Rheem 2-stage Tax Credit Form

Tax Credit Form

Rheem 2-stage boasts high-efficiency heating and cooling for your home, delivering consistent temperature control and energy savings. Its advanced technology adapts to your comfort needs, operating quietly and efficiently. With its durable construction and reliable performance, Rheem 2-stage ensures a comfortable indoor environment all year round.

Rheem 2-stage boasts high-efficiency heating and cooling for your home, delivering consistent temperature control and energy savings. Its advanced technology adapts to your comfort needs, operating quietly and efficiently. With its durable construction and reliable performance, Rheem 2-stage ensures a comfortable indoor environment all year round.

Before filing for a tax credit on one of the following-listed models, Rheem Air Conditioning Division
recommends that Consumers consult with a tax professional to review The American Taxpayer Re-
lief Act of 2012 and its application in reference to Section 25C of the Internal Revenue Code.
Rheem Air Conditioning Division
5600 Old Greenwood Road
Fort Smith, AR 72908
Central Air Conditioner
Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this certification statement, and to the best of my
knowledge and belief, the facts presented are true, correct, and complete.
Jeff Goss
Product Manager, Residential Cooling
Rheem Air Conditioning Division
The American Taxpayer
Relief Act of 2012
Proof of Qualified Energy Property for Claiming
Tax Credits for Residential Heating & Cooling Equipment
The U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is now providing Consumers with a tax credit on high-efficiency
heating and cooling equipment. The Rheem Air Conditioning Division of Rheem Sales Company, Inc. certi-
fies that the models listed on the following page of this document (if placed in service after December 31,
2010 and before January 1, 2014 in a homeowners primary residence) meet the criteria of “Qualified En-
ergy Property” as set forth by Section 25C of the Internal Revenue Code.
Rheem Air Conditioning Division • Fort Smith, Arkansas • 479-648-4900
PAGE 1 OF 5 – TC13-RARL-00
Rheem Air Conditioning Division • Fort Smith, Arkansas • 479-648-4900
PAGE 2 OF 5 – TC13-RARL-00
The American Taxpayer
Relief Act of 2012
Proof of Qualified Energy Property for Claiming
Tax Credits for Residential Heating & Cooling Equipment
AHRI Ref #
Model Number Coil Model Number Furnace Model Number EER 95F SEER
