Infineon CY3290-CYAT817X Quick start guide

  • Hello! I've analyzed the provided quick start guide for the Infineon CY3290-CYAT817X PSoC Automotive Multitouch Evaluation Kit. This document details the setup process, kit contents, and key features including evaluation board with touchscreen and various built-in sensors and communication interfaces. I am ready to answer your questions about this kit.
  • What is included in the kit?
    What type of ports does the kit support?
    What built-in features are included in the kit?
CY3290-CYAT817X PSoC™
Automotive Multitouch
Evaluation kit
Kit contents
1. TSG7XL Evaluation Board with 10.2” touchscreen
2. USB Type-A to Mini-B cable
3. Quick start guide (this document)
The kit also supports (see the website for details):
Connectors for: Built-in:
External TTBridge
External power supply
Three serial comm. ports
(I2C / SPI / COM)*
14 GPIOs*
VDDD/VDDA voltage adjustment
Hover detection
Touch Tuning Bridge (TTBridge)
CAPSENSE™ button
Two proximity sensors*
CAN transceiver*
– Accelerometer*
– I2S audio output*
PWM motor driver*
*Requires application note detailing
firmware and hardware configuration.
1. Install the latest version of the Touch Tuning Host Emulator (TTHE) from
2. Connect the EVK assembly to your computer using the USB cable, and
wait for the kit driver enumeration to complete.
3. Launch the TTHE soware from the Start menu.
4. Download the latest TTHE project from the CY3290-CYAT817X webpage.
5. Extract the project to your preferred location.
6. In the TTHE, click Open Project, browse to the location used in the previous
step, and open the TTHE project.
1. In TTHE, ensure that the TTBridge is selected in the Select Port drop-down list.
2. Select Tools > Options. Select I2C, and set the following:
I2C Clock to 400K.
Touch Tuning Bridge I2C Pins to Pin 13, 15.
3. Click OK.
Initial setup
TTBridge communication setup
Connect USB cable
Quick Start Guide Page 2 of 4
TTBridge communication setup
1. Connect to the TTBridge. Select Device > Toggle Connection.
The Connect button changes to .
Power will be applied if not detected.
Note: If the TTBridge FW Upgrade window pops up, accept the upgrade.
2. Start communication. Select Device > Run.
Note: If the TTHE and touch controller settings do not match, see the next
step. Otherwise, click Close when the communication setup is complete.
This step is necessary only if the TTHE and touch controller settings do not
1. Click Sync All From Project to download the configuration parameters from
the TTHE project to the device.
2. Click Apply.
Place fingers on the touchscreen, and the touch locations are shown in the TTHE.
See the CY3290-CYAT817X PSoC™ Automotive Multitouch EVK Kit user guide
for additional details on using the kit.
Start communication
Parameter mismatch dialog
Touch reporting
Quick Start Guide Page 3 of 4
Start communication
Parameter mismatch dialog
Touch reporting
3 Extra
Voltage Adjust
Proximity (1 of 2)ForceForceShield Touchscreen
CY3290-CYAT817X Evaluation Kit Details
Published by
Infineon Technologies AG
81726 Munich, Germany
© 2023 Infineon Technologies AG.
All Rights Reserved.
Document Number: 002-37969 Rev. **
Date: 07 / 2023
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