Ground Balance (GB) Type
Ground Balance Type has three settings:
Normal, Specific, and GB Off. Normal is the
preferred setting for most soil types. Specific
Ground Balance is designed to be used in
very hot ground, and is especially useful with
Monoloop coils. GB Off switches the ground
balance circuit off for maximum depth in very
mild soils, sand etc.
Custom Search Mode (GPX 5000)
With Custom selected, a range of Custom
Search Modes become available from the
LCD menu. A mode name picker is also
included so you can name your own Search
Modes for different locations, and use them
for future visits.
The GPX Series feature a number of new
timings, increasing performance in different
conditions. Fine Gold, Salt/Gold and Coin/
Relic are new timings for the GPX 5000. Coin/
Relic is also new to the GPX 4800.
Rx Gain
The Rx Gain function sets the overall
sensitivity level of your detector. In areas
where soil conditions are mild you can
increase the Rx Gain. In areas that are more
difficult Rx Gain can be reduced.
The speed at which you sweep the coil has an
effect on target response time and Ground
Balance adjustment. Matching your preferred
coil sweep speed with the corresponding
Motion setting can reduce noise and improve
your ability to pick up targets at depth.
Response (GPX 5000)
The Response function allows you to invert
the target response. Deep targets can now
sound like the more familiar ‘rising and falling’
pitch of a shallow target signal.
This feature allows you to fine tune your
audio, in order to obtain the best compromise
between smooth operation and clear
target signals.
Target Volume
Used to control the built-in amplifier which
affects the volume of target signals. It is
active with both headphones and an external
speaker. Target Volume can also be used to
reduce the severity of ground signals.