4514722 RARL-024JEZ RHPL-HM2421+RCSL-H*2621 13.00 16.00
764500 RARL-024JEZ RHPN-HM2421+RCSN-H*2421 13.00 16.50
3764382 RARL-024JEZ RCQD-2417 RGJF-06?MCK? 13.00 16.00
3621444 RARL-024JEZ RCQD-2417 RGJF-07?MCK? 13.00 16.00
514692 RARL-024JEZ RCFL-H*2617 RGLE-07?AMK? 13.00 16.50
514713 RARL-024JEZ RCFL-H*2621 RGLE-07?AMK? 13.00 16.50
3876758 RARL-024JEZ RCFM-H*2417 RGLE-07?AMK? 13.05 16.50
3876761 RARL-024JEZ RCFM-H*2421 RGLE-07?AMK? 13.10 16.50
876764 RARL-024JEZ RCFN-H*2417 RGLE-07?AMK? 13.00 16.50
3876767 RARL-024JEZ RCFN-H*2421 RGLE-07?AMK? 13.00 16.50
4514715 RARL-024JEZ RCFL-H*2621 RGPE-05?BMK? 13.00 16.00
876762 RARL-024JEZ RCFM-H*2421 RGPE-05?BMK? 13.00 16.00
876768 RARL-024JEZ RCFN-H*2421 RGPE-05?BMK? 13.00 16.00
3876770 RARL-024JEZ RCQD-2417 RGPE-05?BMK? 13.00 16.00
4514695 RARL-024JEZ RCFL-H*2617 RGPE-07?AMK? 13.00 16.00
4514716 RARL-024JEZ RCFL-H*2621 RGPE-07?AMK? 13.00 16.00
3876760 RARL-024JEZ RCFM-H*2417 RGPE-07?AMK? 13.00 16.00
3876763 RARL-024JEZ RCFM-H*2421 RGPE-07?AMK? 13.05 16.00
3876766 RARL-024JEZ RCFN-H*2417 RGPE-07?AMK? 13.00 16.00
3876769 RARL-024JEZ RCFN-H*2421 RGPE-07?AMK? 13.00 16.00
3876771 RARL-024JEZ RCQD-2417 RGPE-07?AMK? 13.00 16.00
4238838 RARL-024JEZ RCFM-H*2421 ROCA-070E03 13.00 16.00
4249227 RARL-024JEZ RCFN-H*2417 ROCA-070E03 13.00 16.50
4238840 RARL-024JEZ RCFN-H*2421 ROCA-070E03 13.00 16.50
4249228 RARL-024JEZ RCFN-H*2417 ROLA-070E03 13.00 16.00
4238841 RARL-024JEZ RCFN-H*2421 ROLA-070E03 13.00 16.00
5436878 RARL-025JEZ RBHM-17J+RCQD-2417 13.00 16.50
5436984 RARL-025JEZ RHPL-HM2421+RCSL-H*2621 13.00 16.50
5436985 RARL-025JEZ RHPN-HM2421+RCSN-H*2421 13.00 16.50
5436897 RARL-025JEZ RCFL-H*2617 RGFE-06?MCK? 13.00 16.50
5436915 RARL-025JEZ RCFL-H*2621 RGFE-06?MCK? 13.00 16.50
5436933 RARL-025JEZ RCFN-H*2417 RGFE-06?MCK? 13.00 16.50
5436951 RARL-025JEZ RCFN-H*2421 RGFE-06?MCK? 13.00 16.50
5436969 RARL-025JEZ RCQD-2417 RGFE-06?MCK? 13.00 16.50
5436880 RARL-025JEZ RCFL-H*2417 RGFE-07?MCK? 13.00 16.00
5436898 RARL-025JEZ RCFL-H*2617 RGFE-07?MCK? 13.00 16.50
5436916 RARL-025JEZ RCFL-H*2621 RGFE-07?MCK? 13.00 16.50
5436934 RARL-025JEZ RCFN-H*2417 RGFE-07?MCK? 13.00 16.50
5436952 RARL-025JEZ RCFN-H*2421 RGFE-07?MCK? 13.00 16.50
5436970 RARL-025JEZ RCQD-2417 RGFE-07?MCK? 13.00 16.50
5436899 RARL-025JEZ RCFL-H*2617 RGFG-06?MCK? 13.00 16.50
5436917 RARL-025JEZ RCFL-H*2621 RGFG-06?MCK? 13.00 16.50
5436935 RARL-025JEZ RCFN-H*2417 RGFG-06?MCK? 13.00 16.50
5436953 RARL-025JEZ RCFN-H*2421 RGFG-06?MCK? 13.00 16.50
