be used for
monitoring purposes, to maintain flow to a minimum fresh air flow SETPOINT, or to
maintain appropriate CO
levels in the controlled space using its space CO
input and the DCV feature. Without TRAQ assemblies installed the VCM can use DCV
and the CO
sensor input to control OA Damper minimum position to maintain CO
levels in the space. A preheat control relay output is also provided on this module to
maintain tempered outdoor air during ventilation using the VCM Auxiliary Temperature
input. The preheat unit is user-supplied.
Multi Purpose Module (1U9 IntelliPak II) (1U105 IntelliPak I) (Optional - used
with Return Fan Control)
The MPM supports the function of return plenum pressure control by providing inputs
for measuring return plenum pressure, calibrating that reading, and providing an
output to control the return fan speed (if variable speed configured) in response to
control algorithm requests.