Leveling Foot Adjustment
Proper adjustment = maximum table rigidity, stability, and patient comfort.
Initial Table Set-up:
Each corner post is supported by an adjustable Leveling Foot. These
are installed at the factory in the full-up position. The diagram to the
right shows the castors dropped (table lifted) and a 2cm (3/4inch)
height. STA recommends that all feet be adjusted at initial set-up
to lower (unscrew) each Leveling Foot such that the 3/4-inch
becomes 1/8 – 1/4 inch above the floor surface. Thus, a patient on the
table will not feel uncomfortable as a therapist drops the table position.
1. Place table where it will be used
2. Step on Castor Foot Bar to lift table
3. Loosen each Foot and locking nut with proper wrench
4. Unscrew each Level Foot (4) so gap to floor is 1/8 to 1/4 inch (leave locking nut loose)
5. Lift the Castor Foot Bar to drop all Level Feet
6. Check table rigidity by rocking table. If there is no rocking and the table is stable, you are
done. However, if there is some rocking motion, follow Step 7 carefully.
7. Only one level foot needs to be adjusted. Note: Two opposite diagonal feet will remain
stable (always touching the floor), and the other two will move up and down as the table is
rocked. Determine which two feet remain touching the floor when rocking. You adjust
either one of these. IMPORTANT! Screw either stable foot back in (upward) a little and
recheck the rocking. It is much easier to screw the foot upward, and you will not reduce
the gap you adjusted in Step 4. This may take a few iterations, as it is better to make small
adjustments to zero in on the stability. You will notice the table gets more stable each time.
Continue until the table stabilizes.
8. Step on Castor Foot Bar to lift table. Make sure all feet are off the ground 1/8 – 1/4 inch.
9. Drop the table again and re-check stability.
10. Repeat 4-9, if required, until the table is rigid, and the feet clear the ground when lifted.
11. With table on rigid level feet…tighten lock nuts upward with wrench. Do not over tighten.
Normal Adjustment:
STA tables are designed to be extremely rigid and stable…but this requires proper adjustment of
the leveling feet. You should check the table before each use and adjust as needed. Only one foot
requires adjustment to stabilize the table. You should always check, and perform adjustment as
required. With practice you can do this quickly. Always do this when the table is relocated.
Table Relocation within your Facility:
For relocation of this table within your building, where the move involves bumps or unlevel
flooring, please adhere the following procedure:
1. Loosen each Leveling Foot and locking nut with proper wrench
2. Raise each Leveling Foot by screwing all the way upward…including locking nut
3. Secure power cable such that it cannot get tangled or run over by the castors.
4. DO NOT use the table to transport other objects or people.
5. Once relocated…follow the procedure detailed above in “Initial Table Set-Up”
Caution: Large bumps in the path of this rolling table can cause the table to drop suddenly.
Failure to raise the Leveling Feet can cause unexpected ramming into raised floor surfaces.