5436971 RARL-025JEZ RCQD-2417 RGFG-06?MCK? 13.00 16.50
5436900 RARL-025JEZ RCFL-H*2617 RGFG-07?MCK? 13.00 16.50
5436918 RARL-025JEZ RCFL-H*2621 RGFG-07?MCK? 13.00 16.50
5436936 RARL-025JEZ RCFN-H*2417 RGFG-07?MCK? 13.00 16.00
5436954 RARL-025JEZ RCFN-H*2421 RGFG-07?MCK? 13.00 16.00
Rheem Air Conditioning Division • Fort Smith, Arkansas • 479-648-4900
PAGE 3 OF 5 – TC13-RARL-00
The American Taxpayer
Relief Act of 2012
Proof of Qualified Energy Property for Claiming
Tax Credits for Residential Heating & Cooling Equipment
AHRI Ref #
Model Number Coil Model Number Furnace Model Number EER 95F SEER
5436972 RARL-025JEZ RCQD-2417 RGFG-07?MCK? 13.00 16.50
436883 RARL-025JEZ RCFL-H*2417 RGGE-06?MCK? 13.00 16.00
5436901 RARL-025JEZ RCFL-H*2617 RGGE-06?MCK? 13.00 16.50
5436919 RARL-025JEZ RCFL-H*2621 RGGE-06?MCK? 13.00 16.50
436937 RARL-025JEZ RCFN-H*2417 RGGE-06?MCK? 13.00 16.50
436955 RARL-025JEZ RCFN-H*2421 RGGE-06?MCK? 13.00 16.50
5436902 RARL-025JEZ RCFL-H*2617 RGGE-07?MCK? 13.00 16.50
5436920 RARL-025JEZ RCFL-H*2621 RGGE-07?MCK? 13.00 16.50
436938 RARL-025JEZ RCFN-H*2417 RGGE-07?MCK? 13.00 16.50
5436956 RARL-025JEZ RCFN-H*2421 RGGE-07?MCK? 13.00 16.50
5436885 RARL-025JEZ RCFL-H*2417 RGJF-06?MCK? 13.00 16.00
436903 RARL-025JEZ RCFL-H*2617 RGJF-06?MCK? 13.00 16.50
436921 RARL-025JEZ RCFL-H*2621 RGJF-06?MCK? 13.00 16.50
5436939 RARL-025JEZ RCFN-H*2417 RGJF-06?MCK? 13.00 16.50
5436957 RARL-025JEZ RCFN-H*2421 RGJF-06?MCK? 13.00 16.50
5436973 RARL-025JEZ RCQD-2417 RGJF-06?MCK? 13.00 16.50
5436904 RARL-025JEZ RCFL-H*2617 RGJF-07?MCK? 13.00 16.50
5436922 RARL-025JEZ RCFL-H*2621 RGJF-07?MCK? 13.00 16.50
5436940 RARL-025JEZ RCFN-H*2417 RGJF-07?MCK? 13.00 16.50
5436958 RARL-025JEZ RCFN-H*2421 RGJF-07?MCK? 13.00 16.50
5436974 RARL-025JEZ RCQD-2417 RGJF-07?MCK? 13.00 16.50
5436887 RARL-025JEZ RCFL-H*2417 RGLE-07?AMK? 13.00 16.00
5436905 RARL-025JEZ RCFL-H*2617 RGLE-07?AMK? 13.00 16.50
5436923 RARL-025JEZ RCFL-H*2621 RGLE-07?AMK? 13.00 16.50
5436941 RARL-025JEZ RCFN-H*2417 RGLE-07?AMK? 13.00 16.50
5436959 RARL-025JEZ RCFN-H*2421 RGLE-07?AMK? 13.00 16.50
5436906 RARL-025JEZ RCFL-H*2617 RGPE-05?BMK? 13.00 16.50
5436924 RARL-025JEZ RCFL-H*2621 RGPE-05?BMK? 13.00 16.50
5436942 RARL-025JEZ RCFN-H*2417 RGPE-05?BMK? 13.00 16.50
5436960 RARL-025JEZ RCFN-H*2421 RGPE-05?BMK? 13.00 16.50
5436975 RARL-025JEZ RCQD-2417 RGPE-05?BMK? 13.00 16.50
5436889 RARL-025JEZ RCFL-H*2417 RGPE-07?AMK? 13.00 16.00
5436907 RARL-025JEZ RCFL-H*2617 RGPE-07?AMK? 13.00 16.50
5436925 RARL-025JEZ RCFL-H*2621 RGPE-07?AMK? 13.00 16.50
