8 Mount the flashingonone sideof the roof
Pushthe top60mm down over the
pipeand fasten with drilling screw
w/washer 4,8x19 (H71-002)
Multiflexcan be used for slopesof 10°,15° and 20°
4. Cut a slitinthe roof50mm wide and
100mm fromthe multiflex upper edge
on the first topby the
multiflex edge.
Important: Endthe slit in the steel plate
in both sides
5. Mountt
intothe slit witha
he intermediate plate
underthe steel plate,and fasten
with screws through every top.
7. Placethe plain
sideonthe Multiflex
flashing.Tighten with
siliconeand fasten with
screws throughthe intermediate
plate,the flashingand the roof.
2. Make tight with
weatherstrip (birds),
and fastenthe flashing with screws all
theway round.
Cut of a roof
with steel plate
NB! If the roofis madeof asbestos cement,
put intermediate plate underthe slit, and
the procedureisthe sameas with steel plates
6. Jointinthe corners
after mounting.
200 mm
300 mm
700 mm
1. Pushthe flashing downth pipe
8. Fastenthe flashing
alongthe sides with
Pushthe rubber band over the
pipeand flashing. Remove the
white edging,and press the
rubber band ontothe pipe
Important! Fastenthe rubber bandat6points
bothonthe pipeand the flashing with screws,
exceptthe screwsatthe rolling junctions.
Fasten with screws closetothe edgeof the
rolling junctions
Mounted flashing
1. Pushthe flashing downthe pipe