Part No. 113629 Rev. A
Click on Module 3 in the slot in which you want to configure the Model 5380 or
5580 Router.
Once you select the slot and module for the router, the Module List window appears
(Figure 3).
Although the Configuration Manager window shows 14 slots, if you
have an ATM/PPX backplane you can configure Model 5380 and 5580 Routers
in Slots 6 through 14 only. If you do not have an ATM/PPX backplane, you can
configure the routers in any of the 14 slots.
As with Access Stack Nodes (ASN
s), you can “stack” up to four Model 5380
and 5580 Routers that you want Site Manager to recognize as a single router.
A stack requires the ATM/PPX backplane; therefore, you can install and
configure each router in the stack in any slot from Slot 6 through 14. If you
install more than one router in a chassis that does not have an ATM/PPX
backplane, Site Manager will not recognize the routers as a stack. In that case,
each router functions as a separate router.
You can configure a Model 5380 and 5580 Router in Module 3 only. If
you attempt to configure either router model in Module 1 or 2, Site Manager
displays an error.