5436943 RARL-025JEZ RCFN-H*2417 RGPE-07?AMK? 13.00 16.50
5436961 RARL-025JEZ RCFN-H*2421 RGPE-07?AMK? 13.00 16.50
5436976 RARL-025JEZ RCQD-2417 RGPE-07?AMK? 13.00 16.50
5436908 RARL-025JEZ RCFL-H*2617 RGRM-04?MAE? 13.00 16.00
5436926 RARL-025JEZ RCFL-H*2621 RGRM-04?MAE? 13.00 16.50
5436944 RARL-025JEZ RCFN-H*2417 RGRM-04?MAE? 13.00 16.50
5436962 RARL-025JEZ RCFN-H*2421 RGRM-04?MAE? 13.00 16.50
5436977 RARL-025JEZ RCQD-2417 RGRM-04?MAE? 13.00 16.00
5436909 RARL-025JEZ RCFL-H*2617 RGRM-06?MAE? 13.00 16.50
5436927 RARL-025JEZ RCFL-H*2621 RGRM-06?MAE? 13.00 16.50
5436945 RARL-025JEZ RCFN-H*2417 RGRM-06?MAE? 13.00 16.50
5436963 RARL-025JEZ RCFN-H*2421 RGRM-06?MAE? 13.00 16.50
5436978 RARL-025JEZ RCQD-2417 RGRM-06?MAE? 13.00 16.50
5436910 RARL-025JEZ RCFL-H*2617 RGRM-07?MAE? 13.00 16.00
5436928 RARL-025JEZ RCFL-H*2621 RGRM-07?MAE? 13.00 16.00
Rheem Air Conditioning Division • Fort Smith, Arkansas • 479-648-4900
PAGE 4 OF 5 – TC13-RARL-00
The American Taxpayer
Relief Act of 2012
Proof of Qualified Energy Property for Claiming
Tax Credits for Residential Heating & Cooling Equipment
AHRI Ref #
Model Number Coil Model Number Furnace Model Number EER 95F SEER
5436979 RARL-025JEZ RCQD-2417 RGRM-07?MAE? 13.00 16.00
436911 RARL-025JEZ RCFL-H*2617 RGTM-06?MAE? 13.00 16.00
5436929 RARL-025JEZ RCFL-H*2621 RGTM-06?MAE? 13.00 16.50
5436947 RARL-025JEZ RCFN-H*2417 RGTM-06?MAE? 13.00 16.50
436965 RARL-025JEZ RCFN-H*2421 RGTM-06?MAE? 13.00 16.50
436980 RARL-025JEZ RCQD-2417 RGTM-06?MAE? 13.00 16.50
5436894 RARL-025JEZ RCFL-H*2417 ROCA-070E03 13.00 16.00
5436912 RARL-025JEZ RCFL-H*2617 ROCA-070E03 13.00 16.50
436930 RARL-025JEZ RCFL-H*2621 ROCA-070E03 13.00 16.50
5436948 RARL-025JEZ RCFN-H*2417 ROCA-070E03 13.00 16.50
5436966 RARL-025JEZ RCFN-H*2421 ROCA-070E03 13.00 16.50
436981 RARL-025JEZ RCQD-2417 ROCA-070E03 13.00 16.50
436913 RARL-025JEZ RCFL-H*2617 ROLA-070E03 13.00 16.50
5436931 RARL-025JEZ RCFL-H*2621 ROLA-070E03 13.00 16.50
5436949 RARL-025JEZ RCFN-H*2417 ROLA-070E03 13.00 16.50
5436967 RARL-025JEZ RCFN-H*2421 ROLA-070E03 13.00 16.50
5436982 RARL-025JEZ RCQD-2417 ROLA-070E03 13.00 16.50
4017686 RARL-037JEZ RBHM-24J*+RCQD-3624 13.00 16.00
4017687 RARL-037JEZ RBHN-24J*+RCQD-3624 13.00 16.00
4017717 RARL-037JEZ RHPN-HM3624+RCSN-H*3624 13.00 16.50
4017614 RARL-037JEZ RCFN-H*3624 RGFE-09?ZCM? 13.00 16.00
4017615 RARL-037JEZ RCFN-H*3624 RGFE-10?ZCM? 13.00 16.00
4017616 RARL-037JEZ RCFN-H*3624 RGFE-12?RCM? 13.00 16.00
4515553 RARL-037JEZ RCFN-H*3624 RGFG-09?ZCM? 13.00 16.00
4515554 RARL-037JEZ RCFN-H*3624 RGFG-10?ZCM? 13.00 17.00
4515555 RARL-037JEZ RCFN-H*3624 RGFG-12?RCM? 13.00 16.00
4017623 RARL-037JEZ RCFN-H*3624 RGJF-09?ZCM? 13.00 16.00
4017624 RARL-037JEZ RCFN-H*3624 RGJF-10?ZCM? 13.00 16.00
4017625 RARL-037JEZ RCFN-H*3624 RGJF-12?RCM? 13.00 16.00
4017626 RARL-037JEZ RCFN-H*3624 RGLE-07?BRQ? 13.00 16.00
4017627 RARL-037JEZ RCFN-H*3624 RGLE-10?BRM? 13.00 16.00
4017628 RARL-037JEZ RCFN-H*3624 RGLE-12?ARM? 13.00 16.00
4017629 RARL-037JEZ RCFN-H*3624 RGLR-07?BRQ? 13.00 16.00
4017630 RARL-037JEZ RCFN-H*3624 RGLR-10?BRM? 13.00 16.00
4017631 RARL-037JEZ RCFN-H*3624 RGLR-12?ARM? 13.00 16.00
4017632 RARL-037JEZ RCFN-H*3624 RGPE-07?BRQ? 13.00 16.00
4982875 RARL-037JEZ RCFN-HM3624 RGPE-07?BRQ? 13.00 16.00
4017633 RARL-037JEZ RCFN-H*3624 RGPE-10?BRM? 13.00 16.00
4017634 RARL-037JEZ RCFN-H*3624 RGPE-12?ARM? 13.00 16.00
4017640 RARL-037JEZ RCFN-H*3624 RGRM-10?ZAJ? 13.00 16.00
4017641 RARL-037JEZ RCFN-H*3624 RGRM-12?RAJ? 13.00 16.00
4017642 RARL-037JEZ RCFN-H*3624 RGTM-07?RBG? 13.00 16.00
4017643 RARL-037JEZ RCFN-H*3624 RGTM-09?ZAJ? 13.00 16.00
4017644 RARL-037JEZ RCFN-H*3624 RGTM-10?RBJ? 13.00 16.00
4093849 RARL-037JEZ RCFN-H*3624 ROCA-070E03 13.00 16.00
4093850 RARL-037JEZ RCFN-H*3624 ROCA-070E04 13.00 16.00
4093851 RARL-037JEZ RCFN-H*3624 ROLA-070E03 13.00 16.00
4093852 RARL-037JEZ RCFN-H*3624 ROLA-070E04 13.00 16.00
4093853 RARL-037JEZ RCFN-H*3624 ROLA-115E05 13.00 16.00
Rheem Air Conditioning Division • Fort Smith, Arkansas • 479-648-4900
PAGE 5 OF 5 – TC13-RARL-00
The American Taxpayer
Relief Act of 2012
Proof of Qualified Energy Property for Claiming
Tax Credits for Residential Heating & Cooling Equipment
AHRI Ref #
Model Number Coil Model Number Furnace Model Number EER 95F SEER
5437218 RARL-038JEZ RBHM-24J+RCQD-3624 13.00 16.00
437219 RARL-038JEZ RBHN-24J+RCQD-3624 13.00 16.50
5437449 RARL-038JEZ RHPN-HM3624+RCSN-H*3624 13.00 16.50
5437349 RARL-038JEZ RCFN-H*3624 RGFE-12?RCM? 13.00 16.50
437424 RARL-038JEZ RCQD-3624 RGFE-12?RCM? 13.00 16.00
437354 RARL-038JEZ RCFN-H*3624 RGFG-12?RCM? 13.00 16.50
5437427 RARL-038JEZ RCQD-3624 RGFG-12?RCM? 13.00 16.00
5437355 RARL-038JEZ RCFN-H*3624 RGGE-06?MCK? 13.00 16.00
437357 RARL-038JEZ RCFN-H*3624 RGGE-09?ZCM? 13.00 16.00
5437358 RARL-038JEZ RCFN-H*3624 RGGE-10?ZCM? 13.00 16.00
5437359 RARL-038JEZ RCFN-H*3624 RGGE-12?RCM? 13.00 16.50
437360 RARL-038JEZ RCFN-H*3624 RGJF-06?MCK? 13.00 16.00
437362 RARL-038JEZ RCFN-H*3624 RGJF-09?ZCM? 13.00 16.00
5437363 RARL-038JEZ RCFN-H*3624 RGJF-10?ZCM? 13.00 16.00
5437364 RARL-038JEZ RCFN-H*3624 RGJF-12?RCM? 13.00 16.50
5437430 RARL-038JEZ RCQD-3624 RGJF-12?RCM? 13.00 16.00
5437365 RARL-038JEZ RCFN-H*3624 RGLE-07?AMK? 13.00 16.00
5437366 RARL-038JEZ RCFN-H*3624 RGLE-07?BRQ? 13.00 16.50
5437367 RARL-038JEZ RCFN-H*3624 RGLE-10?BRM? 13.00 16.50
5437368 RARL-038JEZ RCFN-H*3624 RGLE-12?ARM? 13.00 16.50
5437370 RARL-038JEZ RCFN-H*3624 RGPE-07?AMK? 13.00 16.00
5437371 RARL-038JEZ RCFN-H*3624 RGPE-07?BRQ? 13.00 16.50
5437405 RARL-038JEZ RCQD-3621 RGPE-07?BRQ? 13.00 16.00
5437431 RARL-038JEZ RCQD-3624 RGPE-07?BRQ? 13.00 16.00
5437372 RARL-038JEZ RCFN-H*3624 RGPE-10?BRM? 13.00 16.50
5437406 RARL-038JEZ RCQD-3621 RGPE-10?BRM? 13.00 16.00
5437432 RARL-038JEZ RCQD-3624 RGPE-10?BRM? 13.00 16.00
5437373 RARL-038JEZ RCFN-H*3624 RGPE-12?ARM? 13.00 16.50
5437433 RARL-038JEZ RCQD-3624 RGPE-12?ARM? 13.00 16.00
5437380 RARL-038JEZ RCFN-H*3624 RGRM-12?RAJ? 13.00 16.00
5437382 RARL-038JEZ RCFN-H*3624 RGTM-07?RBG? 13.00 16.00
5437383 RARL-038JEZ RCFN-H*3624 RGTM-09?ZAJ? 13.00 16.00
5437384 RARL-038JEZ RCFN-H*3624 RGTM-10?RBJ? 13.00 16.00
5437440 RARL-038JEZ RCQD-3624 RGTM-10?RBJ? 13.00 16.00
5437385 RARL-038JEZ RCFN-H*3624 ROCA-070E03 13.00 16.00
5437386 RARL-038JEZ RCFN-H*3624 ROCA-070E04 13.00 16.00
5437387 RARL-038JEZ RCFN-H*3624 ROLA-070E03 13.00 16.00
5437443 RARL-038JEZ RCQD-3624 ROLA-070E03 13.00 16.00
5437388 RARL-038JEZ RCFN-H*3624 ROLA-070E04 13.00 16.00
5437444 RARL-038JEZ RCQD-3624 ROLA-070E04 13.00 16.00
5437389 RARL-038JEZ RCFN-H*3624 ROLA-115E05 13.00 16.50
5437420 RARL-038JEZ RCQD-3621 ROLA-115E05 13.00 16.00
5437445 RARL-038JEZ RCQD-3624 ROLA-115E05 13.00 16.00
4938167 RARL-049JEZ RBHM-25J+RCQD-4824 13.00 16.50
5069750 RARL-049JEZ RHPN-HM4824+RCSN-H*4824 13.00 16.50
4976713 RARL-049JEZ RHPN-HM4824+RCSN-H*4824
+RXMD-C06 13.00 17.00
5437610 RARL-061JEZ RHPL-HM6024+RCSL-H*6024 13.00 16.00
5437611 RARL-061JEZ RHPN-HM6024+RCSN-H*6024 13.00 16.00
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Rheem 2-stage Tax Credit Form

Tax Credit Form

Rheem 2-stage boasts high-efficiency heating and cooling for your home, delivering consistent temperature control and energy savings. Its advanced technology adapts to your comfort needs, operating quietly and efficiently. With its durable construction and reliable performance, Rheem 2-stage ensures a comfortable indoor environment all year round.

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